
39 posts


Falling in Love…Again and Again

Do you feel love? This question first appears easy to answer. However, nothing is ever as it seems, including what we call love. Let’s use an exercise to illustrate the predicament that this question causes. Did you answer yes to the above question?  And, if so, how do you justify your answer? Yes, you feel something. But, a feeling is, at best, temporary and usually based on misconceptions. Still, let’s play out our inquiry about falling into love. You bump into someone at the grocery store. There is something about this person. You don’t know what. Nevertheless, your head tells you that he/she is perfect. And, suddenly you claim to be in love.


And, yes, this happens to everyone. Countless people fall in love at least once or twice a week 😊. Likewise, these same people insist they are in love without knowing why. Therefore, again I ask what is it that you feel? Love has been the center point of conversations, romantic literature and music for thousands of years. Nonetheless, talking, reading or singing about a feeling does not verify that it is love. And, no, I am not being cynical.  However, what we do with this feeling does not mean that symbols, definitions, or conditioned behavior is love. These are, rather, only tangible and non-tangible objects, thoughts and emotions that we label as love.

Therefore, the joys and sorrows of a supposed love may ultimately have nothing to do with actual love. I realize this insight is likely confusing, abstract and slightly irritating. However, let’s consider this idea for a moment. When you feel joy, it is because of an emotion. Something you see, hear or touch triggers emotions that generate feelings. Thus, in our example, you claim to be in love. Continue reading

A Roller Coaster Ride Called Life

We call love and life a roller coaster ride, but why? Why do we expect difficulties when we love? This behavior is synonymous with other reactions to basically any experience in life. It would seem that we want everything to be intricate. And, this upside-down relationship with the mind has developed during our evolution. However, don’t let this servitude behavior hold you captive. Robin Sharma wrote the following in his book The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari: A Fable About Fulfilling Your Dreams & Reaching Your Destiny. Robin Sharma suggests that the mind is a wonderful servant but a terrible master.


Let’s reflect on probable implications of this insight. A person in balance with the mind, body and and inner self will experience a harmonious relationship with life. Thus, loving and living can be a blissful roller coaster ride. And, contrary to Robin Sharma’s suggestion. Our affiliation with the mind does not necessarily prescribe one as the master and the other as a servant. Please remember that the oneness of life that we communicate through written and spoken gestures is not just a word. It is the totality in a flow of unmanifested and manifested energy. Naturally, this includes the frequency generated as love.

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Completely Complete Here and Now

You come from one; completely.
It has always been the one.
You are simply here to live.
Do you feel it? Be it! You are alive.
You are the one that shines like the sun.
It is you that creates the moon and stars.


You are here, now. Do you feel it?
There is nothing less or more than one being.
Therefore, too be or not to be is not the question.
It is you that creates being.
It is you that are one; completely.

Will you live, love and have some fun?
Being is simply to be, completely.
You often want to ask how and why.
But, the gift of being is not a question.

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Existence Attributes Distort the Flow of Life

Are human attributes such as love and forgiveness active integrates in universal life consciousness?  Of course, this is not an easy question to answer. And, most likely, we can’t actually answer it. This question suggests that love is universal because we and other life-forms experience it. But, is love truly a component of life?  Here again it is not possible to definitely answer such a question. Eckhart Tolle, in The Power of Now, has said that love is a state of being. This statement feels good to say, but it does not really offer pure enlightenment. Nevertheless, let’s use this statement as a reference point for our discussion.


Firstly, thoughts and emotions have the potential to become our state of being. That is to say, if we allow the mind to dominate. Therefore, the level of active awareness to a given state of being determines how you will live. The form this moment takes is merely a detail when a person observes it consciously. We could make it easy by saying that life will be as we choose it to be. This may at first sound farfetched. But, let’s consider it for a moment. Continue reading


An Inquiry into Being in Love

Being in love gives us joy. This love and affection can be to a person, a thing or even self-love. Love is marvelous and, at times, equally perplexing. This is fine. However, this reference is not necessarily about physical or emotional love. Instead, our inquiry is into the totality of love.


