The following is an example of conscious awakening that illustrates how the mind dominates our experiences when we are unaware. The mind has countless thoughts and many emotions that can influence how we live. The type of influences vary from irritation to anger, relaxation to hypertension or contentment to severe depression. Thus, thoughts and emotions causes various, often radical reactions in the behavior of an unconscious person. This results due to a lack of aware conscious living. Therefore, and obviously, awareness blossoms when we discover the essence of consciousness as the presence of our being.
I share with you a dialogue that I had with myself during a particular experience. My self-dialogue might, at first glance, seem abstract and slightly confusion for you. Therefore, I suggest reading the example. Then focus on your own inner beingness and the essence of your presence as you ponder the experience I share. Then, at your convenience, reread the article. The inner conversation I offer you happened as I became aware of the mind’s influence on my behavior. Here is the inner transaction with myself… Continue reading