
40 posts


Discover the Depth of Inner Consciousness

The following is an example of conscious awakening that illustrates how the mind dominates our experiences when we are unaware. The mind has countless thoughts and many emotions that can influence how we live. The type of influences vary from irritation to anger, relaxation to hypertension or contentment to severe depression. Thus, thoughts and emotions causes various, often radical reactions in the behavior of an unconscious person. This results due to a lack of aware conscious living. Therefore, and obviously, awareness blossoms when we discover the essence of consciousness as the presence of our being.


I share with you a dialogue that I had with myself during a particular experience. My self-dialogue might, at first glance, seem abstract and slightly confusion for you. Therefore, I suggest reading the example. Then focus on your own inner beingness and the essence of your presence as you ponder the experience I share. Then, at your convenience, reread the article. The inner conversation I offer you happened as I became aware of the mind’s influence on my behavior. Here is the inner transaction with myself… Continue reading


The Matrix of Life Is Your Wish and Your Design

Many people enjoy watching the Matrix trilogy. The Matrix story portraits a world of illusion. And, the movies suggest that life is a type of mental hypnosis and computers control our existence. Nevertheless, let’s consider an underlining message that is not immediately obvious. We actually experience a life of mental illusions due to our unaware observation of living. And, yes, there is a matrix within the universe and life. Accordingly, universal energy is within the flow of life. This energy vibration manifest through and around all objects. It connects everything. However, most people disregard the vibrating frequencies within the universal and the manifestation of life. Thus, most people are not willing or able to acknowledge their role in the flow of universal energy and life.


The Matrix of Living Life Weaves What You Create

You design and influence a matrix in each second of your existence. This is true for all objects within the vibration of universal energy at some given level. Furthermore, whether you experience living from a mentally hypnotic or fully conscious state of being is your choice. Realizing that you have a choice is a fundamental step in acknowledging that you are the co-creator of your experiences. Continue reading


Is Your Experience of Life Dull or Bright?

Thoughts and emotions place filters over aware presence making life seem so dull. Thus, this mind domination obscures conscious awareness. A person looks at the sky, a tree or a bird.  But, usually, what a person sees is a mind filter interpretation. Thus, a reaction or behavior within a person causes this type of stimulus to deceive and confuse. Therefore, this type of mind behavior prevents a person from realizing the true essence and actuality of any given experience. 


On the other hand, realizing your true potential as a conscious being is a useful stepping stone to enlightenment. Words, such as enlightenment and insignificant details mesmerize the mind. Hence, the mind attaches itself and your sense of being to everything you experience. But, please don’t let the mind dominate your sense of presence with insignificant details. Otherwise, these details overshadow the act of aware beingness.  This insight and our topic discussions, to illustrate, refer to conscious illumination and mind dependency liberation. You are the manifestation of one-self (presence) as an isness that has the potential to be universal through non-attachment. And, more obvious, you are the non-self (Buddhism: Anattā) of being, equally, through non-attachment. Continue reading

Day after day details of our existence distract us from the aware presence of our being.

Details and More Details of Our Existence

It is true that any individual cannot truly change the behavior of another person or the details of a situation. However, it is possible for each person to change his or her perspective in each moment. It is very difficult for the mind to accept any given moment at face value. Nevertheless, conscious enlightenment shines through when a person acknowledges the simply act of being in this moment. Your state of being is as it is and not as the mind tells us.

Life is more than the details of our existence.

The mind tells us stories and details constructed from memory, interpretation and expectation. But, usually nothing is as the mind tells us. Thus, the mind establishes a storybook of our existence. And, the pages of this book compile daily through unawareness to this mind behavior. A person that unconsciously lives carries a heavy burden. We carry personal and collective demands, expectancy and countless insignificant existence specifics that are completely insignificant. But, actually being and accepting our existence within the flow of life is different than what the mind tells us. Do you often feel fatigue, frustration and anxiety? This dooming darkness of calamity results from not consciously observing our relationship and partnership with the mind.  Thus, personal and collective baggage fills the minds colossal storybook. Continue reading

A Lesson in Conscious Awakening

Conscious awareness anchors you in active presence. And, everything offers you a lesson as you walk the inner path of self-discovery. Thus, the benefits of conscious presence become obvious as you awaken more and more during everyday interactions. Conscious awakening and shifting from thought-based living to conscious living often seems overwhelming, even impossible. However, this only seems difficult until you are able and ready to release yourself from the mind. Please understand, the mind needs you. But, you do not need the mind. That is to say, your conscious beingness is an extension of universal energy without thought or emotion.


I share two personal examples below as examples of universal energy manifestation resulting from my influence on this flow. You, I and everyone either consciously or unconsciously observe the manifestation of universal energy. Likewise, I assure you that you have constant influence over your life experience. You will know everything differently once you shift to consciously observing your interaction with life. Conscious awakening is a lesson in unconditional living. Therefore, the acknowledgement and active observation of how you live offers you spiritual enlightenment. Continue reading


Autonomy as a Stepping Stone in Life

Typically, we dissect our experiences in attempts to categorize something as good, bad, right or wrong. However, let’s stretch our horizon to engulf the unconditional totality of living. Yes, a million and more years of evolution overshadow any given experience. And, our species interaction with life is mostly a redundant series of mind-induced behavior repetitions. Nevertheless, we have the potential to experience life in a conscious state of autonomy. This word recently fascinated me. The word itself in reference to psychology is useful as a further stepping stone on our inner journey of self-discovery.


