
27 posts

Time and the Dancing Puppet

We define aspects of our existence such as life and even death as expressions of time.  And, most people think or believe that time is a universal truth. The sun rises and sets and it often seems that we are a puppet dancing to the strings of time. I do not wish to agree or disagree with your ideas, opinions or insight. However, time is nothing but a mind game and you are probably unconsciously playing this game.


I hear many people say in passing haste that they have no time. I delight in hearing this statement. And, my delight is without animus intention. Ultimately, no one has any timeline because this label only exists in our mind. Therefore, acknowledging that there is no time is beneficial in consciously moving  beyond the conceptional label. I understand that even in spirituality topics people use terms relating to a moment or now. However, these are also only constructions of the mind that, at best, can be useful stepping stones to inner self-discovery.
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A Relative Reality so What Is Real?

Relative reality as a discussion topic can be confusing when the mind uses too much energy thinking about reality. What is real? What is not real? Could and should we consider a relative reality to be fundamental to our existence?  We might even suggest that nothing is possible without reality. A third perspective is not to associate these two words with anything, whether we call something real or not. But, this might first seem derogatory to our understanding of reality. Another word commonly used for relative is relativism.


Relativism is the idea that points of view have no absolute truth or validity. They only have relative, subjective value according to viewpoint and circumstances. (Wikipedia) There are many understandings of relativism. The church; for example, considers any association with this concept to be a denial of absolute truth.

Reality is the state of things as they are, rather than as they may appear or might be imagined. (Wikipedia) Yes, we can accept this statement for practical day to day purposes. However, this definition has no true validity, consciously and spiritually speaking.  Is beingness possible as unmanifested and manifested energy? If yes, does the manifested have more reality than the unmanifested? And, vice versa? Or, is everything relative? Continue reading

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Boat on a Calm Lake

Aware presence of here and now is beneficial during your inquiry into living consciously. Additionally, conscious enlightenment is not a feat of magic or luck. Thus, learn to accept the simple beingness of your presence in any moment. Likewise, living a fulfilling and peaceful life is to learn the difference between mind or conscious presence existence.

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Accordingly, you realize conscious presence during the inner journey of self-discovery. And, non-attachment and non-dependency are essential stepping stones along the way. Therefore, are you willing to let go of what the mind tells you? This is the first conscious step on The Way of Life (Tao Te Ching). This stepping stone is one of many that allows a shift from mind distractions to conscious aware presence. Imagine your presence as a boat on a calm lake that freely floats peacefully and without purpose on the water. Continue reading

Crazy Times and No End in Sight

Let’s have a heart-to-heart conversation about the experience of balance and happiness on a day-to-day basis. Of course, it is so easy to say that the world is crazy. Likewise, everyone usually blames everyone else for the difficulties we encounter. But, I ensure you, that only you are responsible for how you experience life and living. Still, every person carries some type of mental and emotional baggage. Furthermore, people usually carry mental and emotional baggage given to them from family, friends, co-workers and strangers. And, most people are eager to give you some of their mental baggage depending on any given situation with you.


I can testify to this behavior through personal experiences. Manifesting energy from unconsciously behaving people is manipulative, restrictive and harmful if you are not consciously aware. And, please understand that the majority of people are still very unaware of either consciously or unconsciously living. This means that any given person will attempt to give you his or her mental baggage. Probably, without realizing what they are doing or why. Continue reading

What Will the Creator Create Today?

A creator is someone who brings something into being. You are the creator of love. Moreover, how you experience the totality of life and how it unfolds is your responsibility. This is ultimately true for everything and how any given object or experience will manifest. Silence, awareness, and consciousness offer endless possibilities that can flow from the dimension of life energy. However, love and life remain a mystery and poets, storytellers, and dreamers will continue to ask the question. What is this wonderful and often bewildering experience?


Firstly, one significant realization is to acknowledge that you exist in love, and life engulfs your being. Therefore, walk each moment hand in hand with life and do not stray from this path. Thus, each step along the way reveals conscious enlightenment. And, both love and life itself are only as true or as real as you choose. Continue reading


The Revolution Begins with You

Revolution, in reference to words, might be as significant to conscious awakening as the word now. But, please remember. Words are useful in daily interaction. But, words are, at best, only sign posts to what lies beyond.


