
14 posts


I Am so Lonely

How many times have you or someone you know said this sentence? I am so lonely or I don’t want to be alone. There is a world of people who are together, but unfortunately separated and alone. What is loneliness? Is it possible to be lonely or is it only a state of mind? The mind is constantly confronting us with conditioned factors that can restrict us from living consciously.


Furthermore, it is a baffling topic to discuss. There are many forlorn people who have become deeply depressed, even suicidal. How can thoughts push us to the brink of despair? Is loneliness real or a phantom of the mind? Does this result due to a lack of awareness? Or would this make the discussion too easy? Loneliness can develop into mental disorders. However, it can solely result from misconceptions of the mind. Continue reading


The End Justifies the Means

The end justifies the means. Most people are familiar with this quote. It originated in chapter XVIII of The Prince by Niccolo` Machiavelli. However, the original text read “Si Guarda al fine”. Pay attention to the result would be a fairly accurate translation. Nonetheless, this excerpt does not really have any correlation with the popular quote.


However, this quote does have insight that is helpful in our conscious awakening process. Therefore, let’s say “All experiences lead to this moment; or do they?” Several months ago I had noticed a subtle interference in my state of active awareness to the present moment. Here I must smile slightly at this terminology. It is much easier to say that I had been distracted. I reflectively considered the core of this interference. It was possible for me to determine that this had originated due to a phase of dissatisfaction. I had been pondering over past situations in areas of education, career and love. What started this phase of self- destructive contemplation? Continue reading

The Path to Becoming Conscious

We use the word “path” to describe the way from here to there. A path indicates a beginning and usually an eventual ending. This could be called an arrival. It is obvious that we also choose this terminology in describing our experiences with the conscious awakening process. However, it is beneficial for us not to lose ourselves in the definition itself. A journey is a proper word to use here, but it is never about the “path”. Being conscious is very likely not even about the experiences on this path. The experiences are only useful as sign posts during this journey.


Is there a necessity to travel down a path during the conscious awakening process? This question is ultimately unnecessary because it is a mind creation. A tree, a bird or even a rock does not practice becoming conscious. They do not spend each moment of existence in thoughts about being conscious or aware. These life-forms simply “are” life and consciousness. They are engulfed in the suchness of now. I have a deep appreciation for this expression of presence. Continue reading

Dominoes: That’s the Way They Fall

There are different variations of the game Dominoes. It originated during the Song Dynasty in China. This game, however, is not the topic of this article. We can compare this to our behavior in areas of consciousness and life energy. The mind is said to be very complex. At Least, this is what we generally “think”. The mind does what it does without any need for conscious intervention; despite its supposed complexity. The human consciousness has reached a level of awakened acknowledgment. This ancient knowledge has always been there. However, it usually remains buried in the content detail fragments of our existence. A shift is from mind to conscious awareness is necessary.


The process of thinking can be compared to the game of falling dominoes. An initial thought is sudden there. Why it is there and where it came from are irrelevant. However, let us ask the obvious. What happens to a thought when it suddenly appears? Likewise, how do you interact with this thought? A person’s first reaction might be to say that the answer for this question is very complex. Therefore my question is…why do we insist on complexity instead of simplicity? Continue reading