conditioned behavior

43 posts


Teach the Teacher

Wake up and acknowledge that everything corresponding to how you live life comes from within you. I don’t want to continue this article with many spirituality references, although there will be a few. It has taken me many years to recognize and accept that I am molding my experiences, either consciously or unconsciously. I am the teacher that has the potential to wisely learn and teach myself. This is also true for you. And, please do not fool yourself by listening to the mind tell you otherwise.


Things always happen! Think of your childhood. Perhaps, you had an opportunity to watch water start to boil in a pot when your mother made a meal. There was a slight noise due to the raising water temperature. Then steam appeared. Wow, as a child, you thought this was fascinating. Then the first few air bubbles took shape on the bottom of the pot. The heating water captivated your eyes. Suddenly, these bubbles floated slowly to the water surface. Consequently, more appeared. Correspondingly, and abruptly, the water erupted in movement caused by the ever increasing evaporation. It was a delight for you to watch this happen as a child. But, why doesn’t boiling water fascinate you now? Continue reading


The Matrix of Life Is Your Wish and Your Design

Many people enjoy watching the Matrix trilogy. The Matrix story portraits a world of illusion. And, the movies suggest that life is a type of mental hypnosis and computers control our existence. Nevertheless, let’s consider an underlining message that is not immediately obvious. We actually experience a life of mental illusions due to our unaware observation of living. And, yes, there is a matrix within the universe and life. Accordingly, universal energy is within the flow of life. This energy vibration manifest through and around all objects. It connects everything. However, most people disregard the vibrating frequencies within the universal and the manifestation of life. Thus, most people are not willing or able to acknowledge their role in the flow of universal energy and life.


The Matrix of Living Life Weaves What You Create

You design and influence a matrix in each second of your existence. This is true for all objects within the vibration of universal energy at some given level. Furthermore, whether you experience living from a mentally hypnotic or fully conscious state of being is your choice. Realizing that you have a choice is a fundamental step in acknowledging that you are the co-creator of your experiences. Continue reading


Falling in Love…Again and Again

Do you feel love? This question first appears easy to answer. However, nothing is ever as it seems, including what we call love. Let’s use an exercise to illustrate the predicament that this question causes. Did you answer yes to the above question?  And, if so, how do you justify your answer? Yes, you feel something. But, a feeling is, at best, temporary and usually based on misconceptions. Still, let’s play out our inquiry about falling into love. You bump into someone at the grocery store. There is something about this person. You don’t know what. Nevertheless, your head tells you that he/she is perfect. And, suddenly you claim to be in love.


And, yes, this happens to everyone. Countless people fall in love at least once or twice a week 😊. Likewise, these same people insist they are in love without knowing why. Therefore, again I ask what is it that you feel? Love has been the center point of conversations, romantic literature and music for thousands of years. Nonetheless, talking, reading or singing about a feeling does not verify that it is love. And, no, I am not being cynical.  However, what we do with this feeling does not mean that symbols, definitions, or conditioned behavior is love. These are, rather, only tangible and non-tangible objects, thoughts and emotions that we label as love.

Therefore, the joys and sorrows of a supposed love may ultimately have nothing to do with actual love. I realize this insight is likely confusing, abstract and slightly irritating. However, let’s consider this idea for a moment. When you feel joy, it is because of an emotion. Something you see, hear or touch triggers emotions that generate feelings. Thus, in our example, you claim to be in love. Continue reading


Social Development and How You Live

Modern social structure development began around 10,000 years ago. Thus, more people were sharing ideas, assumptions and beliefs on a day to day basis. This era possibly increased aspects of our conditioned behavior in reference to the mind dominating our life experience. Searching, assuming and labeling details in our existence dominate our evolution. Additionally, more verbal and written interaction overwhelms our natural conscious awareness of life and our state of presence. 


And, one primary factor remains constant throughout our personal and social development. We do not acknowledge or accept the essence of living and being.  Equally, conformity often results as a by-product of social and personal developmental factors. Still, we innately know that we are here and now. We feel the beingness of our person. Yet, the mind causes interference and we attach our sense of being to these thoughts and feelings. Thus, we mistakenly accept the mind’s misapprehensions to be our true self. Thus, thoughts and feelings about living life consume our conscious presence of being and living. Continue reading

A Lesson in Conscious Awakening

Conscious awareness anchors you in active presence. And, everything offers you a lesson as you walk the inner path of self-discovery. Thus, the benefits of conscious presence become obvious as you awaken more and more during everyday interactions. Conscious awakening and shifting from thought-based living to conscious living often seems overwhelming, even impossible. However, this only seems difficult until you are able and ready to release yourself from the mind. Please understand, the mind needs you. But, you do not need the mind. That is to say, your conscious beingness is an extension of universal energy without thought or emotion.


