Hope changes everything. At least, this is what we are told. But, hoping for something is the same as expecting something. Thus, this expectancy causes attachment. And, attachment causes frustration, anxiety and worry. Therefore, these behavior patterns overwhelm most people that unconsciously live life from the mind. Additionally, the mind misleads us with continual distractions. This interference confuses us during daily experiences and on the path of our inner self-discovery. The mind uses our attachment to thoughts, feelings and worldly details to suppress conscious awareness. In other words, the mind stops us from being conscious of consciousness. Thankfully, the practice of aware presence within our state of being offers conscious enlightenment.
To unlearn what you have learned is a beneficial stepping stone. This suggests unlearning useless mind behavior that does not nurture your conscious self-awakening. Let’s consider how often you hope for something as an example of insignificant mind activity. Expectation is synonymous with hope. Therefore, please be honest with yourself in answering the following question. How often do you anticipate (want/expect) something? The need and expectancy for something continuously happens, regardless of a persons’ level of conscious awareness. The only difference between an unaware or consciously aware person is in their observation of the mind’s behavior. Any person has the potential to consciously awaken to a state of aware presence. Continue reading