
12 posts


The End Justifies the Means

The end justifies the means. Most people are familiar with this quote. It originated in chapter XVIII of The Prince by Niccolo` Machiavelli. However, the original text read “Si Guarda al fine”. Pay attention to the result would be a fairly accurate translation. Nonetheless, this excerpt does not really have any correlation with the popular quote.


However, this quote does have insight that is helpful in our conscious awakening process. Therefore, let’s say “All experiences lead to this moment; or do they?” Several months ago I had noticed a subtle interference in my state of active awareness to the present moment. Here I must smile slightly at this terminology. It is much easier to say that I had been distracted. I reflectively considered the core of this interference. It was possible for me to determine that this had originated due to a phase of dissatisfaction. I had been pondering over past situations in areas of education, career and love. What started this phase of self- destructive contemplation? Continue reading


Energy: The Sunshine of Life

What is life energy? Where does it come from? We may never know. It is a mystery that the mind can never comprehend. This poem is about sunshine. Furthermore, it is about you, me and sharing the gift of life.



I enjoy the sunshine
How about you?
However, its true significance is often forgotten.
Do you remember?
It is possible to experience it now; in this moment.
This is because you have always known that it is there.
It is life.
Awaken and allow it to shine. Continue reading