Therefore, let’s take the first step into this inquiry through the realization that love is energy. This energy attaches itself to either our mental or emotional center of focus. But, please understand that love is always present, as is true for all universal energy.  Have you experienced a moment when all judgments, doubts, anxiety and fear were at a minimum? What did you feel? Was it something that you cannot truly express in mere words? Would it be appropriate to describe this state of being as a blissful experience? The sensation you experience in such a moment is possible through the natural flow of universal energy. The blissfulness you experience is possible because you are going with the flow. Continue reading

The Key to Living Is in Your Hand

There is a key to allowing life and love to flow unrestricted. Acceptance is the doorway to this universal flow. But, unconditional love will remain bound by these restrictions until we are willing to step beyond them. The mind attempts to instill boundaries on love and life itself. This could explain why we remain mostly in a state of conflict throughout our existence, both personally and collectively. But, the conflict is only within us. Conflict does not come from the universe or life. And, we and only we are responsible for our experience of life and love. Your choices are either unconsciously or consciously made.  


A state of consciousness is significant whereby acknowledging unconditional love is the key. We are always within an energy field that has the potential to be conscious. But it is necessary to be aware of pure consciousness. Equally, this is true for love. Our level of awareness strengthens love as a component of life. The initial spark that generates love into the universe is pure. But, we become preoccupied with the diversity of our self-imposed detail existence. Continue reading

Loveliness of Life and How to Live

How we label something does not define the loveliness of living. The sheer manifestation of life holds its true beauty. Nevertheless, the mind labels everything. These labels can easily confuse and manipulate your behavior. Thus, our life experience is usually not accurate. Therefore, we acquire a tunnel vision. This phenomenon limits the vast possibilities within life. The total grace of your existence is here for you to acknowledge. It is life energy and it is flowing through you now.


Therefore, too many questions, assumptions and labels restrict our relationship with life. Isn’t this behavior true for any partnership, especially the intimacy of two people in love? Too many questions and labels are not beneficial. The wish in a true interrelationship is to unconditionally give and receive. This offers a nurtures balance and harmony between two people. And, we can discover this bliss when we unconditionally live life. Furthermore, equilibrium, let’s say enlightenment is the ultimate desire in any interconnection. Hence, this is the true loveliness of living and loving. Continue reading

Confusion Abounds When the Mind Is Astray

The mind constantly inflects confusion, anxiety, and fear upon us. Why? You might ask. And, the mind insists, why not? This behavior is due to a limbo state of living life. It is quite easy for the mind to overwhelm us when we are unaware. Can we consciously move beyond the mind? Yes, with practice. This means not allowing any mind-generated restrictions and manipulations to interrupt the flow of universal energy. What can we practice to nurture the flow of this energy? Focus on living here and now. Acknowledge the spaciousness between thoughts, emotions and situations. Universal energy flows. So, practice living for the ride and not the destination.


Our fear and confusion occur primarily from non-acceptance. We don’t want to accept this moment. And, this nonacceptance causes us to live life in a constant state of dissatisfaction. At least, this is what the mind tells us. Nevertheless, everyone experiences conscious awareness at some level. And, many times, our focus is on aware presence. But, then the mind intervenes. The mind tells us that thoughts of yesterday or tomorrow are more important than now. Continue reading

A Woman in Springtime

Many areas of the world are experiencing the magnificent blossoming of Spring as Mother Nature blesses the world with a reawakening. Mother Nature is a woman that gives without question. Thus, we should honor the gift she gives. But, too often we forget. I hope that you enjoy my poem as a dedication to nature.


Springtime reveals the beauty of life.
It signifies rebirth, growth, and delight.
Springtime expresses itself with cascades of
Light, color, and sound vibrate within the
flowing impulses.

Springtime nurtures the mother of life.
Mother Nature is this woman. She is a lady.
She is sometimes filled with mischief…
There will be rain, snow, and storm.
Occasionally she is also the temptress.
Sunshine, blue sky, and a warm breeze…
She does her best to excite you.
She may at times appear to hurt you, but she
loves you.
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Please Tell Me Why

Please Tell Me Why

Where do I belong? What is happening to me?
Why don’t I understand the world, or it me?
Please tell me why.
I do my best, really, I do.
I look out into the world each day.


Over and over I say…
Here I am, world; don’t you see?
I listen for an answer but often, quite often, there
is nothing.
There is only silence, precious silence to be
Please tell me why.

Habitually, I feel very confused.
I feel shattered, twirling in a storm.
There I twist and I turn, tumbling about.
Still, I don’t know why.
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