I share two personal examples below as examples of universal energy manifestation resulting from my influence on this flow. You, I and everyone either consciously or unconsciously observe the manifestation of universal energy. Likewise, I assure you that you have constant influence over your life experience. You will know everything differently once you shift to consciously observing your interaction with life. Conscious awakening is a lesson in unconditional living. Therefore, the acknowledgement and active observation of how you live offers you spiritual enlightenment. Continue reading


The Brain, the Mind and the True You

The brain is physical. It is an organ of the body. People, study and categorize it.  It is a treasure chest of unknown possibilities. And, this is where mental processes of input-output occurs. It provides us with the opportunity to acquire knowledge. Additionally, it expresses this information in thoughts and emotions. So, what about the mind? The mind is something different. Let’s consider the brain as a portal to the mind. The mind can consciously observe the energy of the brain. Likewise, it can be aware of what is beyond brain, body and itself.


Acknowledge that the brain is the gateway to the mind. But, the two are not the same. This recognition is beneficial to our conscious awakening. Thus, our conscious evolution.  The mind has no substance. Literally no one can clearly and factually explain its origin. Furthermore, there is no actual prove that the mind even exists. Yes, people try to explain the mind throughout our history. The Buddha, Aristotle and Plato considered this topic. And, most likely, many other individuals since then. Continue reading


Veil of Fear that Confuses You

It seems forever since I observed a tree leaf sailing so gracefully to a stream below.
The summer had been so warm, the days so long.
How long has it been since that moment in time?
Was it one year, ten years, or was it just yesterday?
The mind casts a veil of fear that is so confusing.
Time can be so misleading, ever so fragile.
Not real, and yet, seems so tangible.
And, yet, life as a boy seemed so simple back then… or was it?


No, not really.
Life truly understood… is neither nor.
Life just is.
However, I sat next to a stream in the forest each day.
Somehow, lost between here and there.
The water flowing just as life flows.
Life and the stream seem everlasting.
And, so I often sat just watching the water flow by.
Life bubbling from the water.
Curiosity occasionally caused me to toss a stone in the water.
The mind always asking why.
But, more often than not I just sat.
I was oblivious as life flowed by. Continue reading


Autonomy as a Stepping Stone in Life

Typically, we dissect our experiences in attempts to categorize something as good, bad, right or wrong. However, let’s stretch our horizon to engulf the unconditional totality of living. Yes, a million and more years of evolution overshadow any given experience. And, our species interaction with life is mostly a redundant series of mind-induced behavior repetitions. Nevertheless, we have the potential to experience life in a conscious state of autonomy. This word recently fascinated me. The word itself in reference to psychology is useful as a further stepping stone on our inner journey of self-discovery.


Autonomous derives from the Greek word autonomos where auto means self and nomos means to govern (Wikipedia). Therefore, let’s use the word autonomy as a portal to a life of active, conscious presence. How do most people behave in reaction to daily activities, especially in difficult or stressful situations? Everyone wants to go off the grid and live on an island. Likewise, what is the predominant dream of people around the world? Everybody wishes for prosperity and freedom to live according to their desire. But, this desire is usually in accordance with a given societies image of success and happiness. However, there is a deep-rooted flaw within such attempts to find peace and salvation. What is this painted image of illusion that makes us dependent on the mind in the hope of finding happiness? Continue reading


Head on Straight and True

My uncle often told me to get my head on straight as a young teenager. Sometimes he said this with a strict voice. And, from time to time he told me this to make me laugh. I have grown with a deep appreciation for the wisdom found within this statement. Likewise, I recall pondering on the depth of this insight during my young adulthood. This idiom suggests for us to calmly observe our behavior in any given situation. Furthermore, live and act from a state of clarity.


Nevertheless, people experience much of life in a dysfunctional state of being. This is to say that a person’s head is not on straight (😊). The majority of people still use this moment as nothing more than a means to and end. The mind usually interlaces now with phantom thoughts and emotions of what will come or what has been. This tendency might very well be the major cause of our unconscious, thus abnormal behavior.

Yes, I use abnormal behavior as a synonym for our unaware (unconscious) state of being. Perhaps, the time has come for us to openly and clearly observe our state of affairs. We claim to be logical, intelligent and compassionate. However, our behavior indicates the exact opposite. Conscious presence is a necessity in our evolution. We have spent thousands of years in a type of darkness that continues due to mind obsessions. Continue reading


Depression and Mind Repression

The world suffers from a state of global depression. I reflected on depression after a recent email correspondence. There are the medical aspects of depression. A person can experience unhappiness and anxiety due to biological factors that are genetic and chronic. Nevertheless, the majority of people experience self-inflected misery. This behavior irregularity undermines a person’s state of being. The assumption is that situations and people cause us despair and sadness. And, there is a tad of truth to this statement strictly from a practical viewpoint. Thus, most people are likely to believe themselves to be the thoughts in their head. A person will literally lose his or her true identity due to influences of the mind. 


Hence, depression results due to unconscious reactions in daily experiences. A disoriented person misinterprets thoughts and emotions as something that defines them. However, another person, a thing, a thought or situation cannot truly express your state of beingness. The expression of life that manifests through you is your responsibility.

Let’s use the following example to illustrate. There is an accident. You experience bodily harm. The ailment or injury is real. There is pain. Are you the pain that is felt in that moment? No, of course not. The pain is strictly of the body. Therefore, whether you have anxiety, frustration or suffer is your choice. Continue reading