
100 posts


Fearful Stories Told by Unaware People

Some level of confusion and anxiety overshadows most of our daily activities. However, an impending, immediate or tangible danger is not responsible for this behavior. Nevertheless, the mind conjures countless details that manifest as thoughts and feelings about the life you live. Thus, we remain in a vicious cycle of mind-inflected behavior patterns due to our unaware presence. And, this generally, causes us to be fearful. Hence, most of humanity is busy denying the actuality of presence and life itself. Most people use every possible explanation to avoid the presence (beingness) of living.


This behavior illustrates how detrimental unaware attachment to existential details discourage us from discovering balance and harmony in life. And, yet, we assume that the mind (creative intelligence) is useful in explaining how to live a simplistic existence. But, obviously, the manifestation of mind details in an unaware person only confuse and distract us from conscious enlightenment. Our putative superior intelligence assures arrogance in many of our experiences, especially existential issues.

I would like to quote a provision excerpt from the American Declaration of Independence to express our dilemma.

“…all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.”

This explanation is significant to illustrate the overall unawareness in our behavior of the life we live. Furthermore, this represents our tendency to avoid presence and change. Instead, we unknowingly live as unconscious puppets dancing to whims of the mind. Continue reading


Are You Hot-wired by a Conditioned Mind?

Do you know the term hot-wired? This expression is helpful to illustrate mind behavior that restricts conscious presence. The mind hot-wires most of your experiences. But, conscious awareness has the potential to stop the mind’s intrusion into your state of active presence. Indeed, active awareness is a catalyst for conscious energy expansion into your beingness.


Hot-wiring is to start the engine of a motor vehicle by short-circuiting the ignition. Aware presence nurtures conscious living. However, the mind usually short-circuits your conscious awareness. Therefore, the mind steals your sense of presence. Thus, the mind distracts you with thoughts, emotions and conditioned behavior. And, an unaware person accepts and believes that they are these thoughts and feelings. But, usually, most thoughts have nothing to do with the present moment. Furthermore, these are strictly mind illusions that distract a person from conscious presence. Continue reading


Discover the Depth of Inner Consciousness

The following is an example of conscious awakening that illustrates how the mind dominates our experiences when we are unaware. The mind has countless thoughts and many emotions that can influence how we live. The type of influences vary from irritation to anger, relaxation to hypertension or contentment to severe depression. Thus, thoughts and emotions causes various, often radical reactions in the behavior of an unconscious person. This results due to a lack of aware conscious living. Therefore, and obviously, awareness blossoms when we discover the essence of consciousness as the presence of our being.


I share with you a dialogue that I had with myself during a particular experience. My self-dialogue might, at first glance, seem abstract and slightly confusion for you. Therefore, I suggest reading the example. Then focus on your own inner beingness and the essence of your presence as you ponder the experience I share. Then, at your convenience, reread the article. The inner conversation I offer you happened as I became aware of the mind’s influence on my behavior. Here is the inner transaction with myself… Continue reading

How Is Your Partnership with Life?

You are a manifestation of life energy and the essence of being is ultimately universal. Therefore, do not cling to the mind or the details of our existence in an attempt to experience the conscious nature of being. This being is the isness of living. Do not allow the mind to play its games with you. Life engulfs you as a frequency within a universal flow. Acknowledge the act of being. Realize that you determine the manifestation of this flow through your partnership with life.


Thus, you are the center of the universe and everything is spiraling outward and inward. You reflect all things such as a shadow that always accompanies the object that casts it. Hence, you are within and without, absolute as one in a state of beingness. Practicing presence is being the isness of presence. The mind does not want to acknowledge the difference between living and a true state of aliveness. Your awareness to the life that is within and surrounding you basically determines how you experience everything. Continue reading


Unlearn, relearn and Discover the Self within Living

When and where did everything begin? How and why will everything end? These questions are inquiries into the diversity of your being. Your answers to these questions will widely vary. But, let’s keep it simple. Ultimately, everything manifests according to the focus of your being. And, this is the isness of living life. This is the purpose of the articles title statement. Unlearn basically everything you have been told about living life. Relearn the depth and true nature of your beingness in the flow of life and the universe. Thus, you discover that everything is within you as the center of being. And, your experience of self-being determines how you live life.


