
119 posts


Unlearn, relearn and Discover the Self within Living

When and where did everything begin? How and why will everything end? These questions are inquiries into the diversity of your being. Your answers to these questions will widely vary. But, let’s keep it simple. Ultimately, everything manifests according to the focus of your being. And, this is the isness of living life. This is the purpose of the articles title statement. Unlearn basically everything you have been told about living life. Relearn the depth and true nature of your beingness in the flow of life and the universe. Thus, you discover that everything is within you as the center of being. And, your experience of self-being determines how you live life.


The Self is a complex and core subject in many forms of spirituality. Two types of Self are commonly considered—the Self that is the ego, also called the learned, superficial Self of mind and body, egoic creation, and the Self which is sometimes called the “True Self”, the “Observing Self”, or the “Witness”. In Hinduism, the Ātman (Self), despite being experienced as an individual, is actually a representation of the unified transcendent reality, Brahman.[42] Our experience of reality doesn’t match the nature of Brahman due to māyā.  (Wikipedia) Continue reading


A Relative Reality so What Is Real?

Relative reality as a discussion topic can be confusing when the mind uses too much energy thinking about reality. What is real? What is not real? Could and should we consider a relative reality to be fundamental to our existence?  We might even suggest that nothing is possible without reality. A third perspective is not to associate these two words with anything, whether we call something real or not. But, this might first seem derogatory to our understanding of reality. Another word commonly used for relative is relativism.


Relativism is the idea that points of view have no absolute truth or validity. They only have relative, subjective value according to viewpoint and circumstances. (Wikipedia) There are many understandings of relativism. The church; for example, considers any association with this concept to be a denial of absolute truth.

Reality is the state of things as they are, rather than as they may appear or might be imagined. (Wikipedia) Yes, we can accept this statement for practical day to day purposes. However, this definition has no true validity, consciously and spiritually speaking.  Is beingness possible as unmanifested and manifested energy? If yes, does the manifested have more reality than the unmanifested? And, vice versa? Or, is everything relative? Continue reading

The Chains that Burden You

Charles Dickens offers an indirect glimpse into conscious enlightenment in his tale A Christmas Carol. Scrooge’s dead partner Jacob Marley appears as a ghost burdened with heavy chains in the story. Marley forged each chain link in life and must carry them during his death resulting from his behavior and decisions. This suggest that each person forges his or her own path in life. This acknowledgment is the first step on a person’s inner journey of self-discovery. Marley implies that the totality of his being, in life and death, is the result of free will and choices.


The ghost Marley represents the conscious awareness that dwells within your presence. The details of the world around you are the distractions and restrictions that will forge chains of burden. Equally, this is true for thoughts and emotions that will manipulate if you live in unawareness of your being.  And, an unaware existence causes attachment and dependency to the things you confuse as your true self.  Thus, these mind and existence details are the chain links that you and every unaware person carry. Continue reading

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Boat on a Calm Lake

Aware presence of here and now is beneficial during your inquiry into living consciously. Additionally, conscious enlightenment is not a feat of magic or luck. Thus, learn to accept the simple beingness of your presence in any moment. Likewise, living a fulfilling and peaceful life is to learn the difference between mind or conscious presence existence.

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Accordingly, you realize conscious presence during the inner journey of self-discovery. And, non-attachment and non-dependency are essential stepping stones along the way. Therefore, are you willing to let go of what the mind tells you? This is the first conscious step on The Way of Life (Tao Te Ching). This stepping stone is one of many that allows a shift from mind distractions to conscious aware presence. Imagine your presence as a boat on a calm lake that freely floats peacefully and without purpose on the water. Continue reading


Delusions of the Mind Obstruct Living Life

We stubbornly hold tight to repetitious mind delusions about life and living. Accordingly, the mind invokes a behavioral pattern of resistance and separation relating to the essence of our being. Mind-made separation from life and the act of being causes difficulty for everyone. Regardless, if a person is consciously awakening or not. The mind illustrates problems in a world of beliefs and concepts. Thus, thoughts and feelings condition us to think life is a problem to overcome. Consequently, the mind establishes difficulties, confusion and suffering as factors in the experience of being human.


Therefore, we forget that life blossoms through the manifestation of our being.  Hence, the majority of people still do everything the mind tells them. But, experiencing life and consciousness within ourselves and all objects is an act of Acknowledging, Accepting and Allowing beingness. To simply be and to allow does not necessarily imply doing nothing. A fish does not need to think about swimming to know it is in water. Continue reading


Die or Live but Never Wake Up

Alan Watts shares an insight relating to the state of being in life and death. Sleeping, waking, unconsciously and consciously living, in example, offer the realization of being. This is his suggestion. Try and imagine what it would be like to go to sleep and never wake up. However, let’s not try to interpret or label any analogy. Instead, as with every experience, being is enough. On the contrary, thoughts and feelings about the beingness of being are insignificant to the aware presence of being. What if I said to die before you live? This might seem callous. Nevertheless, this is the focus of our inquiry.


