conscious awareness

103 posts

How Is Your Partnership with Life?

You are a manifestation of life energy and the essence of being is ultimately universal. Therefore, do not cling to the mind or the details of our existence in an attempt to experience the conscious nature of being. This being is the isness of living. Do not allow the mind to play its games with you. Life engulfs you as a frequency within a universal flow. Acknowledge the act of being. Realize that you determine the manifestation of this flow through your partnership with life.


Thus, you are the center of the universe and everything is spiraling outward and inward. You reflect all things such as a shadow that always accompanies the object that casts it. Hence, you are within and without, absolute as one in a state of beingness. Practicing presence is being the isness of presence. The mind does not want to acknowledge the difference between living and a true state of aliveness. Your awareness to the life that is within and surrounding you basically determines how you experience everything. Continue reading

A Pattern of Deception and Your Role

You live in a tangled web of deception. And, no, I’m not writing about government, media or religious interventions. Nevertheless, this trickery happens to you every day and in more ways than you know. And, the mind is responsible for this dilemma. More accurately written, your unconscious reactions to mind behavior is similar to a snowball rolling down a hill. The snowball rolls faster with each turn and gathers more snow on the way. Likewise, a thought turns into another and another, ever faster and faster. And, what usually happens? Countless thoughts appear from nowhere and overwhelm you. Each thought is more complex than the last. This is a pattern that the majority of people experience each day.


So, how do you consciously move beyond this behavior pattern? You probably read about spirituality, enlightenment and bliss as you awakening to conscious living, such as this article. That is fine. However, please do not cling to stepping stones on your inner path as necessary in reaching conscious enlightenment. Continue reading


Social Development and How You Live

Modern social structure development began around 10,000 years ago. Thus, more people were sharing ideas, assumptions and beliefs on a day to day basis. This era possibly increased aspects of our conditioned behavior in reference to the mind dominating our life experience. Searching, assuming and labeling details in our existence dominate our evolution. Additionally, more verbal and written interaction overwhelms our natural conscious awareness of life and our state of presence. 


And, one primary factor remains constant throughout our personal and social development. We do not acknowledge or accept the essence of living and being.  Equally, conformity often results as a by-product of social and personal developmental factors. Still, we innately know that we are here and now. We feel the beingness of our person. Yet, the mind causes interference and we attach our sense of being to these thoughts and feelings. Thus, we mistakenly accept the mind’s misapprehensions to be our true self. Thus, thoughts and feelings about living life consume our conscious presence of being and living. Continue reading

Words Are Only Signposts to What is Beyond

A rose by any other name would seem so sweet. This excerpt from Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet is beneficial in our inquiry into conscious living. However, a word through expressed interpretation or definition of any person, situation or thing limits active presence and conscious expansion. Thus, the brain confuses us through labels that represent a given reality. But, these words are ultimately insignificant to a person that is consciously living in the isness of now.


Shakespeare could easily have written a word by any other name would seem so sweet. It is apparent that Shakespeare’s written works share philosophical perception into living life beyond mind generated details. Perhaps, he understood the ultimate futility of any word in labeling something.  Let’s consider that words or definitions of anything do not actually change or affect the isness (beingness) of something.  A stepping stone to conscious awakening lies within this insight. Continue reading

Crazy Times and No End in Sight

Let’s have a heart-to-heart conversation about the experience of balance and happiness on a day-to-day basis. Of course, it is so easy to say that the world is crazy. Likewise, everyone usually blames everyone else for the difficulties we encounter. But, I ensure you, that only you are responsible for how you experience life and living. Still, every person carries some type of mental and emotional baggage. Furthermore, people usually carry mental and emotional baggage given to them from family, friends, co-workers and strangers. And, most people are eager to give you some of their mental baggage depending on any given situation with you.


I can testify to this behavior through personal experiences. Manifesting energy from unconsciously behaving people is manipulative, restrictive and harmful if you are not consciously aware. And, please understand that the majority of people are still very unaware of either consciously or unconsciously living. This means that any given person will attempt to give you his or her mental baggage. Probably, without realizing what they are doing or why. Continue reading

What Will the Creator Create Today?

A creator is someone who brings something into being. You are the creator of love. Moreover, how you experience the totality of life and how it unfolds is your responsibility. This is ultimately true for everything and how any given object or experience will manifest. Silence, awareness, and consciousness offer endless possibilities that can flow from the dimension of life energy. However, love and life remain a mystery and poets, storytellers, and dreamers will continue to ask the question. What is this wonderful and often bewildering experience?


