
27 posts

Symbolizing Life Restricts Actually Living Life

It is true that any individual cannot truly change the behavior of a person or the details of a situation. However, it is possible for each person to change his or her perspective in each moment. It is very difficult for the mind to accept what happens in any given moment. The key is to realize that each person determines the outcome of his or her life experience. This unfolds simply through the observe of living. I cannot write or say the following often enough. Your relationship with the mind is capable of changing everything. Not the mind itself, but simply through your aware relationship with it. This determines how you interact with the mind. And, how you observe the mind, yourself and any situation regulates the consequence (flow) of any thought, feeling or manifestation.


On the other hand, symbolizing details of your experiences, other than for basic practical use, restricts aware presence. Thus, the manifestation of presence flows in parallel with our energy output that is either conscious or unconscious. Likewise, we use symbolization to create illusions of living and loving. Wiktionary.org offers us the following in reference to symbolic representation. Symbolization is the unconscious mental representation of one thing by another. Therefore, use of a symbol is also an attempt to resolve assumptions, questions and interpretations of how we live. Symbolizing structures our life experience so that it is more familiar and recognizable in accordance with a thought or feeling. Continue reading


Social Development and How You Live

Modern social structure development began around 10,000 years ago. Thus, more people were sharing ideas, assumptions and beliefs on a day to day basis. This era possibly increased aspects of our conditioned behavior in reference to the mind dominating our life experience. Searching, assuming and labeling details in our existence dominate our evolution. Additionally, more verbal and written interaction overwhelms our natural conscious awareness of life and our state of presence. 


And, one primary factor remains constant throughout our personal and social development. We do not acknowledge or accept the essence of living and being.  Equally, conformity often results as a by-product of social and personal developmental factors. Still, we innately know that we are here and now. We feel the beingness of our person. Yet, the mind causes interference and we attach our sense of being to these thoughts and feelings. Thus, we mistakenly accept the mind’s misapprehensions to be our true self. Thus, thoughts and feelings about living life consume our conscious presence of being and living. Continue reading

Ebb and Flow Within Presence

Presence is a state of being. However, it is not the details of living such as thoughts, feelings and situations. Aware presence is beneficial in the process of conscious awakening. Furthermore, active awareness to the vibration of universal energy within everything changes how you experience life. Conscious awakening and the shift from mind details allows you to focus more readily on the transfer of universal energy. We can compare the movement of this energy to the ebb and flow of water.


Ask yourself the following questions. Do I nurture this ebb and flow? Or, do I contaminate it? Am I truly aware of presence itself? Or, do I unconsciously focus solely on mind details within this moment? Mind details and interventions appear to manipulate the act of presence and conscious awareness. Nevertheless, it is more accurate to express mind interference as a distortion of this flowing universal energy. Are you conscious of the flow of energy within this moment or just the detail symbols projected by the mind? There is a significant difference.

Here is an exercise, helpful during the process of conscious awakening. Focus awareness simply on the act of your being and living. Thus, with practice, you feel the vibrational flow and manifestation of energy within the beingness of your person.  Then, actively observe this interaction and transition in any given moment of awareness.  Sooner or later, you experience the unconditional act of being within this universal flow. This practice exercise reveals the ebb and flow within the universe. And, it becomes obvious that you are a co-creator of this marvelous movement. The universe swims within this manifested/non-manifested energy. Accordingly, so do you. And, you greatly influence how this energy manifests. Continue reading


Depression and Mind Repression

The world suffers from a state of global depression. I reflected on depression after a recent email correspondence. There are the medical aspects of depression. A person can experience unhappiness and anxiety due to biological factors that are genetic and chronic. Nevertheless, the majority of people experience self-inflected misery. This behavior irregularity undermines a person’s state of being. The assumption is that situations and people cause us despair and sadness. And, there is a tad of truth to this statement strictly from a practical viewpoint. Thus, most people are likely to believe themselves to be the thoughts in their head. A person will literally lose his or her true identity due to influences of the mind. 


Hence, depression results due to unconscious reactions in daily experiences. A disoriented person misinterprets thoughts and emotions as something that defines them. However, another person, a thing, a thought or situation cannot truly express your state of beingness. The expression of life that manifests through you is your responsibility.

Let’s use the following example to illustrate. There is an accident. You experience bodily harm. The ailment or injury is real. There is pain. Are you the pain that is felt in that moment? No, of course not. The pain is strictly of the body. Therefore, whether you have anxiety, frustration or suffer is your choice. Continue reading

Completely Complete Here and Now

You come from one; completely.
It has always been the one.
You are simply here to live.
Do you feel it? Be it! You are alive.
You are the one that shines like the sun.
It is you that creates the moon and stars.


You are here, now. Do you feel it?
There is nothing less or more than one being.
Therefore, too be or not to be is not the question.
It is you that creates being.
It is you that are one; completely.

Will you live, love and have some fun?
Being is simply to be, completely.
You often want to ask how and why.
But, the gift of being is not a question.

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Sensitivity and the Experience of Life

Are you a sensitive person? Do others label you as too sensitive? If yes, please stand up and take a bow because sensitivity is not necessarily a bad thing. Furthermore, conscious awareness through sensitivity is possible. Alas, mind details still distract the majority of people. Thus, unconscious living causes chaos in many activities. There are so many wants, demands and details. Therefore, often the mind and body are ill. It is all too much. At least, this is what the mind tells us. Stop the world and let me get off. These are typical reactions to our daily interactions.


