
37 posts


Are You Hot-wired by a Conditioned Mind?

Do you know the term hot-wired? This expression is helpful to illustrate mind behavior that restricts conscious presence. The mind hot-wires most of your experiences. But, conscious awareness has the potential to stop the mind’s intrusion into your state of active presence. Indeed, active awareness is a catalyst for conscious energy expansion into your beingness.


Hot-wiring is to start the engine of a motor vehicle by short-circuiting the ignition. Aware presence nurtures conscious living. However, the mind usually short-circuits your conscious awareness. Therefore, the mind steals your sense of presence. Thus, the mind distracts you with thoughts, emotions and conditioned behavior. And, an unaware person accepts and believes that they are these thoughts and feelings. But, usually, most thoughts have nothing to do with the present moment. Furthermore, these are strictly mind illusions that distract a person from conscious presence. Continue reading


Delusions of the Mind Obstruct Living Life

We stubbornly hold tight to repetitious mind delusions about life and living. Accordingly, the mind invokes a behavioral pattern of resistance and separation relating to the essence of our being. Mind-made separation from life and the act of being causes difficulty for everyone. Regardless, if a person is consciously awakening or not. The mind illustrates problems in a world of beliefs and concepts. Thus, thoughts and feelings condition us to think life is a problem to overcome. Consequently, the mind establishes difficulties, confusion and suffering as factors in the experience of being human.


Therefore, we forget that life blossoms through the manifestation of our being.  Hence, the majority of people still do everything the mind tells them. But, experiencing life and consciousness within ourselves and all objects is an act of Acknowledging, Accepting and Allowing beingness. To simply be and to allow does not necessarily imply doing nothing. A fish does not need to think about swimming to know it is in water. Continue reading

Bugs and Insects Everywhere

I observed a bird hopping through the grass searching for something to eat a few days ago. The bird does what we do each day in an evolutionary and fundamental manner.  Survival is instinctive… as is true for all animals, plants and people. Thus, a bird eats bugs, worms and basically anything that is digestible. Of course, species evolution differs between birds and humans in various aspects. And yet, the two, as well as all species, are more alike than is apparent at first glance.


Are you self-conscious? And, if yes, do you think that self-consciousness provides you with advantages? Well, on the contrary, self-consciousness is a psychological side-affect that adversely influences living within unconditional presence. Let’s use the bird to illustrate this idea. Bugs and other insects are everywhere. And, yet, from time to time a bird will attempt to catch something to eat and miss. What does the bird do after it fails to catch a bug? It continues hopping in the grass without any self-contemplation or self-doubt until the next insect appears. On the other hand, what do you often experience when you miss the bus or can’t complete a task? Self-consciousness, overthinking and conditional behavior overwhelm you with confusion, self-doubt and fear. Thus, evolutionary development of cerebral functions such as self-consciousness and classical conditioning inhibit our aware presence.
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The Brain, the Mind and the True You

The brain is physical. It is an organ of the body. People, study and categorize it.  It is a treasure chest of unknown possibilities. And, this is where mental processes of input-output occurs. It provides us with the opportunity to acquire knowledge. Additionally, it expresses this information in thoughts and emotions. So, what about the mind? The mind is something different. Let’s consider the brain as a portal to the mind. The mind can consciously observe the energy of the brain. Likewise, it can be aware of what is beyond brain, body and itself.


Acknowledge that the brain is the gateway to the mind. But, the two are not the same. This recognition is beneficial to our conscious awakening. Thus, our conscious evolution.  The mind has no substance. Literally no one can clearly and factually explain its origin. Furthermore, there is no actual prove that the mind even exists. Yes, people try to explain the mind throughout our history. The Buddha, Aristotle and Plato considered this topic. And, most likely, many other individuals since then. Continue reading

Ride the Wave of Life and Do It Now

Image surfing on a wave. Perhaps you are a surfer and know how to hang ten as you ride a wave. Comparative speaking, how do you live life? It is possible for every person to learn how to ride the wave of life and enjoy living. Active awareness is a necessity to surfing and living life. The gracefulness you observe in many surfers’ manifests through practice and acceptance as they hang loose on the surfboard.  Likewise, it is possible for everyone to learn conscious awareness as they surf the wave of life.


