conscious awareness quotes

27 posts


Forgiveness and Love on the Path of Life

Many people assume love comes from a source greater than ourselves. We created love and we are responsible for how we experience love. But, this is difficult for the mind to accept. Love, as with consciousness, is energy. But, we often misinterpret the origin and depth of love because the mind demands explanations. However, the flow of love—and life energy, for that matter—originates in you. Forgiveness is a helpful stepping stone on the path of true self-discovery. Why? Because misinterpretations of love often cause suffering. Furthermore, you see yourself as a pawn and victim of love. But, universally speaking, we can purify love and life through the simple act of consciously living. 


Yes, I am suggesting that each person is essentially the source of universal energy. Hence, this energy becomes conscious and learns to express love. Does the power of thinking or believing influence how or if it manifests? It would first seem that love, in itself, has nothing to do with how it manifests. Or does it? My intention is not to play a word game with you. The point of these questions is to give us an understanding of love. We should focus on being love and not on mind concepts of love. There is a difference, spiritually and universally speaking. Continue reading


Overdramatize How You Live, but Why?

Do you like drama? Consider this question reflectively before you answer. People love to overdramatize. We literally thrive on making a mountain out of a mole hill. Most experiences are taking out of proportion. And, we usually exaggerating the details of a situation. For example, remain still and observe your reactions to the above sentences. Are you (mind) adversely interpreting what I have written? This is to say, you might take what I have written as something personal. This is because we take most things very personal. Even when something has nothing to do with us.


But, this is not how the mind sees a situation. Thoughts will tell you fabricated stories about an experience. Naturally, the mind bases everything on memories, anticipations, and fear. Thus, conditioned behavior causes you to overemphasize your role in whatever is unfolding. Hence, you overdramatize.  Pause here and again observe the mind. Do you recall any situation that caused anxiety, stress or fear? I personally can confirm that this has happened to me at least once today.  Continue reading


Everlasting Transformation Begins Within You

We often misinterpret the word spiritual. Therefore, please don’t think that living spiritual is a prerequisite to enlightenment. We are experiencing a shift in awareness. This awakening is allowing an inner transformation to blossom. Spirituality is just a word such as religion, God or Buddha. The word has no real significance. Other than to give our existence structure. The change that we are witnessing is the release of our conditioned behavior and mind-restrictions. We are letting go of personal and collective dogmas.


We don’t need to be spiritual to experience life energy consciousness. Rather, living and being are far beyond believing in something or even thinking anything. Thus, we need to unconditionally experience the truth of living in each moment. It would be beneficial for us to acknowledge that we are within everything. And we are influencing how things manifest. We are absolute at the level of being.

Still, we search for, demand more from, and define life instead of just living life. And, there are so many expectations. Thus, we obsessively attach ourselves to thoughts, feelings, and things. The problem is that we are always asking questions. We always expect something and overlook what is already there. We base our expectations purely on mind-oriented factors. This expectation is due to a state of unconsciousness. Universal intelligence vibrates and will respond to both unconsciously-made or consciously-made energy outputs. Continue reading

Afraid? But Why? Moreover, Why Now?

People and animals do indeed experience fear. The Species-Specific Defense Reactions (S.S.D.R.) is perhaps at the root of this reaction. Could the consciousness level of a life-form alter this behavior? Most of us are probably be more interested in eliminating the clouds of fear that darken our daily activities. Would a shift in our awareness alleviate the need to be afraid?


Our conscious development obviously has an influence on fear. Mind conditioning causes us to dread almost everything at some level.  Please don’t misunderstand this statement. Fear was, is and will always be a part of our species; at least from a biological standpoint. Still, what about the psychological ramifications? Continue reading


Ambush of the Mind: Know the Signs

A few people have written to me about a quote from Alan Watts relating to muddy water. Firstly, it is beneficial to remember that words and things are vulnerable to assumptions and interpretations. This acknowledgment can be helpful in conscious expansion. However, the mind will ambush us in any and every moment. This is our conditioning. We are usually not aware of the mind’s intervention. Therefore, we remain a victim of its deception. This can happen during an unconscious reaction to any word, thought, person or situation. Here is the quote.

“Muddy water is best cleared by leaving it alone.”
– Alan Watts


You can read this insight in his book “The Way of Zen” He shared wisdom that originates from universal intelligence. We can also tap into it in any moment. Yet, the mind interferes. This compels us to analyze and dissect. It is wise to leave the muddy water of life undisturbed (in peace). It does not suggest that we should avoid or deny something. The mud, as a term, could signify the details of our existence. He originally wrote this to indicate that society judge’s meditation and passiveness as wasteful and non-productive. Continue reading

Sharing Everything: The Whole Shebang

It is all about sharing. Isn’t it? I ask this question in reference to life. Everyone may have a different understanding of what life represents. Still, an object exists. Therefore, it has the potential to live. Hence, everything is sharing this energy; as with all objects and species, great or small.  I tend to feel that even a totally lifeless form is alive at a molecular level. The reason for this is that life is a universal vibration. It is to say that the universal totality is sharing energy. Thus, Life resonates through living and non-living forms.


Likewise, this vibrating impulse is constant. Nevertheless, it is susceptible to fluctuations. This is due to object output vibrations; whether from thought, consciousness or any other forms of output. A given reality, for example, takes on a portrait derived from your thoughts. Therefore, it seems so real. Hence, each person can; by process of individual and shared thoughts, manifest different realities. These are based on the given projected energy fluctuation; whether personal or collective. Moreover, the energy output is often two-fold. This being either mind or consciousness. We are still unsure if these are different or one and the same. Continue reading


Energy and the Manifestation of Life

Everyone is familiar with Star Wars and The Force. The force is simply another name for energy. Therefore, we are a manifestation of this mysterious something. Life produces it or it produces life. Who knows for sure? However, we do not need to go into lengthy political, scientific or religious debates about what this energy represents; nor do we need to know where it originated. It is here and now. Furthermore, we are the living example of it.


Object forms of countless shapes and sizes manifest it. The brain and body would not survive without this life energy. Consciousness being a product of life would also not survive without it. This life energy field engulfs everything. The brain has become a type of portal and equally a barrier for consciousness. Consciousness is constant. However, the mind can manipulate and restrict it. Continue reading