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Honorable Intentions can Offer Clarity in Life

It is not easy to be honorable in a world that seems so unfair. Situations initiate memories and conditioned behavior. Fear is one, among many, thoughts and emotions that overshadow our life experience.  Thought density obscures the vast clarity found within presence. Nonetheless, consciousness via presence is available in each moment. However, the mind details of any given moment obstruct conscious clarity. Thus, the mind convinces us that we are our thoughts. Accordingly, we project our state of being onto specific thoughts and mind details.


The mind dominates and reacts. And, the mind bases reactions solely on conditioning. Thus, the mind basically contaminates the purity and clarity of presence.  A person can feel the nature flow of life manifesting through the body and all objects. We could say that this, in its essence, allows us to respond to life in an honorable manner. This is the natural harmony between an object and life. But, we have temporarily forgotten. Continue reading


Assumptions Restrict the Universal Flow of Life

Life and love are very simplistic and pure. Life needs no validation through assumptions or beliefs. Love can equally only be truly fulfilling when felt in its purity, without conceptual definition or restriction. There is naturally a basic pattern of unity that derives from a species individual and collective development. This does not however explain how we feel what a plant feels or what an animal feels. There are two factors to consider in the discussion of empathy.


The first factor, as the first definition of empathy states, is a state of imaginative projection. This is naturally possible for a species such as our own. This may result from the developed field of creative intelligence and our emotions. We place behavior and emotions definition labels on objects and other living forms to explain everything for our own purposes. The second factor is very significant. This is the field of oneness. This is much more than just projecting a subjective state of being into another form, animate or inanimate. Continue reading

Everyone Wants to Be a Superstar

Conditioning causes us to strive for more, and therefore we demand and expect many things. This is the downside of an imperialistic system that eventually became a democracy in most parts of the world. Thus, personal and social ramifications started early in our evolution. Therefore, there is a demand to do more, have more, and be more as a result of our development factors. Everyone wants to be a superstar.

There is only you, the one presence in this universe. And, it is you that is either consciously aware of this isness and oneness or not.


It is not necessary for us to consider social systems, politics, or even evolution. Still, reflecting on our evolution regarding the mind and object consciousness is a helpful spiritual stepping stone. The need to achieve more is evident in most industrial and heavily populated countries. Strive and do more is a way of life for most people. Continue reading

Straightforwardly as We Live and Love in Life

Love seems so wonderful when it first appears. Time seems to stand still; other people, things, and situations are irrelevant. Why does this happen? Truthfully experiencing love or life involves several things, one of which is how we focus our attention. We can use love as a practical example to determine if a person is truthfully experiencing it. And, this applies also to life. The word truthfully is useful in expressing how we should observe the unfolding of this moment. Synonyms for this word are openly, accurately, genuinely, sincerely, and honorably, to name a few. There is one additional synonym that I wish to use to expand this discussion: straightforwardly.


There is spiritual insight within and beyond either of these words, whether we use truthfully or straightforwardly to describe it. What I am referring to can be love, life, or any other object, thought, or emotion. Therefore, the key to a deeper understanding of you lies within your relationship with the mind. Thus, our relationship with the mind, the inner universe, and this moment is the highest priority in our life experience. This active observation is helpful to go beyond mind and ego adversities. It is otherwise very difficult to truthfully observe and know, much less interact with, the essence of now. Continue reading


Knowing Love Deeply Is to Be Alive Completely

Knowing doesn’t always originate from theory or fact-finding. There is a knowledge resonating within us, through us, and around us. It is here to experience. There is a true knowing within life and of love. Universal intelligence derives from life and nurtured by conscious energy input. We need not search, expect, or even demand it. Life and love are fundamentally energy. Therefore, there is always life. And, there is always love. The key is to look beyond the mind and simply know, accept, and allow everything to be.



There is something I have inside.
You have it to, it would seem.
It is there both day and night.
Thus, joy fills each day.
The nights are peaceful; dreams abound.
What I have…what you have…is for us to feel.
It is a treasure.
It is love.
You cannot buy love.
It is not something that you simply find.
Rather it is love that has found you.
Love, you may say, is often so far away.
When it is there, why does it not stay?
Feeling love is thrilling.
Continue reading

Stepping Stones of the Pathway Home

Booklet on Conscious Living

My hope and wish are that you are well and experiencing a nice day. I will soon publish a booklet. The book offers guidelines that serve as stepping stones during your awakening to consciousness.