Firstly, one significant realization is to acknowledge that you exist in love, and life engulfs your being. Therefore, walk each moment hand in hand with life and do not stray from this path. Thus, each step along the way reveals conscious enlightenment. And, both love and life itself are only as true or as real as you choose. Continue reading

Calculate, Delegate and Consolidate Beyond the Mind

Are we dependent on the mind? And, does the mind have the ability to truly calculate the depth of our conscious interaction with life? Did you answer these questions with a yes? That’s fine if you did.  After all, the mind calculates. That is what it does. Therefore, the mind analyses and, in its own interest, tells you to say yes. However, let’s attempt to consciously step beyond the mind.  And, in the same moment also be aware that the mind is still there. It sounds confusing but don’t let thoughts manipulate your state of conscious being. Acknowledge that the conditional mind is like a box. Therefore, let’s use the cliché go outside the box. To illustrate conscious presence.


Indeed! How would it be to live beyond the limitations of the mind. Recognize that it is possible to consciously live and still use the mind. Imagine how it would be to fully live without the mind interfering. Continue reading


Intelligence Within the Act of Being

Life: What is it? And, where do we find love? These are questions that we always ask. But, our object illusions are primarily responsible for integrating falsehood into our existence. The delusions we have placed on our existence engulf all factors of our experiences. It is not your purpose to define life or love. Instead, simply experience your beingness through awareness to consciousness.  In other words, wake up! There is an intelligence within you that innately knows the truth of your being without needing to search.


What is this intelligence? Firstly, I ask that you don’t put energy and effort into labeling what I have written. Secondly, this mysterious something within and surrounding you is not supernatural and not a god. Therefore, simply observe the depth of the inner universe as a space that resonates with common sense. However, please do not minimize the depth and magnitude of this inner dimension. And, we should not define the act of this observation from a standpoint of our worldly activities. The common sense within you is of universal proportion and brilliance. And, your true essence flows from a pool of unconditional beingness that is indifferent to mind details and interactions. Continue reading


Head on Straight and True

My uncle often told me to get my head on straight as a young teenager. Sometimes he said this with a strict voice. And, from time to time he told me this to make me laugh. I have grown with a deep appreciation for the wisdom found within this statement. Likewise, I recall pondering on the depth of this insight during my young adulthood. This idiom suggests for us to calmly observe our behavior in any given situation. Furthermore, live and act from a state of clarity.


Nevertheless, people experience much of life in a dysfunctional state of being. This is to say that a person’s head is not on straight (😊). The majority of people still use this moment as nothing more than a means to and end. The mind usually interlaces now with phantom thoughts and emotions of what will come or what has been. This tendency might very well be the major cause of our unconscious, thus abnormal behavior.

Yes, I use abnormal behavior as a synonym for our unaware (unconscious) state of being. Perhaps, the time has come for us to openly and clearly observe our state of affairs. We claim to be logical, intelligent and compassionate. However, our behavior indicates the exact opposite. Conscious presence is a necessity in our evolution. We have spent thousands of years in a type of darkness that continues due to mind obsessions. Continue reading

Ebb and Flow Within Presence

Presence is a state of being. However, it is not the details of living such as thoughts, feelings and situations. Aware presence is beneficial in the process of conscious awakening. Furthermore, active awareness to the vibration of universal energy within everything changes how you experience life. Conscious awakening and the shift from mind details allows you to focus more readily on the transfer of universal energy. We can compare the movement of this energy to the ebb and flow of water.


Ask yourself the following questions. Do I nurture this ebb and flow? Or, do I contaminate it? Am I truly aware of presence itself? Or, do I unconsciously focus solely on mind details within this moment? Mind details and interventions appear to manipulate the act of presence and conscious awareness. Nevertheless, it is more accurate to express mind interference as a distortion of this flowing universal energy. Are you conscious of the flow of energy within this moment or just the detail symbols projected by the mind? There is a significant difference.

Here is an exercise, helpful during the process of conscious awakening. Focus awareness simply on the act of your being and living. Thus, with practice, you feel the vibrational flow and manifestation of energy within the beingness of your person.  Then, actively observe this interaction and transition in any given moment of awareness.  Sooner or later, you experience the unconditional act of being within this universal flow. This practice exercise reveals the ebb and flow within the universe. And, it becomes obvious that you are a co-creator of this marvelous movement. The universe swims within this manifested/non-manifested energy. Accordingly, so do you. And, you greatly influence how this energy manifests. Continue reading