
16 posts

Mind and Object Consciousness: What’s Next?

It is really up to each of us to remain detached from the mind’s activities. Whereby we should eventually experience spiritual fulfillment. This is a completion, a realization; nothing more and nothing less. We experience this through absorbed universal awareness of our role to protect and guide each other during this awakening. Therefore, please know, you are not the mind with its list of thoughts and beliefs.


Consequently, we are perpetually protecting and guiding the universe and even the flow of life itself. Furthermore, the person next to you, a tree, or even a fly is not something outside of you; it is you. Looking beyond the abstracts of our existence will allow us to experience the bliss of unity. Continue reading

Does It Hurt? The Mind Says Yes

Please read the next sentence and then pause before you continue. Would it be accurate to say that we often hurt because of circumstances, people, and things? No, this is not true. The concept of suffering is an implanted genetic and conditioned factor. But, how often do we really hurt? The mind complains about one thing or another. And, something it is literally disagreeable about everything. This is regardless if it is mental or physical. Unfortunately, we (unconsciousness) also complain when the mind disapproves of something.


But, this is only due to conditioned behavior. It is possible to awaken. You are resting outside on the patio. The neighbor starts to mow the grass. Oh no, the mind screams. What does the neighbor have against me? The lawn mower is getting on my nerves. There is frustration and often initiates suffering. Does this situation really cause hurt? No, of course not. The mind, on the contrary, will say yes. And, a person is usually more than willing to believe these thoughts. Continue reading


Acceptance Is the Way to Harmony and Balance

Acceptance is difficult for most people. Furthermore, it seems we receive or achieve something that we had wanted and then we don’t want it anymore. Mind madness is perhaps the best way to describe our actions. This is the mind and the complex behavior that is mostly a result of conditioning. This conditioning keeps us from allowing life energy, in whatever form, to manifest. Oh, everything will unfold. It happens. But, we express resistance to countless thoughts and things each day. But, life manifestation has nothing to do with personal or collective gain or loss. It is about harmony and balance in our being.


Moreover, you have the potential to rise above the cloud of mind confusions and illusions. There is a space of uncontaminated, fundamental energy always available. The mind is a marvelous human attribute and basically only needs a reset. This is because it has become entangled in its own web of thoughts, feelings and ego. Acceptance is an acquired state of being. Still, allowing and letting go will change everything. It will be incredible to observe that the only thing that really changes is how you observe yourself. Continue reading

Lucky Penny: This Is Not Enlightenment

The quest to reach enlightenment is similar to a 16th century quote. Oh! What a tangled web we weave. (Marmion: A Tale of Flodden Field, Walter Scott) And indeed there is still a lot of confusion about living in a state of conscious awareness. Mind conditioning has mostly dominated our existence. Thus, people often consider the search for enlightenment to be a quest. Still more prevalent is our behavior regarding this illumination. Many people compare conscious awakening to finding a shiny lucky penny.


So what happens when you find a penny? Mind conditioning tells you that it will bring luck. This is a fantastic discovery because the worth of a penny is nothing compared to the luck within it. At least this is what the mind thinks. Thus you hold the penny tight for fear of losing it. And you dream about the wonderful things that are going to happen. People proclaim that everything will be different (better) because of the shiny piece of metal. Continue reading


Run and try to Hide

The evolution of mind and body has been a long path. Likewise, there are many behavior patterns that were necessary for our survival. However, this state of existence has resulted from our conditioned reactions. Nevertheless, prehistoric humankind would run and hide to survive.


Nevertheless, this has consequently hampered conscious evolution. Moreover, conditioned behavior causes us to run at the slightest indication of physical danger. Furthermore, our mental well-being is based on conditioned factors. This includes our conscious state of presence. However, our instinct told us to run and hide. This was the only option during the earlier development of our existence. Continue reading


Crossroad: Where Do You Wish to Go?

A sharing process invokes expansion. Moreover, this development is twofold. Therefore, the mind (intelligence) and consciousness (object and universal) benefits. Furthermore, we wish to experience universal consciousness and the divinity of our existence. We can achieve this by shifting from mind-generated energy (thought patterns and conditioning restrictions) into (uninhibited) awareness. This could be considered an evolutionary crossroad.


The mind is a marvelous work of evolution. However, thoughts, emotions, ego and primarily conditioned reactions inhibit the flow of life and awakening to consciousness. The one or the other may appear to contribute in our development; but they also have a down side. Many traits have evolved through processes of conditioning, manipulation and restrictions. Therefore, we should become aware, observe and restore balance and harmony in our existence. Continue reading