
45 posts

Dissatisfaction Distorts How You Live Life

Dissatisfaction dominates most people’s behavior at some level. Discontentment thrives within our experiences. And, this tendency causes unnecessary confusion and stress in our activities each day. Furthermore, the structures of our society always prompt us to need and want more. Therefore, many people feel unhappy and anxious. And, this mind behavior pattern is toxic to the awakening of consciousness within presence.


What might be the root of all this evil? Well, let’s not search 🙂 for a reason. However, specifically, we can say that mind adaptation and evolutionary development cause us to unconsciously interact with life. Let’s use a classical story to illustrate. The biblical drama of Adam and Eve. Of course, everyone has a thought, opinion or belief about this story. Therefore, you might think that the fruit in the story was a test of faith and obedience. Other individuals will insists that Adam and Eve were to learn the difference between good and evil.

Dissatisfaction Restricts Conscious Awareness

I personally, sense that the story depicts choice, either unconsciously or consciously, about how to live. Living in unaware or aware presence was a choice then, just as it is today. Therefore, let’s consider that they were not consciously aware. Thus, did they decide to eat the forbidden fruit due to unconscious temptation or dissatisfaction? After all, this one fruit was the only thing that was out of their reach in this heavenly paradise. But, why wasn’t living in paradise enough, even without the fruit? And, isn’t this still our dilemma each day? It is possible to live in conscious aware presence now. Nevertheless, we overlook conscious enlightenment due to the mind details of our existence in a world gone mad.
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Malicious Mental behavior and You

Do many thoughts or situations cause you frustration or anxiety? If yes, why? Ask yourself. What causes the confusion and disappointment? How do you feel in such a moment? Recall any recent situation that disturbed you.

I’ll assist you by offering a situation from my own experiences. I stood in the kitchen to take medication. The medicine consisted of two pills. One pill fell from my hand as I put the cap back on the bottle. I didn’t hear the pill hit the floor. And, I did not hear it fall on the kitchen counter. I thought that it might have fallen on the carpet. Thus, I crawled on my hands and knees searching the floor. I felt frustration. Where had the pill fallen? Nothing on the floor. Then, I rechecked the counter top. Malicious thoughts bounced around my head. Where was the pill. Why can’t I find it? How is this possible?


I searched everywhere but found nothing. I felt frustration due to the thoughts, confusion and increasing anger. My head told me that I must find the pill. Nevertheless, I was aware enough to accept the situation. Thus, I reached for a cup of tea. I had put the cup of hot tea on a beverage coaster. And, there, next to the cup was the missing pill. It was as if some unseen force was saying that everything is as it should be. The tablet was there next to the tea and all I needed to do was take it. I laughed the moment I saw the pill. There it was all this time, just waiting for me to take it. Continue reading


Teach the Teacher

Wake up and acknowledge that everything corresponding to how you live life comes from within you. I don’t want to continue this article with many spirituality references, although there will be a few. It has taken me many years to recognize and accept that I am molding my experiences, either consciously or unconsciously. I am the teacher that has the potential to wisely learn and teach myself. This is also true for you. And, please do not fool yourself by listening to the mind tell you otherwise.


Things always happen! Think of your childhood. Perhaps, you had an opportunity to watch water start to boil in a pot when your mother made a meal. There was a slight noise due to the raising water temperature. Then steam appeared. Wow, as a child, you thought this was fascinating. Then the first few air bubbles took shape on the bottom of the pot. The heating water captivated your eyes. Suddenly, these bubbles floated slowly to the water surface. Consequently, more appeared. Correspondingly, and abruptly, the water erupted in movement caused by the ever increasing evaporation. It was a delight for you to watch this happen as a child. But, why doesn’t boiling water fascinate you now? Continue reading


Unlearn, relearn and Discover the Self within Living

When and where did everything begin? How and why will everything end? These questions are inquiries into the diversity of your being. Your answers to these questions will widely vary. But, let’s keep it simple. Ultimately, everything manifests according to the focus of your being. And, this is the isness of living life. This is the purpose of the articles title statement. Unlearn basically everything you have been told about living life. Relearn the depth and true nature of your beingness in the flow of life and the universe. Thus, you discover that everything is within you as the center of being. And, your experience of self-being determines how you live life.


