Daily Archives: December 20, 2019

1 post


Choppy Water: You Can Alleviate the Turbulence

My youth was very turbulent. At least, this is what the mind had convinced me. Still, I am very thankful for all situations. Everything was and is as it should be. Additionally, all experiences are beneficial to the conscious awakening process. I recall sensing something at a very young age. The essence of life, of being, were calling for me to awaken. But, I didn’t grasp the significance of this until I was much older. There were years and years when I choose to suffer instead of accept the calling from deep within. I had chosen to make choppy water by resisting the flow of life.


There is a lake that I had often visited in my youth. Reflecting on such experiences is beneficial as an analogy during the conscious awakening process. Likewise, we can use this experience for our discussion topic. High Point Lake is one of many places that I visited as a boy. And, in hindsight, I know that it was these experiences that nurtured the connection I (we) have with life. The analogy that we will use is between choppy water and our thoughts. Continue reading