Stepping Stones of the Pathway Home

The booklet shares insight that can be useful as a daily reminder for you. Your life experience is changing from mind to consciousness.  This book can help you to focus on this awakening process. And, it will surprise you to experience shorter and shorter intervals between moments of awakened consciousness.

Simply said, you can use one booklet paragraph a day as a conscious awakening focus point. Accordingly, you can apply the insight to any given situation when you are actively aware of your state of being. Continue reading


Human is Being and Beyond

We spend almost all of our existence searching and demanding. Does being human constitute having expectations? Is our expectancy a result of personal and social influence? Who can say for sure. The real problem is that we are always asking the wrong questions. We want and expect things not meant for us. We base our expectations purely on mind-oriented factors. Universal intelligence will not respond to such demands. It has countless gifts to give us. But we should learn to see and accept the gifts. This acknowledgment is the doorway to the essence of being.


Our – if we really want to use the word – journey is to reacquire the universal knowledge of being. There are unlimited possibilities within this recognition. Nevertheless, the mind diverts us from the truth. Thus, we disregard our true essence within this universal energy dimension.  Our ego has led us away from the innate knowledge of universal oneness. This ignorance has led us into darkness. Continue reading


One Is the Loneliest Number or Is it?

Object consciousness is an expressing of life. Universal consciousness is ultimately the experience of being one. On the other hand, the mind overshadows the evolution of self-consciousness. Thus, mind dominance manipulates and restricts our conscious awareness. This lack of awareness contributes to our conditioned behavior. Furthermore, this development simulates separation and duality. Thus, to illustrate in words, we overlook the totality of being. Pause for a moment and reflect on this insight. Logically and ultimately, there is only presence(being). And, this is universal.


But, the mind manipulates our consciousness into playing a game. Likewise, the mind insists it knows the game rules. But what about rules that the mind doesn’t know? Here the mind insures that it will sooner or later tells us what it doesn’t know now. Alas, the weight of mind conditioning is a heavy burden on our personal and collective experiences. Additionally, belief structures have the destructive impact of a runaway locomotive. Detachment from the mind, likewise our awakening to consciousness, can change everything. Then the two, object and universal consciousness, suddenly become one. Continue reading


Asking for Your Support and Kindness

Recently, I wrote about my wishes to reach out and share with more people on a more personal level. Therefore, after long reflection, I am reaching out to ask for your kindness and support.  My wish is to start speaking with groups at schools, libraries, book stories, spiritual retreats, etc. Still, I really have no idea if and how my desire to share more personally with everyone will manifest. Not knowing and letting go is awesome. I simply go with the flow and continue to share the energy of my wish with the universe.  


Well, I exercise letting go and allowing everything to flow. And, it seems that the ebb and flow energy transfer of universal consciousness has offered me a chance to take the next step. Likewise, my desire to continue sharing and serving others through my writings and public speaking might be possible with your help. Continue reading


Your Existence Is the Gateway to Love

Wouldn’t it be much easier to simply love and live without the reasons why? And no, I am not suggesting the impossible. This is probably the key insight of my latest book and definitely the heartthrob of our existence. It is possible to live in harmony with life and to unconditionally love ourselves and all people and things. It sounds great to write or say this. However, accepting it and allowing it often seems to cause us great difficulty.


Ask yourself these questions. Is the manifestation of love in my existence usually flowing naturally? Or is it manipulated and restricted by the burden of thoughts, emotions, details, and reasons? It will not benefit your experience of love by saying you love someone because of this or that. In the end it comes down to a universal simplicity.

Do you wish to love? How do you desire to live? It may seem that this is an oversimplification of something that has always been a mystery. However, what do you have when you remove the excess baggage associated with love? This is a weight that has accumulated in our attempts to love and be loved by someone. Nevertheless, it was, is, and will always be within our power to change how we observe and experience love and life. The next stepping stone on this journey involves understanding deeply that because has nothing to do with love. Continue reading