I have completed my third book manuscript a few months ago. However, I have decided to wait just a little longer before starting the editing work and publication. This decision was based on several factors, including financial and the desire to revise the first draft. Nevertheless, it should be ready for publishing later this year.
The book takes consciousness and our desire to love into consideration. Love and our relationship with it, us and others is the main topic within the pages. There are also many poems about life and love throughout the book that I have written. These correlate with the topics discussed in each chapter.
Consciousness flows where life grows: love is the seed that lets it blossom!
I will continue to keep you up to date on the manuscript’s development and publishing date. Likewise, I feel that the ideas and insight within this book are well structured and should be interesting for most people. My first and second books have given me helpful experience in writing and have also benefited my inner journey. These experiences, together with sharing and learning with you, have hopefully been beneficial in offering you with a reading experience that will be helpful for you in the process of awakening consciously.
Desire Love and Experience Life
Take care and best wishes
P.S. Here are the Amazon links for my first two books. There are available as paperback and Kindle. The books are also continuously offered as free download for Kindle Unlimited users. Additionally, I am currently revising the text in “One Moment in Life”. I should be uploading the revised version to Amazon next week if you are interested in ordering it.
One Moment in Life: Rediscovering Inner Awareness
Simplicity of Life: Why does being Human Complicate Everything?