universal intelligence

24 posts


I Can’t Go on Living a Lie! How About You?

We often believe that everyone and everything wants something from us. The mind feeds us thoughts that cause us worry, uncertainty, and fear. Likewise, we become frantic with ego-infested thoughts of always needing or wanting something. Also, the mind insists everything it tells us is right. Wow! That is a lot to deal with each moment. But, is it possible that we are living a lie? Furthermore, what happened to free-will?


Are we pursuing a lie based on conditioned behavior? Yes, most likely.  But, strange enough, we identify with this lie. It is a lie based on conformity. Both personal and collective. This untruth starts at a very young age.  So, what transpired when we were young? Young children usually experience living without conditioned boundaries. Does the world demand so much that we forget about consciousness? Yes. This would be appropriate to say. Thus, we conform to the mind, people, and situational demands. Hence, conditioned behavior overshadows conscious being. This teaches us to always pursue a mind-made lie.  We are self-conscious of the world around us. However, self-consciousness evolves from object-oriented consciousness.

For the most part, object self-consciousness is only from the perspective of our human form.  The world seems to be full of demands. And, we start chasing these demands at a very early age. Alas, each day seems to only bring more and more demands. These wants and demands clutter and pollute the space of universal consciousness. This manipulates and even restricts our experience of this space. The mind and this conditioned behavior misguide us. Thus, we mostly live a lie. Continue reading


Oneness Flows Just Let Consciousness Show

There is a flow of conscious life energy vibrating through everything. Every life-form contributes to this energy flow, knowingly or unknowingly. This energy is a flowing stream of oneness. There is a life-being that diverts enormous amounts of localized energy into explaining and defining why it lives and loves. (Do you know which life-form I am writing about? I can give you a hint. Look in the mirror.) We want to know why we live and why we love. This behavior is similar to a dog chasing its own tail because the conditioned mind demands it but consciously knows that it will never catch it.


Never underestimate how amazing you can be in each moment. You, through human consciousness, stand on the threshold to pure universal consciousness in each moment. Furthermore, you can release the confines of the mind, allowing object consciousness and life consciousness to reunite in a state of pure awareness. You are manifesting content into the vacuum of space, thereby creating everything from nothingness. How do we awaken and become consciously aware of this dimension? Continue reading


Focusing on Life: Are You Ready?

More awareness to life allows consciousness to thrive. Take a deep breath for a moment before the mind takes over. Focusing on life has nothing to do with daily details; mind or otherwise. Instead we are referring to object consciousness guiding our interactions with being alive. You have probably read/heard the following insight. Become conscious of consciousness. Consciousness will work hand in hand with the mind once the awakening process starts. Thus, the mind no longer dominates the experience of living. Yes, the mind will still function. And, the mind does this better than ever before because it has accepted the role of co-pilot.


Hence, the mind, can and will relearn and gradually trust this field of universal intelligence. The conditioned mind misinterprets life and manipulates or restricts conscious awareness. We never really overcame the shock initiated by the knowledge of our human self in perspective to the universe (self-awareness).

This is probably why the mind established its dominance over our state of being alive. We literally fell back into a deep sleep (consciously speaking) instead of self-awareness blossoming. The beginning of our evolution was an explosive array of human characteristic development.  This literally overwhelmed our newly blossomed consciousness. So, the mind overpowered consciousness and has dominated it since. But, more and more people are experiencing a change. Clarity, spaciousness, and creativity are blossoming as we experience true presence. Still, it is frightening for many people to let go and live beyond thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. However, the desire to be free of mind conditioning is reconnecting us with something deep within. Fear fades and we don’t take thoughts too seriously. Continue reading


Greatest Gift of Life: It Is You

Are you willing to acknowledge that it is possible to tap into the universal intelligence of life? It is in you and surrounds you. Moreover, it is you. Every person is doing the best he or she can. This is reflective of a person’s current state of conscious awareness. The world is awakening and we are living more consciously. Likewise, our unbiased acknowledgement and conscious interaction with everything is our gift to life. Furthermore, it is possible for the energy of life to become consciously aware of itself through our awareness of it. Humankind will observe new perspectives and experience new possibilities. This will unfold as we accept our true essence and allow this to flourish, unencumbered by the mind.


“Now is the time to allow life to engulf you; as it has always done. Through this acceptance, you become what you have always been. We are sharing the gift of life and love and understanding is our path.”

What role do you have in the ultimate experience of life? You, after all, determine the priority of your existence through your interaction or non-interaction with the mind. Therefore, you can decide if you wish to only exist or do you wish to actively live? Continue reading

Salvation or Enlightenment! Why Do We Search?

