Monthly Archives: November 2024

4 posts

Suffering Is Unnecessary and You Know It so Let Go

Something is always happening to you. And, the mind interjects thoughts and emotions as reactions to these daily situations. Thus, often this overwhelming mental behavior causes suffering because the mind interprets an experience as bad or unacceptable. Let’s use the example of hitting your finger with a hammer to illustrate. You hit your finger and it hurts. This is a fact. But, the mind construes the hurt finger as a drama due to countless reasons that are fictional illusions. Hence, thoughts and feelings attachment themselves to the pain in your finger. This mental behavior then becomes a repetitive pattern, if you are unaware, that might continue for minutes, hours or days. And, this causes the suffering that you feel.


A person hits their finger with a hammer and it hurts. Nevertheless this is pain and not suffering. Suffering is an inflection of the mind in an unaware person that can eventually result in mental and bodily dysfunction. Experiences stimulate the brain. Coincidentally, the mind then tries to interpret, define and label all brain stimuli. Accordingly, this usually causes an unaware person to feel confusion and anxiety during most experience. Why? Obviously, because there is not any sense of conscious presence. Unconscious behavior induces illusions of complexity. But, these illusions are only of the mind and usually not derived from any actuality of presence. Continue reading


Discover the Depth of Inner Consciousness

The following is an example of conscious awakening that illustrates how the mind dominates our experiences when we are unaware. The mind has countless thoughts and many emotions that can influence how we live. The type of influences vary from irritation to anger, relaxation to hypertension or contentment to severe depression. Thus, thoughts and emotions causes various, often radical reactions in the behavior of an unconscious person. This results due to a lack of aware conscious living. Therefore, and obviously, awareness blossoms when we discover the essence of consciousness as the presence of our being.


I share with you a dialogue that I had with myself during a particular experience. My self-dialogue might, at first glance, seem abstract and slightly confusion for you. Therefore, I suggest reading the example. Then focus on your own inner beingness and the essence of your presence as you ponder the experience I share. Then, at your convenience, reread the article. The inner conversation I offer you happened as I became aware of the mind’s influence on my behavior. Here is the inner transaction with myself… Continue reading

How Is Your Partnership with Life?

You are a manifestation of life energy and the essence of being is ultimately universal. Therefore, do not cling to the mind or the details of our existence in an attempt to experience the conscious nature of being. This being is the isness of living. Do not allow the mind to play its games with you. Life engulfs you as a frequency within a universal flow. Acknowledge the act of being. Realize that you determine the manifestation of this flow through your partnership with life.


Thus, you are the center of the universe and everything is spiraling outward and inward. You reflect all things such as a shadow that always accompanies the object that casts it. Hence, you are within and without, absolute as one in a state of beingness. Practicing presence is being the isness of presence. The mind does not want to acknowledge the difference between living and a true state of aliveness. Your awareness to the life that is within and surrounding you basically determines how you experience everything. Continue reading


Malicious Mental behavior and You

Do many thoughts or situations cause you frustration or anxiety? If yes, why? Ask yourself. What causes the confusion and disappointment? How do you feel in such a moment? Recall any recent situation that disturbed you.

I’ll assist you by offering a situation from my own experiences. I stood in the kitchen to take medication. The medicine consisted of two pills. One pill fell from my hand as I put the cap back on the bottle. I didn’t hear the pill hit the floor. And, I did not hear it fall on the kitchen counter. I thought that it might have fallen on the carpet. Thus, I crawled on my hands and knees searching the floor. I felt frustration. Where had the pill fallen? Nothing on the floor. Then, I rechecked the counter top. Malicious thoughts bounced around my head. Where was the pill. Why can’t I find it? How is this possible?


I searched everywhere but found nothing. I felt frustration due to the thoughts, confusion and increasing anger. My head told me that I must find the pill. Nevertheless, I was aware enough to accept the situation. Thus, I reached for a cup of tea. I had put the cup of hot tea on a beverage coaster. And, there, next to the cup was the missing pill. It was as if some unseen force was saying that everything is as it should be. The tablet was there next to the tea and all I needed to do was take it. I laughed the moment I saw the pill. There it was all this time, just waiting for me to take it. Continue reading