The Self is a complex and core subject in many forms of spirituality. Two types of Self are commonly considered—the Self that is the ego, also called the learned, superficial Self of mind and body, egoic creation, and the Self which is sometimes called the “True Self”, the “Observing Self”, or the “Witness”. In Hinduism, the Ātman (Self), despite being experienced as an individual, is actually a representation of the unified transcendent reality, Brahman.[42] Our experience of reality doesn’t match the nature of Brahman due to māyā.  (Wikipedia) Continue reading

The Chains that Burden You

Charles Dickens offers an indirect glimpse into conscious enlightenment in his tale A Christmas Carol. Scrooge’s dead partner Jacob Marley appears as a ghost burdened with heavy chains in the story. Marley forged each chain link in life and must carry them during his death resulting from his behavior and decisions. This suggest that each person forges his or her own path in life. This acknowledgment is the first step on a person’s inner journey of self-discovery. Marley implies that the totality of his being, in life and death, is the result of free will and choices.


The ghost Marley represents the conscious awareness that dwells within your presence. The details of the world around you are the distractions and restrictions that will forge chains of burden. Equally, this is true for thoughts and emotions that will manipulate if you live in unawareness of your being.  And, an unaware existence causes attachment and dependency to the things you confuse as your true self.  Thus, these mind and existence details are the chain links that you and every unaware person carry. Continue reading


The Matrix of Life Is Your Wish and Your Design

Many people enjoy watching the Matrix trilogy. The Matrix story portraits a world of illusion. And, the movies suggest that life is a type of mental hypnosis and computers control our existence. Nevertheless, let’s consider an underlining message that is not immediately obvious. We actually experience a life of mental illusions due to our unaware observation of living. And, yes, there is a matrix within the universe and life. Accordingly, universal energy is within the flow of life. This energy vibration manifest through and around all objects. It connects everything. However, most people disregard the vibrating frequencies within the universal and the manifestation of life. Thus, most people are not willing or able to acknowledge their role in the flow of universal energy and life.


The Matrix of Living Life Weaves What You Create

You design and influence a matrix in each second of your existence. This is true for all objects within the vibration of universal energy at some given level. Furthermore, whether you experience living from a mentally hypnotic or fully conscious state of being is your choice. Realizing that you have a choice is a fundamental step in acknowledging that you are the co-creator of your experiences. Continue reading


Hope Without Worry

Hope changes everything. At least, this is what we are told. But, hoping for something is the same as expecting something. Thus, this expectancy causes attachment. And, attachment causes frustration, anxiety and worry. Therefore, these behavior patterns overwhelm most people that unconsciously live life from the mind. Additionally, the mind misleads us with continual distractions. This interference confuses us during daily experiences and on the path of our inner self-discovery. The mind uses our attachment to thoughts, feelings and worldly details to suppress conscious awareness. In other words, the mind stops us from being conscious of consciousness. Thankfully, the practice of aware presence within our state of being offers conscious enlightenment.


To unlearn what you have learned is a beneficial stepping stone. This suggests unlearning useless mind behavior that does not nurture your conscious self-awakening. Let’s consider how often you hope for something as an example of insignificant mind activity. Expectation is synonymous with hope. Therefore, please be honest with yourself in answering the following question. How often do you anticipate (want/expect) something? The need and expectancy for something continuously happens, regardless of a persons’ level of conscious awareness. The only difference between an unaware or consciously aware person is in their observation of the mind’s behavior. Any person has the potential to consciously awaken to a state of aware presence. Continue reading


Is Your Experience of Life Dull or Bright?

Thoughts and emotions place filters over aware presence making life seem so dull. Thus, this mind domination obscures conscious awareness. A person looks at the sky, a tree or a bird.  But, usually, what a person sees is a mind filter interpretation. Thus, a reaction or behavior within a person causes this type of stimulus to deceive and confuse. Therefore, this type of mind behavior prevents a person from realizing the true essence and actuality of any given experience. 


On the other hand, realizing your true potential as a conscious being is a useful stepping stone to enlightenment. Words, such as enlightenment and insignificant details mesmerize the mind. Hence, the mind attaches itself and your sense of being to everything you experience. But, please don’t let the mind dominate your sense of presence with insignificant details. Otherwise, these details overshadow the act of aware beingness.  This insight and our topic discussions, to illustrate, refer to conscious illumination and mind dependency liberation. You are the manifestation of one-self (presence) as an isness that has the potential to be universal through non-attachment. And, more obvious, you are the non-self (Buddhism: Anattā) of being, equally, through non-attachment. Continue reading


Try Your Best or Maybe Not

It is important to understand that achieving all that the universe has to offer us means exactly what it implies. You are not here to determine what is best for yourself and what is not. Although, everyone tells you to try your best. And, the mind assures you that what you want is what you should get. However, this is not exactly true. Yes, many ideas and wishes can and will come true. That’s because these are co-creations that originate in a state of aware presence and not from illusions of the mind.


We may believe that the fulfillment of certain goals come from hard work, determination, or even luck. But, this also is not completely true. Of course, these endeavors may contribute to the achievement of existence activities. But, they are not actually the deciding factors in fulfillment and inner peace. Continue reading