The Self is a complex and core subject in many forms of spirituality. Two types of Self are commonly considered—the Self that is the ego, also called the learned, superficial Self of mind and body, egoic creation, and the Self which is sometimes called the “True Self”, the “Observing Self”, or the “Witness”. In Hinduism, the Ātman (Self), despite being experienced as an individual, is actually a representation of the unified transcendent reality, Brahman.[42] Our experience of reality doesn’t match the nature of Brahman due to māyā.  (Wikipedia) Continue reading


Die or Live but Never Wake Up

Alan Watts shares an insight relating to the state of being in life and death. Sleeping, waking, unconsciously and consciously living, in example, offer the realization of being. This is his suggestion. Try and imagine what it would be like to go to sleep and never wake up. However, let’s not try to interpret or label any analogy. Instead, as with every experience, being is enough. On the contrary, thoughts and feelings about the beingness of being are insignificant to the aware presence of being. What if I said to die before you live? This might seem callous. Nevertheless, this is the focus of our inquiry.


To Die and Realize the Act of Being Alive

I took this insight quite literally last month during a heart attack and head concussion. It was not possible for the heart to pump blood due to a blocked artery. This resulted in me clinically dying six times before arriving at the hospital trauma clinic. Additionally, I fell during the heart attack causing a head concussion. The shock was too much for the body. I was in a coma for two days. The coma gave the brain an opportunity to heal due to the severity of the head trauma. So, to die and to experience a type of deep coma sleep were the experience of being for me.

Life and Death are Irrelevant to the isness of Being. Beingness within non-experience and experience became obvious as I awoke from the coma. The clarity of my isness as a living and conscious state of aware beingness was indescribable in that moment. Apparently, there is less brain activity during a coma. Therefore, upon awakening, there was a sense of pure being and of living without constrains. There was no unconscious or conscious acknowledgment of being or not being during the coma. This freed me from any mind-body interaction. Image living actively aware without any obligations or necessity to express, clarify or verify the act of being. Acknowledge that this is possible through the practice of being without attachment and dependency to anything within this isness.



Rule of Engagement During Your Experiences

The article title is a point of emphasis for our discussion. However, please don’t focus on the words. Many people function day-to-day by using a rule of engagement behavior during the act of living. People use these codes of conduct in countless situations. Still, this behavior is strictly of the mind. Nevertheless, is it possible to live without attaching your state of being to these mind patterns? Yes, it is easier than you think. The question to ask is are you ready to live life outside of a mind-made box? The purest expression of living is unconditional, in the flow of aware silence. Stillness doesn’t mean that you are free of thoughts. Instead, it suggests that you live without attaching your sense of self to thoughts and feelings. There, in this space, is where consciousness flows. And, consciously living offers harmony and balance.


People and situations change. And, changes are constant. Nonetheless, the mind does its best to understand everything, including why everything changes. And, the mind lures you into playing its game of questions, searching and labeling.  So, you want to understand everything by asking how, why and what. But, ultimately, there is only one question beneficial to consciously living in presence. Ask yourself. Why must you understand anything? Yes, of course, there are things in our daily activities that require our attention. Thus, for practical purposes, we must understand some things. But, this should be the extent of our need to understand. Still, the mind reacts, often radically, to change and the need to understand. Continue reading


The Matrix of Life Is Your Wish and Your Design

Many people enjoy watching the Matrix trilogy. The Matrix story portraits a world of illusion. And, the movies suggest that life is a type of mental hypnosis and computers control our existence. Nevertheless, let’s consider an underlining message that is not immediately obvious. We actually experience a life of mental illusions due to our unaware observation of living. And, yes, there is a matrix within the universe and life. Accordingly, universal energy is within the flow of life. This energy vibration manifest through and around all objects. It connects everything. However, most people disregard the vibrating frequencies within the universal and the manifestation of life. Thus, most people are not willing or able to acknowledge their role in the flow of universal energy and life.