Let’s consider the similarities between water surfing and life surfing. Firstly, the mind assumes that wave riding is a challenge. Thus, just a thought about surfing causes fear and even panic in many people. Nonetheless, the same people that fear surfing, also love the thrill of such a challenge. The mind thinks of each wave as a problem to overcome. Therefore, and subsequently, each new wave is a hindrance that inhibit the experience. Behavior conditioning automatically develops due to repetitive unconscious thought patterns. The mind tells you to ride the wave because you must. And, the mind continues to label each wave as a problem that is difficult. The result is a vicious cycle of wanting to ride the wave and coincidingly fearing each wave. Thus, you usually label yourself as the victim of each wave, instead of the master of the ocean. Continue reading

Reach Out and Consciously Touch Someone

Does this statement sound impossible? The mind will tell you yes. But, please don’t believe everything the mind tells you. And, never take the mind too seriously. So, can you consciously reach out to someone and unite? Yes, you can. Furthermore, this happens every moment. And, yes consciousness connects you with everything. So, it is obvious that consciousness is not something that is here and then fades away. This reference suggests that consciousness is not similar to a temporary thought or emotion that comes and goes.  Instead, consciousness manifests through your state of active awareness to it. Energy is the basis of this flowing process. This energy is ongoing. And, vibrates beyond the limitations of mind, space and time.


Therefore, you always share a conscious bond with everything. Similarly, this vibrating dimension is always there, whether you are aware of it or not. Furthermore, your level of aware presence can influence the flow of this energy.  Unite with this energy. And, just let it continue to flow. Acknowledge this flow and the result is an exponential expansion of pure awareness. Thus, you literally reach out and unite with the part of you that is within everything. Continue reading


Prison of the Mind and You Have the Key

There is a place that is always within reach. This place is a dimension of unbounded possibilities. The mind knows of this place and probably doesn’t care if there is such a space. Because, this place is beyond the mind. Thus, conscious awareness remains just out of reach. Likewise, problems arise when we aren’t actively aware of the mind’s activities. This creates a prison of the mind.


This prison is of our own design. We build and rebuild this cage on a foundation of Thoughts, beliefs, conditioning, and fear. And, we choose to stay entrapped within the walls. But, these are only walls that exist in the mind. Yet, are not really a part of the mind. Or are they? The mind processes information. The mind thinks. The next consideration is whether a person thinks that he or she is the mind. Or, is our true self the observer of the mind? The mind itself is probably indifferent to what we do with the information it processes. And, the mind does not intend to trap us. Only thoughts and emotions comprise the mind cage. However, these seem so real. Continue reading


Life Is the Way so Please Don’t Stray

Things happen each day and thereby we often ask why?
There is no plan engraved in stone.
Who is to really say what may come and go our way?
No screenplay of life is to be read and rehearsed.
To live life is the way.


There are things that cause happiness or dismay.
To these we can really only say, what may come will be.
Then there are experiences that confuse and cause fear.
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Body, Mind, and Your Belief in Believing

Body and mind seem to be one, and they relate to each other on levels that few people are able to comprehend. We have been shown so much from the moment we are born. We have been told and taught by example what is right and wrong. This has caused the body to accept what the mind has told it. Is this really how life should be?


Do you often experience confusion, anxiety, and fear? Please realize that you are much more than what the mind has conditioned you to think or believe. Having a belief or believing in something has no substantial significance in life. But it seems to take on significance and meaning in our existence. This, though, does not validate it as being necessary. Life does not need to believe in something. Life is entirely indifferent to believing or not believing. Traditional thinking tells us that you must first believe in something, and then you must have faith in it. Otherwise, something will not happen nor will you get something unless you believe. However, believing in a belief does not validate its authenticity.

Furthermore, we are to accept this type of behavior as the one and only path to use when wishing for something to manifest. It does seem that we can associate better with the term believing, but only, when used strictly in human context. Conditioning causes us to accept that a belief (believing) is necessary before we can receive something. Continue reading


Change How We See Ourselves

A change in how we live is unfolding worldwide. Living life consciously was not always obvious. A deafness has muffled the constant roar of life. Moreover, we often misunderstand how to live after the awakening of consciousness. This is because the mind experiences no satisfaction in being consciously aware. Thus, the mind keeps us looking. But, we will never find something that we already are in essence. Therefore, we use words as an attempt to explain the unexplainable. Spiritual sounds great. Spirituality even better. Enlightenment is at the top of the list.


But, let’s consciously and impartially reflect on what this implies. We consciously awaken. Great! But usually we then begin to think that we are spiritual. This type of thinking gives us temporary experiences of contentment and happiness. But, then the next thing happens and we become frustrated and unhappy. Furthermore, the mind then says that we have failed and are not yet spiritual. The mind will encourage you to continue reaching for enlightenment.

So, we go back to the spiritual drawing board in the hope of finding the cause for our failure. We think of what to do to be spiritual. There is always an expectancy that accompanies thoughts about what enlightenment means. I can let you in on a secret that is not really a secret. We will never know enlightenment by using the mind as a springboard to experience it. But, the mind is relentless. It is always very helpful in reviewing a game plan to reach spirituality. Continue reading