We strive for a predetermined salvation. It is the mind that self-imposes behavior and thinking patterns onto our experience of life. Thus, we willingly and unwillingly play the role of a fool. We must not suffer. But the mind tells us that to reach redemption requires sacrifice and suffering. However, thoughts, beliefs, and suffering, are solely mind based misunderstandings of how to live life.


After all, we are the source of everything we seek. Correspondingly, we are and always have been a part of the totality. Still, we fear and hate in addition to many other conditioned factors. Thus, we search in the hope of finding redemption. Now, let’s focus on the word enlightenment. However, as we have often discussed, remember that words are only words. Therefore, let words, definitions, and beliefs only have a practical purpose for you. These signposts can be beneficial on your inner path. Nonetheless, they are only signpost and no more. Hence, salvation is a product of the mind. The experience of living and being conscious is beyond words. Continue reading


Mystery of Life: Experience It Without Labels

The mystery of life has held us in awe since the awakening of self-consciousness. The year was one million B.C. A silhouette appeared on a hilltop overlooking a valley. It was a primitive human being that stood there looking to the stars. A second member of the tribe appear, then a third, and a fourth. The first person pointed to the shiny points of light in the sky. He did this repeatedly for several minutes. And, this is how it began. We started to ask why? This was the dawn of self-consciousness.


Welcome to the mystery of life. Since then we have been labeling this mystery. The assumptions and labels are many. We first said that Gods gave us life. Eventually, this assumption changed to one God. Strangely, there is supposedly one God. But, many cultures and belief structures have a different God that is the only ‘one’ God.  Additionally, we use words and symbols to define what this God can do. Moreover, we assume to know what this God wishes and plans.

But why do we assume, interpret, and define this secret called life? We do this for the same reason(s) as the primitive tribe on the hillside. Because, the mind is always asking “why?” Continue reading

The Blight of Human Unconsciousness

Why did it begin? How will it end? What is it? It is humankind. More specifically for our discussion. It is human unconsciousness. But the questions how, what, and why are ultimately irrelevant. The use of the word blight is actually useful in conscious awakening. However, please practice going beyond words and definitions. These, are at best, the portals to universal intelligence. Still they can be beneficial signposts on the path to our true essence.


Let’s begin by reflecting on our unconscious state of being. We can call this our species blight. Unconsciousness could very well be the root of our personal and social diversities and suffer. It causes judgement and separation. Yes. An unconscious state of living inhibits us from fully experience the world, the universe, and life. Still, it would be wise to simply accept this condition. Being is absolute. Only the form changes. We are experiencing a transition. Sometimes this transformation is very apparent. Other times it is not.
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Muddy Water and Cloudy Consciousness

Everyone has experienced the effect of muddy water. It distorts a clear perception of any body of water; whether flowing or passive. Unclear water is a result of interaction with the waters nature state of existence. This could be any number of things such as dirt, sand or decomposed wood. This is an excellent example in considering how object existence can influence the flow of life energy consciousness as it expands.


Imagine a clear mountain spring with a small stream flowing from it. The water is crystal clear.  The stream meanders down the mountain side. It is in the nature of things for the pure water to pick up object content as it flows. This could be leaves, wood, sand etc. We could refer to this content as details of the water. The water will assimilate any object to reduce unnecessary manipulation or restriction of its flowing. The properties of any given object become that of the water and visa-versa. Continue reading


Knowledge of Life: It Is Within You

Universal intelligence engulfs us. There is ultimately no need to question it. Still we have called this knowledge by many different names over thousands of years. Hence we have neglected the wisdom and flow of life. Physical conflicts dominate our existence. This is unavoidable for an object in this universe. But there are also conflicts that are unseen. These originate from mental and emotional manipulations and restrictions of the mind. We can change the experience of life.

“But this won’t happen until we have recognized and accepted the space within conscious living.”


There are barriers of the mind. Furthermore, the individual and collective mind invokes countless energy vibrations that can be damaging. Additionally, the lack of awareness causes a feeling of separation between yourself and the flow of life. The incapability to acceptance that there is something there that doesn’t need defining isolates people. Continue reading

Lucky Penny: This Is Not Enlightenment

The quest to reach enlightenment is similar to a 16th century quote. Oh! What a tangled web we weave. (Marmion: A Tale of Flodden Field, Walter Scott) And indeed there is still a lot of confusion about living in a state of conscious awareness. Mind conditioning has mostly dominated our existence. Thus, people often consider the search for enlightenment to be a quest. Still more prevalent is our behavior regarding this illumination. Many people compare conscious awakening to finding a shiny lucky penny.


So what happens when you find a penny? Mind conditioning tells you that it will bring luck. This is a fantastic discovery because the worth of a penny is nothing compared to the luck within it. At least this is what the mind thinks. Thus you hold the penny tight for fear of losing it. And you dream about the wonderful things that are going to happen. People proclaim that everything will be different (better) because of the shiny piece of metal. Continue reading