To Die and Realize the Act of Being Alive

I took this insight quite literally last month during a heart attack and head concussion. It was not possible for the heart to pump blood due to a blocked artery. This resulted in me clinically dying six times before arriving at the hospital trauma clinic. Additionally, I fell during the heart attack causing a head concussion. The shock was too much for the body. I was in a coma for two days. The coma gave the brain an opportunity to heal due to the severity of the head trauma. So, to die and to experience a type of deep coma sleep were the experience of being for me.

Life and Death are Irrelevant to the isness of Being. Beingness within non-experience and experience became obvious as I awoke from the coma. The clarity of my isness as a living and conscious state of aware beingness was indescribable in that moment. Apparently, there is less brain activity during a coma. Therefore, upon awakening, there was a sense of pure being and of living without constrains. There was no unconscious or conscious acknowledgment of being or not being during the coma. This freed me from any mind-body interaction. Image living actively aware without any obligations or necessity to express, clarify or verify the act of being. Acknowledge that this is possible through the practice of being without attachment and dependency to anything within this isness.



Rule of Engagement During Your Experiences

The article title is a point of emphasis for our discussion. However, please don’t focus on the words. Many people function day-to-day by using a rule of engagement behavior during the act of living. People use these codes of conduct in countless situations. Still, this behavior is strictly of the mind. Nevertheless, is it possible to live without attaching your state of being to these mind patterns? Yes, it is easier than you think. The question to ask is are you ready to live life outside of a mind-made box? The purest expression of living is unconditional, in the flow of aware silence. Stillness doesn’t mean that you are free of thoughts. Instead, it suggests that you live without attaching your sense of self to thoughts and feelings. There, in this space, is where consciousness flows. And, consciously living offers harmony and balance.


People and situations change. And, changes are constant. Nonetheless, the mind does its best to understand everything, including why everything changes. And, the mind lures you into playing its game of questions, searching and labeling.  So, you want to understand everything by asking how, why and what. But, ultimately, there is only one question beneficial to consciously living in presence. Ask yourself. Why must you understand anything? Yes, of course, there are things in our daily activities that require our attention. Thus, for practical purposes, we must understand some things. But, this should be the extent of our need to understand. Still, the mind reacts, often radically, to change and the need to understand. Continue reading

Bugs and Insects Everywhere

I observed a bird hopping through the grass searching for something to eat a few days ago. The bird does what we do each day in an evolutionary and fundamental manner.  Survival is instinctive… as is true for all animals, plants and people. Thus, a bird eats bugs, worms and basically anything that is digestible. Of course, species evolution differs between birds and humans in various aspects. And yet, the two, as well as all species, are more alike than is apparent at first glance.


Are you self-conscious? And, if yes, do you think that self-consciousness provides you with advantages? Well, on the contrary, self-consciousness is a psychological side-affect that adversely influences living within unconditional presence. Let’s use the bird to illustrate this idea. Bugs and other insects are everywhere. And, yet, from time to time a bird will attempt to catch something to eat and miss. What does the bird do after it fails to catch a bug? It continues hopping in the grass without any self-contemplation or self-doubt until the next insect appears. On the other hand, what do you often experience when you miss the bus or can’t complete a task? Self-consciousness, overthinking and conditional behavior overwhelm you with confusion, self-doubt and fear. Thus, evolutionary development of cerebral functions such as self-consciousness and classical conditioning inhibit our aware presence.
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The Matrix of Life Is Your Wish and Your Design

Many people enjoy watching the Matrix trilogy. The Matrix story portraits a world of illusion. And, the movies suggest that life is a type of mental hypnosis and computers control our existence. Nevertheless, let’s consider an underlining message that is not immediately obvious. We actually experience a life of mental illusions due to our unaware observation of living. And, yes, there is a matrix within the universe and life. Accordingly, universal energy is within the flow of life. This energy vibration manifest through and around all objects. It connects everything. However, most people disregard the vibrating frequencies within the universal and the manifestation of life. Thus, most people are not willing or able to acknowledge their role in the flow of universal energy and life.


The Matrix of Living Life Weaves What You Create

You design and influence a matrix in each second of your existence. This is true for all objects within the vibration of universal energy at some given level. Furthermore, whether you experience living from a mentally hypnotic or fully conscious state of being is your choice. Realizing that you have a choice is a fundamental step in acknowledging that you are the co-creator of your experiences. Continue reading


Bucket, Water and the Life that Flows

The bucket I use for house cleaning recently became the focus of my awareness. Hence, conscious presence flowed through me as water in a stream. Likewise, conscious presence becomes obvious to everyone on occasion. This happens when we are in the moment beyond boundaries of mind and body. Yes, an object, such as the bucket I use, will offer a portal to presence. However, any thought, feeling, person or thing is only the jumping off point to active awareness. Thus, practice the acknowledgment of unity and tranquility that flows from you as the source of your beingness. Nothing in your mind or surroundings can give you conscious enlightenment. Presence is a state of being. And, our beingness should flow without biasness, attachment or dependency.


Conscious living is not something we do. Rather, we are the beingness of being. It is beneficial to deeply realize that conscious awareness flows from you. Or, it doesn’t. Here also, your state of beingness determines the energy that flows. Therefore, influences how you live life. No other person or thing can give you conscious presence. Continue reading