
25 posts


Social Development and How You Live

Modern social structure development began around 10,000 years ago. Thus, more people were sharing ideas, assumptions and beliefs on a day to day basis. This era possibly increased aspects of our conditioned behavior in reference to the mind dominating our life experience. Searching, assuming and labeling details in our existence dominate our evolution. Additionally, more verbal and written interaction overwhelms our natural conscious awareness of life and our state of presence. 


And, one primary factor remains constant throughout our personal and social development. We do not acknowledge or accept the essence of living and being.  Equally, conformity often results as a by-product of social and personal developmental factors. Still, we innately know that we are here and now. We feel the beingness of our person. Yet, the mind causes interference and we attach our sense of being to these thoughts and feelings. Thus, we mistakenly accept the mind’s misapprehensions to be our true self. Thus, thoughts and feelings about living life consume our conscious presence of being and living. Continue reading


A Controversial Look into How You Live

Firstly, I wish to apologize to anyone that has read my second book Simplicity of Life. There is bad editing such as text flow and grammar mistakes within the book. I am perhaps naïve. I realize that it is years since the publication. But, the editor told me that the editing and grammar were fine. I accepted the editor’s assuring statement as correct. But, the bad editing and lack of sentence flow are the result of my oversight and my trusting nature.  I only recently took a critical look at the book’s text flow and grammar. Thus, I made many text changes and grammar corrections within the chapters. I feel that the revised text offers you an easier to read inquiry into controversial topics. Therefore, I wish to offer you this revised version of the book, as a free downloadable PDF document.


Yes, the reading material is difficult due to the nature of the topics. However, I feel strongly that we all desire harmony and bliss on the path of life. Nevertheless, reading about such controversial topics unleash conditional mind behavior patterns that developed over thousands upon thousands of years. We innately know the truth at the depth of our being. However, all structures of our development have taught us to question, deny and fear something that is actually fundamental. Ultimately, the nature of our beingness has nothing to do with the mind. Equally, the essence of our being (isness) is simplistic when we go beyond mind interference and restrictions. Therefore, the next step on the path of life is hopefully our awakening to a conscious evolution. Continue reading


Intelligence Within the Act of Being

Life: What is it? And, where do we find love? These are questions that we always ask. But, our object illusions are primarily responsible for integrating falsehood into our existence. The delusions we have placed on our existence engulf all factors of our experiences. It is not your purpose to define life or love. Instead, simply experience your beingness through awareness to consciousness.  In other words, wake up! There is an intelligence within you that innately knows the truth of your being without needing to search.


What is this intelligence? Firstly, I ask that you don’t put energy and effort into labeling what I have written. Secondly, this mysterious something within and surrounding you is not supernatural and not a god. Therefore, simply observe the depth of the inner universe as a space that resonates with common sense. However, please do not minimize the depth and magnitude of this inner dimension. And, we should not define the act of this observation from a standpoint of our worldly activities. The common sense within you is of universal proportion and brilliance. And, your true essence flows from a pool of unconditional beingness that is indifferent to mind details and interactions. Continue reading


Spilled Milk Causes Confusion

Have you every spilled milk or experience some other mishap? This happens to everyone and usually many times every day. Nevertheless, is any experience really that serious?  We can reassuringly answer this question with a no. But, everyone reacts differently. The unconscious or conscious understanding of life influences a person’s behavior patterns. Thus, I am not suggesting that you will not or should not react seriously to any encounter. After all, our experiences are relatively serious but not absolutely. However, I ask that you consciously respond, instead of unconsciously reacting when something happens.


Therefore, our conversation relates to the practice of conscious awareness during daily activities. Firstly, it is accurate to write that people take the details of most experiences too seriously.  It would also be beneficial to accept the actuality of any given situation that the mind labels as serious. Spilled milk is a useful example for our discussion. Let’s consciously observe the aftermath of a glass of milk that spills. Let’s keep it simple. You pour milk. The glass tips and the milk flows unto the kitchen counter and floor. Let’s freeze this image. Ask yourself.  What happens when milk spills? Please focus on the obvious answer because the easiest answer is the most likely answer 😊.

Yes, that’s right. The milk spills. Nothing more and nothing less. Any ifs, buts or whys will not change the fact that the milk has spilled.  Furthermore, you cannot alter what has happened by unconsciously listening to mind feedback. (thoughts, feelings or beliefs) Continue reading

Self-observation and Consciousness

Many people understand consciousness and spirituality as an expression of the self. And, instantly, the mind confuses this as a reference to the person, such as the human self or self-consciousness. Therefore, the mind restricts access to our innate knowledge of a true, universal self. Thus, ego and conditioned behavior block out the flow of universal life oneness. The mind insists that there is only the self from a human being standpoint. However, consciousness and self are ultimately an act of self-observation without mind interaction.


