This page is designed as a short introduction to the books I have written. They are listed in chronological order. Additionally, there is a short description of the writing projects that I am currently developing.
I have dedicated myself to sharing through written and spoken interaction with others. There is a shift in our conscious awareness. This is occurring throughout the world. It is growing in momentum. People are awakening more and more to the actuality of life and what object-form existence truly represents.
My wish is to share a common knowledge of life essence that is within the fabric of every object in the universe. My books, articles, website, and teachings are meant as an expression of the innate energy vibration that each life-form experiences at some level. This pulsating frequency is life manifesting through all things.
Human beings are blessed with intelligence and higher form consciousness. This allows us to literally co-create with life. However, we have been unable or unwilling to release the restrictions that have occurred through a conditioned evolution. This is changing now more than ever before in human history. People are awakening, not to a new religion or scientific explanation of life, Furthermore, we are realizing that life is here and now. Nevertheless, we have obscured this simplicity through millenniums of conditioned thought and emotional reactions. We have done this in our search for the one thing that does not need to be asked and cannot ever truly be answered: “What is Life?”
Stepping Stones on the Pathway Home
You desire happiness, harmony and balance. So, what’s the problem? Why aren’t you satisfied with the life you live? The trouble is that you are taught to search for something to make you whole. But, honestly, ask yourself how and more importantly, why should you search for completeness. Everything is already within you, ready to flow through your conscious awakening.
Consider the insight within these pages as stepping stones to awaken your awareness to living and loving as you walk the path we call life. How you live can truly change when you are ready to take the next conscious step.
Stepping Stones on the Pathway Home is available on Amazon and most book retailers.
Love will Show You the Way
Have you been looking for love in all the wrong places?
Do emotional feelings often cause you doubt and anxiety?
Does life seem unfair and you don’t know why?
Don’t worry, if you have answered with yes. You are not alone. Countless people around the world live with uncertainty about love and life.
Everyone seeks love. Everybody wants a healthy and prosperous life. But, something has happened along the way. We have become distracted and attach ourselves to temporary details of little significance during our journey. It seems that we are on the wrong path. However, the way is always permanent. But, how we walk this footpath determines everything.
Love will Show You the Way offers ideas, insight, and guidelines to loving and living more consciously in a world that seems so complex. The book discusses existentialism, metaphysics, and spirituality. I dive deep into topics relating to how we love and live on this marvelously mysterious path called life.
The following is an excerpt from the Foreword in the book written by Lwi Liss, writer & teacher
I’m aware of how controversial this topic is. A reflection about it, however, could be life changing. Through inquiry and self-inquiry, I keep observing that what we commonly call love, especially the love for the closest partner, for the family, too often turns out to be a mixture of psychological, emotional, and even economic dependence. A fine web of agreements, habits, mutual expectations, automatic behavior, sealed by the memory of shared moments, usually salted with fear of losing the familiar, even if one feels lonely and not understood in such a relationship. And one favors this one partner, this one family still, makes her/him/them the chosen one, with whom one holds against the others, which is also encouraged in our society. Whether this subtle dependency on the favor and disgust of others is possibly a social and/or cultural necessity, whether it was naturally caused by fear of being alone and the need for allies, is less meaningful to me, if not uninteresting. I do not believe in connectedness through blood relatives anyway. Too often I have experienced families where there was no love, and too often I experience profound, unconditional connectedness that is not based on familiarity. Without condemning this psychological, emotional, economic dependence or declaring it as bad or unnecessary, I rather ask what love really is.
Is love, and especially unconditional love, this network of dependencies, the agreed and sometimes even involuntary togetherness, and the mutual interaction? Or is love something completely different, and if so, what would that be? Reflecting on this question, we can sometimes come up with amazing results. Like, for example, that love does not exist thanks to and through the above-mentioned relationships and dependencies, but in spite of them. As my friend wrote to me recently, “The beauty and purity of life and love is experienced in silence.” I pass on this sentence as a tool for reflection to all who seek to discover the essence of love and thus of life.
— Iwi Liss
Love Will Show You the Way is available through Amazon and many other book retailer outlets.
Simplicity of Life
Life is what it is; there is no way to truly define it. The human species has taken this state of simplicity and made it very complicated. Furthermore, this complexity, which we deem as being a true reality, is only mind-made construction. We desire simplicity in our existence; but how do we reach it in a world that thrives on complexity? What has humankind done with the simplicity of life?
Every moment of life is, by true definition, the first, and the last of our human existence. Throughout most of human history we’ve been divided—stuck in structured behavior patterns and belief systems and confined to the stark cultural boundaries of a human-made world. This has led to feelings of confusion and loneliness, a constant sense of lacking as we search for something more. The development of this world and the universe is dependent on what we think, what we desire and what we decide.
Simplicity of Life is an exploration into self-awareness and human existence as a whole with ideas and insights that challenge the outdated belief systems of yore, and offers alternative ways of thinking that will allow anyone to live more consciously.
Simplicity of Life is available through Amazon and many other book retailer outlets.
One Moment in Life
Throughout most of human history we’ve been divided—stuck in structured behavior patterns and belief systems and confined to the stark cultural boundaries of a Human-made world. It’s a way of life that has led to feelings of confusion and loneliness, a constant sense of lacking as we search for something more.
One Moment in Life is an exploration of these groundbreaking insights about self-awareness, the concept of the universe, and human life as a whole. Awaken to humankind’s true potential with refreshing new content that challenges the outdated belief systems of yore, and offers alternative ways of thinking that will allow anyone to tap into a larger and more universal consciousness.
How do you wish to live this one moment in life—this blink of an eye during which we experience the first and last second of our existence? Will you resign yourself to anxiety and suffering, or tap into the simplicity and beauty of a higher consciousness?
For the majority of humans, life comes and goes without ever seeing the open door in front of them. But the tide is changing and minds are expanding. More than ever, individuals are feeling the need to leave their old ways behind and recognize universal intelligence. This has always been our birthright.
One Moment in Life is available through Amazon and many other book retailer outlets.
Writing Projects
I have several manuscript projects planned in different genres, some of which include:
– A non-fiction psychological thriller novel.
– A novel about my search for love that started as a young boy.
– Three children and youth books.
– A science fiction novel based on spirituality.
I hope that my written works or teachings are enjoyable to read and provide you with helpful signposts on your inner journey. Life is a sharing experience.