The Matrix of Living Life Weaves What You Create

You design and influence a matrix in each second of your existence. This is true for all objects within the vibration of universal energy at some given level. Furthermore, whether you experience living from a mentally hypnotic or fully conscious state of being is your choice. Realizing that you have a choice is a fundamental step in acknowledging that you are the co-creator of your experiences. Continue reading


Bucket, Water and the Life that Flows

The bucket I use for house cleaning recently became the focus of my awareness. Hence, conscious presence flowed through me as water in a stream. Likewise, conscious presence becomes obvious to everyone on occasion. This happens when we are in the moment beyond boundaries of mind and body. Yes, an object, such as the bucket I use, will offer a portal to presence. However, any thought, feeling, person or thing is only the jumping off point to active awareness. Thus, practice the acknowledgment of unity and tranquility that flows from you as the source of your beingness. Nothing in your mind or surroundings can give you conscious enlightenment. Presence is a state of being. And, our beingness should flow without biasness, attachment or dependency.


Conscious living is not something we do. Rather, we are the beingness of being. It is beneficial to deeply realize that conscious awareness flows from you. Or, it doesn’t. Here also, your state of beingness determines the energy that flows. Therefore, influences how you live life. No other person or thing can give you conscious presence. Continue reading


Falling in Love…Again and Again

Do you feel love? This question first appears easy to answer. However, nothing is ever as it seems, including what we call love. Let’s use an exercise to illustrate the predicament that this question causes. Did you answer yes to the above question?  And, if so, how do you justify your answer? Yes, you feel something. But, a feeling is, at best, temporary and usually based on misconceptions. Still, let’s play out our inquiry about falling into love. You bump into someone at the grocery store. There is something about this person. You don’t know what. Nevertheless, your head tells you that he/she is perfect. And, suddenly you claim to be in love.


And, yes, this happens to everyone. Countless people fall in love at least once or twice a week 😊. Likewise, these same people insist they are in love without knowing why. Therefore, again I ask what is it that you feel? Love has been the center point of conversations, romantic literature and music for thousands of years. Nonetheless, talking, reading or singing about a feeling does not verify that it is love. And, no, I am not being cynical.  However, what we do with this feeling does not mean that symbols, definitions, or conditioned behavior is love. These are, rather, only tangible and non-tangible objects, thoughts and emotions that we label as love.

Therefore, the joys and sorrows of a supposed love may ultimately have nothing to do with actual love. I realize this insight is likely confusing, abstract and slightly irritating. However, let’s consider this idea for a moment. When you feel joy, it is because of an emotion. Something you see, hear or touch triggers emotions that generate feelings. Thus, in our example, you claim to be in love. Continue reading


Life! Now Is the Time to Be You

Unawareness usually hides the beauty of life from us. Typically, we assume to be conscious throughout most of our activities. At least, this is what the mind tells us with countless thoughts and emotions. Thus, the mind uses a type of deception to convince us that we are conscious of living. This is not the actual truth. Our consciousness is a mind-made consciousness. And, this false sense of being restricts us. This is not the true consciousness of being alive.


Consciousness is awareness in a state of presence without attachment. Each person’s length and level of awareness varies. Still, the majority of people never really experience unconditional aware presence. And yet, these same individuals stand in the doorway of consciousness. But, they don’t acknowledge the significance of consciously living. Thus, most people cannot identify with the dimension of conscious beingness. Still, we often experience moments of aware presence.  Furthermore, instinctively we feel that an inner release (peaceful presence) is within our grasp. Then the world comes crashing down on us. Just as we were on the verge of letting go and jumping into the bliss of unconditionally living. Nevertheless, it is possible to realize the true essence of your beingness within aware presence. Continue reading