Therefore, do you wish to take a closer look at the self beyond yourself? If yes, this is easier than you might think. Look at everything surrounding you now. Where you are and what you are doing is of no importance because these are merely mind details. What do you see when you look around? What you are observing is yourself. You as a presence of being (self) are essentially in everything. Thus, this self-observation is not a reference to yourself the human form, the mental, emotional, and physical you. Instead, this refers to the self, the one that is universal. Ultimately both are one and the same as a singular state of being. But, let’s take one conscious step after the other. Let’s briefly reflect on both, the human and universal self as in inquiry into consciously living. Continue reading

Completely Complete Here and Now

You come from one; completely.
It has always been the one.
You are simply here to live.
Do you feel it? Be it! You are alive.
You are the one that shines like the sun.
It is you that creates the moon and stars.


You are here, now. Do you feel it?
There is nothing less or more than one being.
Therefore, too be or not to be is not the question.
It is you that creates being.
It is you that are one; completely.

Will you live, love and have some fun?
Being is simply to be, completely.
You often want to ask how and why.
But, the gift of being is not a question.

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The Key to Living Is in Your Hand

There is a key to allowing life and love to flow unrestricted. Acceptance is the doorway to this universal flow. But, unconditional love will remain bound by these restrictions until we are willing to step beyond them. The mind attempts to instill boundaries on love and life itself. This could explain why we remain mostly in a state of conflict throughout our existence, both personally and collectively. But, the conflict is only within us. Conflict does not come from the universe or life. And, we and only we are responsible for our experience of life and love. Your choices are either unconsciously or consciously made.  


A state of consciousness is significant whereby acknowledging unconditional love is the key. We are always within an energy field that has the potential to be conscious. But it is necessary to be aware of pure consciousness. Equally, this is true for love. Our level of awareness strengthens love as a component of life. The initial spark that generates love into the universe is pure. But, we become preoccupied with the diversity of our self-imposed detail existence. Continue reading

Boundaries of the Mind Are Usually Not Real

Boundaries are a part of our existence in one way or another. There are planetary, geographical, social, and personal to name a few. The mind and body seem to strictly control our daily mental and physical activities. But, often these limitations are not real.


However, what have these restrictions done to our conscious development? Most of our shortcomings are due to the mind’s manipulations of conscious presence. The mind confines us within a self-made box filled with questions, doubts, beliefs, and assumptions. Thus, pure consciousness remains just out of reach. This is because self-inflected limits impair our understanding of universal energy and the awakening of consciousness. We sense the presence of something beyond the mind. But, we cannot break free of conditioned behavior patterns. This invokes a constant need to search and obtain a key to this universal presence. Nevertheless, there is no need for a key because the door is always open. The spaciousness of presence is always here. Continue reading

Satan in Disguise While Baking Bread Rolls

Does the word Satan cause you anxiety or fear? Relax, everything is fine. This is only a word. And, just like everything, we experience the word based on conditioned thoughts and emotions. So, what is this devil that everyone fears? Satan is a symbol of fear, evil, and corruptions. As well as, anything considered bad and deceitful. Hebrew scriptures and documents from before 300 BCE often use this word (root word s‘tn). The word is a derivative of the Hebrew verb satan. The original meaning meant to oppose. The Christian church used the Hebrew Scriptures Greek translation of the word. They translated satan as diaboloc from which we derive our English term devil and diabolic. (source:


So, our understanding of the universe implies that the devil is the root of all evil. These thoughts and beliefs are equal to the countless stories of a God or gods. A devil is the opposing force to all that is good. Thus, we entertain ourselves with God and devil misconceptions and labels. We superimpose these into our daily experiences. Love a God and fear the devil are typical dogmas throughout the world. And yet, there is also a certain type of fascination about the devil. But, so what? We tell similar stories and make comparable assumptions about many of our experiences throughout history. Human beings have an acute imagination and fantasy primarily based on creativity, fascination, and fear. Continue reading


Masculine and Feminine so Why the Confusion

Masculine and feminine invoke duality. Why is this duality structure, as with many other concepts, superimposed onto our existence? There is the natural flow of evolution to consider. The conception of offspring requires both in most species. But here also the mind has developed a complex game of assumptions and labels based on this naturally occurring phenomenon.


This has led to us establishing concepts and opposites according to mind structures, beliefs, and definitions. The introduction of any type of duality into our existence—or the universe, for that matter—is merely mind imposed. Still, is it possible that the essence of all objects is based on a unit of one? All objects manifest energy at a given level. This dimension may consist of different frequencies, but these have the potential to vibrate as one. Continue reading