Thus, with this understanding, let’s consider conscious awakening as a revolution that is long overdue. Yes, the mind overshadows this uprising. However, deep within and beyond mind influences is something indescribable.  Aware presence is the gateway to this almost magical dimension. The majority of people know, at some level, that something beyond all this mind madness is available to us. Nevertheless, most people are still not able to awaken and claim this state of conscious presence as their own.

It is a person’s state of awareness to the dimension of conscious presence that is foremost significant. This is a conscious revolution that has the potential to change your experience of life and living. But, the mind functions according to repetitious mind patterns that distract and restrict. Nevertheless, you can start a rebellion and free your true self from the minds manipulative and restrictive dominance. There are various writings, such as the following, beneficial in your shift from mind conditioned behavior to conscious presence awareness. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind… Romans 12:2 Continue reading

A Roller Coaster Ride Called Life

We call love and life a roller coaster ride, but why? Why do we expect difficulties when we love? This behavior is synonymous with other reactions to basically any experience in life. It would seem that we want everything to be intricate. And, this upside-down relationship with the mind has developed during our evolution. However, don’t let this servitude behavior hold you captive. Robin Sharma wrote the following in his book The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari: A Fable About Fulfilling Your Dreams & Reaching Your Destiny. Robin Sharma suggests that the mind is a wonderful servant but a terrible master.


Let’s reflect on probable implications of this insight. A person in balance with the mind, body and and inner self will experience a harmonious relationship with life. Thus, loving and living can be a blissful roller coaster ride. And, contrary to Robin Sharma’s suggestion. Our affiliation with the mind does not necessarily prescribe one as the master and the other as a servant. Please remember that the oneness of life that we communicate through written and spoken gestures is not just a word. It is the totality in a flow of unmanifested and manifested energy. Naturally, this includes the frequency generated as love.

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Desiderata Because Life is about You

Are you familiar with the writings of Max Ehrmann? He wrote the poem Desiderata in 1927. I wrote an article with topics relating to this poem several years ago.  A person, at that time, reminded me of the poem during a conversation about our experiences in high school.


It is obvious that materialistic merits and always getting more is the focus of most people. But, this results in, among other things, always wanting more and more. This means that enough is never enough. Furthermore, wanting and needing causes people to feel isolated and alone. However, we are beings of the universe. Therefore, our presence portraits a universal beingness. Thus, the universe becomes conscious of itself through us. Nevertheless, we have forgotten our essence. Thus, gone down a path that distracts us from consciously observing each step on this journey.  

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The Dreams of a Woman

A recent conversation inspired me to write the following poem. It was heartwarming for me to hear the woman speak of her experiences in nature. She discovered the significance of our life experience as a young child. Thus, she lives with a willingness to just be in this moment. Nature is a gateway. And, she returns home, again and again, to her essence through the spaciousness beyond. Thus, she openly lives and she loves without a reason for either. She dreams the dream of life each moment as it carries her along.


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Eternity on the Path of Life

You will always be the totality of anything, no matter what you experience or confront. Reality is always a direct reflection of your observation. Live life unconsciously and there will always be assumptions, labels, confusion and fear. However, consciously living this life experience offers an eternity of possibilities.


A Walk in Eternity

I went walking just the other day, not really that far away.
At least this is what I had thought.
But, in fact, I walk an eternity each day.
It was a day early in autumn.
The leaves turning colors.
Each was so beautiful…glowing red, orange, and yellow.
I cannot remember when I last went walking.
There was no true destination; still, I did not linger.

The beauty of that day swept me away.
The birds were singing.
The sun shined as its warmth caressed my being.
I never thought of myself as a dreamer; yet here I was dreaming.
Was it really a dream or a dream within a dream?

Thoughts can lead us astray.
Do not heed them.
Perhaps we should say, Let come what may.
Accordingly, whatever is…is.
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