Autonomous derives from the Greek word autonomos where auto means self and nomos means to govern (Wikipedia). Therefore, let’s use the word autonomy as a portal to a life of active, conscious presence. How do most people behave in reaction to daily activities, especially in difficult or stressful situations? Everyone wants to go off the grid and live on an island. Likewise, what is the predominant dream of people around the world? Everybody wishes for prosperity and freedom to live according to their desire. But, this desire is usually in accordance with a given societies image of success and happiness. However, there is a deep-rooted flaw within such attempts to find peace and salvation. What is this painted image of illusion that makes us dependent on the mind in the hope of finding happiness? Continue reading

Washing Machine and Miracles so Real

The following is an example of energy manifestation and a washing machine. Many people are familiar with the law of attraction. This term is another way to say energy transformation.  So, please consider the experience I share below. Do you recall me writing about an accident to my shoulder several months ago? Well, something manifested after the accident that illustrates the flow of universal energy in our experiences. Furthermore, we have the ability to co-create within this flow. And, we are doing this each day whether we are aware of it or not. It was a delight for me to observe the unfolding of this experience after the mishap to my shoulder.


I returned home shortly after the accident. There I suddenly fell unconscious to the floor in the bathroom due to trauma shock to my shoulder. I regained consciousness roughly 15 minutes later. And, to my surprise, I had fallen with a strong momentum against the washing machine. The fall had not caused any injury to my body. Continue reading

Ebb and Flow Within Presence

Presence is a state of being. However, it is not the details of living such as thoughts, feelings and situations. Aware presence is beneficial in the process of conscious awakening. Furthermore, active awareness to the vibration of universal energy within everything changes how you experience life. Conscious awakening and the shift from mind details allows you to focus more readily on the transfer of universal energy. We can compare the movement of this energy to the ebb and flow of water.


Ask yourself the following questions. Do I nurture this ebb and flow? Or, do I contaminate it? Am I truly aware of presence itself? Or, do I unconsciously focus solely on mind details within this moment? Mind details and interventions appear to manipulate the act of presence and conscious awareness. Nevertheless, it is more accurate to express mind interference as a distortion of this flowing universal energy. Are you conscious of the flow of energy within this moment or just the detail symbols projected by the mind? There is a significant difference.

Here is an exercise, helpful during the process of conscious awakening. Focus awareness simply on the act of your being and living. Thus, with practice, you feel the vibrational flow and manifestation of energy within the beingness of your person.  Then, actively observe this interaction and transition in any given moment of awareness.  Sooner or later, you experience the unconditional act of being within this universal flow. This practice exercise reveals the ebb and flow within the universe. And, it becomes obvious that you are a co-creator of this marvelous movement. The universe swims within this manifested/non-manifested energy. Accordingly, so do you. And, you greatly influence how this energy manifests. Continue reading


Mirror, Mirror on the Wall Who Am I?

The mirror from the story Snow White is well-known to most people. The evil queen wanted recognition as the fairest person of them all. And, this behavior suggests that the queen had gone mad due to what she saw in the mirror. But, the evil queen did not see her true self. Neither, with or without a mirror. Furthermore, what she saw in the mirror was strictly of the mind. These mind interpretations obscured the innate presence, stillness and beauty within the queen. The queen’s dilemma happens to us each day because we look but do not truly see.


Okay, let’s expand on this topic. What happens when you stand in front of a mirror? What do you see? You probably answer this question with the obvious answer that you see yourself. This is what the mind has taught you to see, think and believe. Nevertheless, I ask that you look beyond what the mind’s interpretation of your reflection. Therefore, look deep within yourself. Likewise, use the reflection of yourself strictly as a passage to the inner self. Now, ask yourself again. What do you see? Realize that there is a depth to your beingness that is not obvious at first glance. Continue reading

The Air That I Breathe

You are the essence of spring.
Your smile shines like the sun after the rain.
This warmth and beauty highlight the magnificence of life.
Your laughter is a symphony.
Pure and so alive.
Everyone must only deeply listen to understand.
Unfortunately, there are still but a few that become aware.
Your eyes shine brighter than the stars.
Each is heavenly blazing and dancing.
It is as pleasingly as a dream.
Your innocence shines forth with a wisp of wisdom.
You intoxicate all with your presence.
Thus, this reveals the bliss of life.
You are precious… like the air I breathe.


Look there. A tree blossoms before your eyes. Now breathe deeply and allow the tree to reach out to you. It is inviting you to lead the dance of life. Each limb and leaf are pulsating with universal life energy. Furthermore, your awareness stimulates this energy You decide the manifestation and rhythm of the dance. Life, more accurately, the universe eagerly vibrates to the energy you manifest through the inner universe. 

Each person is the manifestation of springtime through the life energy we share. As is true for all experiences. Yes, people forget. And, then there is misunderstanding, frustration, anger and fear. Nevertheless, everything shares a universality through the presence of being. Therefore, let life flow as you continue on a path of inner self-discovery. Consciousness, life and unconditionally living go hand in hand. Continue reading