Many people are sensitive, often overly sensitive. And, there are distinguishing characteristics among these individuals. Sensitive people often experience depression and mental trauma.  Often these ailments are due to biological and conditional behavior disorders that can escalate if a person is overly sensitive. Hence, over-sensitivity can actually cause the development of a mental disorder in a person that unconsciously lives life. Please understand the significance of the keyword unconsciously in this last statement. Your thoughts, thus your feelings, can sicken the mind and body when you are not actively conscious and equally oversensitive.

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Monism Is at the Essence of All Duality

Please, if possible, glance slowly and deliberately at any given object in your immediate surroundings. What do you see? It may be a chair, table, or a picture on the wall. You are essentially a part of anything you observe. Furthermore, each and every object is of one state of being. And, the marvelous mystery of oneness manifests in all shapes and sizes. This is too much for the mind, strictly mentally speaking, to comprehend. Thus, the mind interprets monism as dualism. The mind does this in an attempt to define and categorize.


“There is a thing inherent and natural, which existed before heaven and earth. Motionless and fathomless, it stands alone and never changes; it pervades everywhere and never becomes exhausted. It may be regarded as the Mother of the Universe. I do not know its name. If I am forced to give it a name, I call it Tao, and I name it as supreme.”
– Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching

Nevertheless, the mind is naturally a part of this mysterious oneness. And, this creates a paradox. Hence, the mind over-compensates the simplicity of monism. Therefore, it is very difficult for a person to disregard thoughts and feelings that invoke separation. The presence of oneness that manifests through all objects is there within each heartbeat and within each breath. This is the nature of beingness and the isness of living. It is a vibrating flow of energy. Continue reading


Addictive Pain and What NOT to Do

Psychological pain is real and is often addictive. Does this sound strange to you? You experience this type of pain each day and probably don’t realize it. Unconscious mental pain affects everyone and everything. Only the degree or intensity varies from person to person. Unfortunately, most people are not conscious enough to realize the severity of this pain. It happens more often than you may think. Here, we should note that what the mind thinks doesn’t mean it is true. On the other hand, your state of awareness decides how you will experience a situation.


Thus, what is your relationship with the mind? This is the key question in consciously awakening to a state of deeper presence. Moreover, your observation of the mind determines how you experiences this moment.  Respond to life and living. But, do not react to the mind. There is a difference.

This acknowledgement can be very helpful. This is useful in understanding how you typically react to compulsive mind behavior. Please practice differentiating between two states of being. These two states are either living from mind or living in conscious awareness. Thus, mind reactions are unconscious behavior. And, this increases the addictive pain that accompanies you during daily activities. Continue reading


Complexity Must not Be a Way of Life

Simplicity is within every molecule of the universe. No, I am not oversimplifying nor making an inaccurate suggestion.  Life is. Being is. Things are. We are. This is the equation of beingness.  Thus, we are part of a universality that is essentially simple. This simplicity flows thought all objects in a state of being. But, we have somehow lost touch with this enlightening knowledge. Likely, the confusion, fear, and manipulation apparent in our existence are a direct result of evolution and social development. There is a very dark shadow hovering over humankind, which is mostly unknown to most of us. Its influence and overwhelming power are, however, very real on the level of our experiences. Complexity in life is a standard assumption based on pragmatism. This has become the rule of thumb in daily activities.


Likewise, evolution and mind-conditioning cause us to be unaware. We live in a state of unconscious beingness. Remember, being is. Nothing more and nothing less. Life is a manifestation of being. We can call life a frequency of the universal. This frequency, as with all energy, is of one source. So, why do we take this simplicity and twist it into complex structures. Complexity, which we deem as being a true reality, is only a mind-made construction. Thus, we generate a very misconstrued state of being. The mind does this by manufacturing a world of abstracts and illusions. A dominating mind causes difficulty and suffering due to misinterpretations of living here and now. Thus, our evolution is both a blessing and a curse. Continue reading


Life Vibrates So Just Let It Flow

The universe vibrates with energy. Accordingly, life is a frequency of the universe. You can flow with universal life energy. Or, you can attempt to resist it. Either way, you are influencing these vibrations. You exist.  But, often are not aware of the essence of being. It is accurate to write that you are alive. But, are you truly living life? Let’s start this conversation with a quote. Moreover, Abraham Lincoln’s insight offers much more about living than just the written words.

“People are just about as happy as they make up their minds to be.” – Abraham Lincoln


This sounds silly but please stop listening to the mind for a moment. Instead, reflect on what you sense beyond words and thoughts. That deep innate sensation is your true state of being. So, I ask again. Are you truly alive?

The answer is still no for the majority of people. This is because we experience most of our existence in a state of automation. Oh, it is correct to say that we laugh, we cry, and often we are afraid.  But, are we actually truly aware of being? Your individual answer will either reflect a state of unconsciousness being or an active conscious state of being. Furthermore, the mind cannot accept the simply act of being. And the mind does all that it can to fabricate anything that might explain why.  This unconscious behavior is why we mostly exist in a limbo state of automation. Continue reading