universal intelligence

24 posts


Intelligence Within the Act of Being

Life: What is it? And, where do we find love? These are questions that we always ask. But, our object illusions are primarily responsible for integrating falsehood into our existence. The delusions we have placed on our existence engulf all factors of our experiences. It is not your purpose to define life or love. Instead, simply experience your beingness through awareness to consciousness.  In other words, wake up! There is an intelligence within you that innately knows the truth of your being without needing to search.


What is this intelligence? Firstly, I ask that you don’t put energy and effort into labeling what I have written. Secondly, this mysterious something within and surrounding you is not supernatural and not a god. Therefore, simply observe the depth of the inner universe as a space that resonates with common sense. However, please do not minimize the depth and magnitude of this inner dimension. And, we should not define the act of this observation from a standpoint of our worldly activities. The common sense within you is of universal proportion and brilliance. And, your true essence flows from a pool of unconditional beingness that is indifferent to mind details and interactions. Continue reading


Pieces of Life Fall into Place

We compare life to a puzzle. Accordingly, the mind portraits an image of how life should be for us. And, most people accept the minds image.  Therefore, you are the puzzle player. The game you play is life. How do you play this game? Are you an active conscious player? Or, does the mind dictate how you play? Admittedly, it seems easier to just go along with the mind and let it dominate life. However, a person that lives life according to the mind’s rules uses thoughts and emotions as puzzle pieces.


On the other hand, a conscious awakened person focuses primarily on one piece of puzzle. The act of aware presence liberates this one piece (moment) from all attachments, whether of mind or body. The one piece of puzzle you hold in this moment is the ongoing determining influence for how you live life. Universal energy flows in response to your observation of being here and now. Therefore, your state of beingness is always the center of the universe in terms of how, where and even why there is a puzzle.  Conscious presence reveals that this one piece, this one moment is the totality of your life experience. Thus, a state of aware beingness is the experience of oneness. And, the act of being is infinite with many possibilities. Continue reading


Cleverness Is an Evolution By-Product

Many people are clever. But, cleverness is not necessarily synonymous with intelligence. Shrewdness develops through trial and error during evolution.  So, yes, we are clever. But, I feel that universal intelligence has suffered at the hands of the mind’s ingenuity. And, cleverness masks itself in many forms. What lies at the root of cleverness? It is not easy to determine the baseline of our cunning. Cunningness, in itself can be creative. But, ego as a strong influence on our behavior. These reactions then manifest through our experiences. Emotions also play an influential role in the use of cleverness. Emotions are, however, instinctive and natural. Furthermore, every life-form has certain tendencies that we would label as emotional. It is the ego’s influence that makes our emotional state so perplexing. It is a vicious cycle.


Mind conditioning is at the root of our daily interactions. And, the use of cleverness often initiates this behavior. These factors contribute to our general lack of conscious awareness. Lack of conscious awareness allows a preconditioned chain of reactions to occur in our experiences. A person lacking conscious life awareness would never give these patterns any real attention. Most people react to mind-made delusions of life without considering that there is something more to living life. Likewise, the majority of people remain oblivious to the fact that we are free-falling in a field of pure energy. This energy pulsates with frequencies. Thus, this energy, is in a sense alive, as well as have the potential to be conscious of itself. Do you feel the relationship between life and love? A person lacking life awareness is coincidentally lacking true love awareness.

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Live Aware Within the Frequency of Life

Many people may believe that consciousness is not possible without the mind. What do you think about this idea? (Yes, that was a trick question.) It would be more accurate to ask: What does the mind think of this idea? The brain is a biological organ. This is, in many ways, an entity in itself. Then there is consciousness. Consciousness at some level has perhaps always had a frequency of presence about it. Consciousness is a source of perpetual possibilities for any life-form that has become aware of it. Therefore, let’s focus on consciousness. Why we always associate object consciousness with the mind is not important for our discussion.


The significance lies in the knowledge that there is the brain and there is also consciousness. The mind exists and consciousness equally exists, whether in a more self-consciously developed life-form or not. Both the mind and consciousness are there even without one knowing about the other. The two are, however, intertwined. This is true whether a life-form is aware of consciousness or not. Although a butterfly is not actually mentally aware of consciousness, it swims in a frequency of energy within a field of object and universal consciousness. This holds true for everything, doesn’t it? We can conclude that although the two appear to be separate as two entities, they are actually one. Continue reading


Knowing Love Deeply Is to Be Alive Completely

Knowing doesn’t always originate from theory or fact-finding. There is a knowledge resonating within us, through us, and around us. It is here to experience. There is a true knowing within life and of love. Universal intelligence derives from life and nurtured by conscious energy input. We need not search, expect, or even demand it. Life and love are fundamentally energy. Therefore, there is always life. And, there is always love. The key is to look beyond the mind and simply know, accept, and allow everything to be.



