Complicated Mind Lost Within the Simplicity of Life

It’s complicated! How often have you either used this expression or heard it said? These complications seem to appear in not only relationships but in all aspects of our daily activities. However, is our existence, the universe, and life really that intricate?

Did you answer with yes? Okay, but let’s reflect on this topic before we so eagerly assume that everything is unbearably difficult. This type of mind conditioning usually causes us to view the universe as a place of countless complexities.


But, is life, love, or any detail of our existence really that complex? There are situations that warrant our attention. This is unavoidable for a life-form living in a universe with other objects. However, it is the mind that infests the moment with random thoughts and emotions. The mind is usually the master that dominates, and conscious awareness is the servant. Whereas, it should be the other way around.

A Complicated mind but Life Is Simple

This is a continuous game of cat and mouse. Whereby the mind and ego allow object consciousness just enough freedom to catch a glimpse of enlightenment. We experience this in the background of our daily activities, and it feels refreshingly different. It seems so easy; there it is surrounding us. All objects are bathing within the enlightened simplicity of life.

The mind will usually give you just enough of this beyond-the-mind sensation to keep you searching and hoping for salvation. But, it seems to never come. This is, at least, what the mind tells you. Thus, we generally remained fixed in a pattern of searching, hoping, and yet somehow knowing that enlightenment is there. That is, until the mind interjects a flood of thoughts and emotions that appear to overflow conscious space.

The complications arise because we (object consciousness) normally do not have a true relationship with universal consciousness. We know that enlightenment is here and now. But, the mind insists on deceiving us into an endless cycle of searching and never finding.

Wishing you a nice day!


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