
28 posts

Essence of Life: It Flows and Love Grows

What do you feel about life energy and love? It would seem that life offers the potential for love. But living and loving have become a mind-game. The essence of life and love have become lost in the details of the mind.



What is Love? We talk about it. And we desire it more than anything. But our behavior implies that we don’t know much about love. The truth has simply become obscured by too much content. Still we do know love. We feel it in the depth and essence of our being. This knowledge is within the dimension of life. Life and love have become synonymous. We know this as truly as we can innately sense universality. This is the true oneness of life and love. Continue reading

Ghosts of the Mind: Don’t Let Them Haunt You


There are ghosts. But they are only of the mind. But be careful. They will possess you.  This will cloud the clarity of consciousness. A mind clouded by thoughts and emotions will also concede quickly to the influence of other minds. This results from conditioned imprints. Consciousness is vulnerable to the trickery of these mind-created impressions.



The unconscious behavior of another person can also cause these apparitions. Mind-conditioning summons these ghosts. And they thrive in the realm of unconsciousness. This can happen in any given situation. These phantoms of the mind seem to always be lurking in the shadows of an unaware person. Continue reading


Muddy Water and Cloudy Consciousness

Everyone has experienced the effect of muddy water. It distorts a clear perception of any body of water; whether flowing or passive. Unclear water is a result of interaction with the waters nature state of existence. This could be any number of things such as dirt, sand or decomposed wood. This is an excellent example in considering how object existence can influence the flow of life energy consciousness as it expands.


Imagine a clear mountain spring with a small stream flowing from it. The water is crystal clear.  The stream meanders down the mountain side. It is in the nature of things for the pure water to pick up object content as it flows. This could be leaves, wood, sand etc. We could refer to this content as details of the water. The water will assimilate any object to reduce unnecessary manipulation or restriction of its flowing. The properties of any given object become that of the water and visa-versa. Continue reading

Trust Me and Buzz Off

The meaning of these terms is obvious. Likewise, it is clear that they are opposites. Living in a state of conscious awareness does not mean that we are to avoid human experiences. Trust me, is a solid statement. It is a bond that is based on reliability. You are willing to accept that, what a person tells you is true.


But, look out! The majority of people are sitting in a self-made movie of deception. The unconscious mind constructs it. The film is playing. They can change their role in it. But, conditioned behavior prevents clarity. Thus, a person will tell you one thing but do another. Or, not do anything after promising you to do something. Still, there are others that choose to avoid any further interaction after getting something from you. They are basically saying buzz off. Continue reading


Unity of Life: Come Join the Party

We mostly remain unconscious to the bond that connects all things. This unity is based on life. Moreover, it is energy. What if each individual could catch a true glimpse of this oneness? Does object consciousness readily expand after the initial awakening? Definitely! Uncertainty, judgement and suffering would likely fade away. Likewise, we would acknowledge the person and divine presence as one being. Additionally, we would actually live as the unbounded life energy that engulfs us.


But, there is something to consider. Mind conditioning often influences the flow and manifestation of life. Thus, we unconsciously exist in repetitious patterns. Every new generation unknowingly inherits this behavior. Hence, thoughts manifest a conditioned and egoistical world. Therefore, egoism and isolation overshadow our unity with life. So much so that, conditioning has become a way of living. Thoughts overwhelm us. Thus, we accept mind-generated falsities and illusions as true. Continue reading


Ambush of the Mind: Know the Signs

A few people have written to me about a quote from Alan Watts relating to muddy water. Firstly, it is beneficial to remember that words and things are vulnerable to assumptions and interpretations. This acknowledgment can be helpful in conscious expansion. However, the mind will ambush us in any and every moment. This is our conditioning. We are usually not aware of the mind’s intervention. Therefore, we remain a victim of its deception. This can happen during an unconscious reaction to any word, thought, person or situation. Here is the quote.

“Muddy water is best cleared by leaving it alone.”
– Alan Watts


You can read this insight in his book “The Way of Zen” He shared wisdom that originates from universal intelligence. We can also tap into it in any moment. Yet, the mind interferes. This compels us to analyze and dissect. It is wise to leave the muddy water of life undisturbed (in peace). It does not suggest that we should avoid or deny something. The mud, as a term, could signify the details of our existence. He originally wrote this to indicate that society judge’s meditation and passiveness as wasteful and non-productive. Continue reading


Habit or Human Nature?

What is a habit? Could we say that this is just a factor of human nature? This is debatable. Human nature is defined as: “Human nature refers to the distinguishing characteristics—including ways of thinking, feeling and acting—which humans tend to have naturally, independently of the influence of culture.” – Wikipedia


The first consideration in human nature lies in the statement “…which humans tend to have naturally”. Furthermore, expanding on this statement would involve considering the chain of factors leading up to what we call a habit. The “human nature=nature=laws of nature=physical laws=phenomenon” sequence is an almost never-ending chain of definitions. Moreover, I felt that this sequence was accurate to use after reading the information on Wikipedia. Therefore, we could consider this pattern a prelude to habitual behavior. Continue reading


Reason for Being: Realizing your Significance

The human mind conjures up countless reasons to validate our subsistence. Do we truly belief that there is a reason for our existence? Let’s reword this and ask if there is truly an explanation for our existence other than to be? Does the mind assume there must be a reason for being? Otherwise, we could not be here now if we did not exist. Here, within and beyond these words, is the portal to enlightenment.

You are here now and that is all that is necessary to be here now.


We can naturally find many pliable mind-made reasons for being. These sound great, relatively speaking, but what about ultimately? Furthermore, the mind is very clever. It will simply make up a reason (excuse) for being. The mind thrives on complexity. This has been accumulating over tens of thousands of years. We have been in an unconscious sleep. Nevertheless, the mind tricks us into thinking that we are conscious aware; but ultimately this is not true. Continue reading