There is something I have inside.
You have it to, it would seem.
It is there both day and night.
Thus, joy fills each day.
The nights are peaceful; dreams abound.
What I have…what you have…is for us to feel.
It is a treasure.
It is love.
You cannot buy love.
It is not something that you simply find.
Rather it is love that has found you.
Love, you may say, is often so far away.
When it is there, why does it not stay?
Feeling love is thrilling.
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Human is Being and Beyond

We spend almost all of our existence searching and demanding. Does being human constitute having expectations? Is our expectancy a result of personal and social influence? Who can say for sure. The real problem is that we are always asking the wrong questions. We want and expect things not meant for us. We base our expectations purely on mind-oriented factors. Universal intelligence will not respond to such demands. It has countless gifts to give us. But we should learn to see and accept the gifts. This acknowledgment is the doorway to the essence of being.


Our – if we really want to use the word – journey is to reacquire the universal knowledge of being. There are unlimited possibilities within this recognition. Nevertheless, the mind diverts us from the truth. Thus, we disregard our true essence within this universal energy dimension.  Our ego has led us away from the innate knowledge of universal oneness. This ignorance has led us into darkness. Continue reading


Life is not a Goal to Obtain

Do you think life is a goal to accomplish? Well, life is life. It sets no merits, guidelines or predetermined plans for us. Furthermore, universal intelligence has no divine plan.  Life most certainly does not want us to follow a certain path. Therefore, live life and keep it simple. Likewise, there are no prearranged stepping-stones on the path of life.


Being human offers no certainties. There are none. Nevertheless, we insist that there is a purpose for each of us. This is naive. Life does not have a purpose for us or anything.  However, all objects have a purpose; universally speaking. The universe experiences itself through the conscious awakening of any object. Hence, the search for a purpose is strictly human behavior. Being human mean having a purpose. Or does it?

A goal is a normal aspect of being human. But, this is only relevant for practical factors.  Life, on the other hand, has no such intentions. It simply is. Likewise, let’s consider the following suggestion. It is wise to flow with life energy consciousness and not against it. So, should we still make chooses? Yes, but practice making conscious choices. Also, often it is best not to choose. Instead, just be aware and allow. Continue reading


Straightforward Is the Way to Experience Life

The essence of this moment is your true self. We can simplify this by saying the now reflects you. Please understand that this doesn’t suggest that you should reflect the details of any given experience. Rather, you are ultimately the vessel that holds the totality within it. A person must truthfully observe this moment. Otherwise, you overlook the simplicity of living. We can incorporate the word straightforward into a daily mantra. Practice this affirmation in any situation. Say to yourself. I choose to observe this moment in a straightforward manner. Experiencing the now truthfully will reflect this energy out into the universe and back to you.


The now of life is constant and holds the totality within it. We become genuinely empathic to the world around us as we become more and more aware of conscious living. This allows universal consciousness and thus universal life intelligence to expand and pulsate intensively as the unmanifested becomes the manifested universe. We experience this, and when the level of our awareness becomes more awakened, we will continually release higher and higher levels of object consciousness back into the totality.

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The Universe Vibrates in Synchronization

You and I are so much more than we think. The face in the mirror masks the true self. We are ultimately universal energy. It is everywhere. This is a priceless treasure. Life vibrates within this energy flow. It is within us and far beyond. We can love. So be aware. Share love and care. We are life. Therefore, and enthusiastically, we should be in love with life. This is my wish to you. I hope that you are joyfully alive. I offer you love. Indeed, you inspire me. And you teach me. All things, objects and experiences, offer a portal to conscious awareness. The mind will say that there is good and bad. But always observe the spaciousness beyond mind details.


You are a gateway to I as one. We can acknowledge universal essence as home. Therefore, let it flow. Living can be so wonderful. Awaken and experience life as it is now. We can consciously share, care, and forgive. Loving life is to unconditionally love living. Thus, practice loving life and love living. Know deeply that you are the creator of your experiences. Accordingly, you will forget mind-generated details. This is a human-made world. And, it has gone rotten. But, you are not and can never be only of this world. You are ultimately responsible for how universal energy vibrates. All objects, whether consciously aware or not, are influencing this universal flow. Continue reading


Everlasting Transformation Begins Within You

We often misinterpret the word spiritual. Therefore, please don’t think that living spiritual is a prerequisite to enlightenment. We are experiencing a shift in awareness. This awakening is allowing an inner transformation to blossom. Spirituality is just a word such as religion, God or Buddha. The word has no real significance. Other than to give our existence structure. The change that we are witnessing is the release of our conditioned behavior and mind-restrictions. We are letting go of personal and collective dogmas.


We don’t need to be spiritual to experience life energy consciousness. Rather, living and being are far beyond believing in something or even thinking anything. Thus, we need to unconditionally experience the truth of living in each moment. It would be beneficial for us to acknowledge that we are within everything. And we are influencing how things manifest. We are absolute at the level of being.

Still, we search for, demand more from, and define life instead of just living life. And, there are so many expectations. Thus, we obsessively attach ourselves to thoughts, feelings, and things. The problem is that we are always asking questions. We always expect something and overlook what is already there. We base our expectations purely on mind-oriented factors. This expectation is due to a state of unconsciousness. Universal intelligence vibrates and will respond to both unconsciously-made or consciously-made energy outputs. Continue reading