
Concepts of the Mind: Life without Definitions

Life and love concepts evolved early in our existence. This was due to the development of intelligence, creativity and object consciousness. Moreover, these concepts began to impact our existence in various manners. Furthermore, there was suddenly a demanding need to interpret and define the changes in our evolution. However, do not confuse this with our species evolutionary physical and mental adaptation. Suddenly, it was not enough to simple live. We are expanding mentally and emotionally. The mind tells us we are experiencing something. It demands that we define and label these experiences as living and loving.


Human creativity nurtures the minds necessity for labels and definitions. Our species needs to identify itself, the universe and life. The mind insists that we will find the answers “out there” somewhere. This was the start of our unquenchable need to explain what we are experiencing through thoughts and actions. This “demand to know” expands far beyond defining our immediate surrounding. Furthermore, it is difficult to extinguish object (self) consciousness curiosity once it is ignited; or can we? The mind asks questions and tells stories. This restricts us from acknowledging that we already have everything within. We don’t even need to search for it.

Therefore, it is obvious that we can experience presence without any true mind concepts. Buddha referred to himself as the Tathāgata. This word has been described as both “One who has thus come” and “One who has thus gone”. This has been described as “One who has arrived at suchness” The Sanskrit word for this is Tathātā.

Beyond Mind Concepts

However, the human mind demands to understand why we are here. How can any species use the mind in an attempt to explain being? Therefore, it might be very enlighten simply to experience loving and living. How do we do this?

Life should be experienced; not analyzed, interpreted or defined. Evolution; before the self-consciousness stage, played a big role in human development. One significant realization is that we exist in love, we are engulfed in life.

We have simply forgotten because we overlook the simplicity that is at the foundation of life and love. Therefore, interpreting and defining both have become the minds priorities. Presence has become secondary in our experiences of life. Human beings are usually so busy “doing” that the beauty and importance of simply “being” has been forgotten. This same pattern of understanding is true about love. We are usually busy pursuing the interpretation and defined expectations of love. We have disassociated with what it is to simply feel love.

Our species has experienced an increasing burden since the awakening of object (self) consciousness. Furthermore, this set the foundation for all later behavioral patterns. Many of the conditioned patterns associated with “doing something” constantly contaminate an existence that should be relatively simplistic. It is obvious. There is a “suchness” to life that can only be experienced in the blink of an eye. We are personally and collectively awakening to this realization. There is only now. It is free of the concepts of our mind.

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