Monthly Archives: November 2019

11 posts


Unity of Life: Come Join the Party

We mostly remain unconscious to the bond that connects all things. This unity is based on life. Moreover, it is energy. What if each individual could catch a true glimpse of this oneness? Does object consciousness readily expand after the initial awakening? Definitely! Uncertainty, judgement and suffering would likely fade away. Likewise, we would acknowledge the person and divine presence as one being. Additionally, we would actually live as the unbounded life energy that engulfs us.


But, there is something to consider. Mind conditioning often influences the flow and manifestation of life. Thus, we unconsciously exist in repetitious patterns. Every new generation unknowingly inherits this behavior. Hence, thoughts manifest a conditioned and egoistical world. Therefore, egoism and isolation overshadow our unity with life. So much so that, conditioning has become a way of living. Thoughts overwhelm us. Thus, we accept mind-generated falsities and illusions as true. Continue reading


Science and Religion: But What About Life?

Why do we feel compiled to explain life through concepts such as religion, atheism or science? Personal and collective influences condition us to accept, reject or conform to ideas, guidelines, and beliefs. What do the three conceptual structures have in common? They invoke separation. Moreover, this is true of most existence content. Consequently, this deters the awakening of consciousness.


There appears to be generalizations in most conceptual religions. This is the belief in the big G word. (I am reluctant to use the word because of the conditioned effect it as on people.)  Atheism, on the other hand, rejects these beliefs.  Subsequently, science offers us the mind-conceived facts. However, these have really only added more complexity to the simplicity of life. Object consciousness would surely expand easier without these mind projected influences. Continue reading


Fear: Why Are You Afraid?

This is a continuation of the recent article Afraid? But Why? Moreover, Why Now? We all have experiences with fear. There are levels of worry; often followed by anxiety. These anxiety attacks sometimes end in panic outbreaks. This behavior takes on many forms. Furthermore, it begins with conditioned reactions brought on by thoughts (mostly past or future). But, they are illusions of the mind. So, what does it mean to be afraid of fear? Let’s use a daily situation to illustrate. You have various tasks to accomplish at work.


There are one or perhaps even several tasks that involve interacting with other co-workers. Likewise, you may need to work together with the management department. You are busily working. Suddenly, you realize that the next task will involve collaborating with others.

No big deal, right? Wrong; it is a very big deal. At least, this is what the mind might tell you.  But, why? Because, you have had one or several uncomfortable situations in the past. This has resulted in discussing these troublesome situations with a supervisor. However, he or she is actually responsible for the problems. Hence, both you and the supervisor remain frustrated and withdrawn. What happens many times in such a situation? Both you and the supervisor do everything possible to avoid any interaction. Continue reading


Cry, Laugh and Always Share

We are 7.9 billion worldwide. You would think that it would be possible to learn how to come together as one race. Yet, this is not true. We are becoming more isolated because of this large number. This trend is increasing. Yes, there are caring and loving people. But, these individuals often choose to remain reclusive. Still, we do mingle. Moreover, we sometimes laugh and cry when we are together. But, sharing often remains on a superficial level. Especially, upon first meeting someone.


There are always the formalities. We are usually willing to tell someone our name, how old we are, where we work, etc. Naturally, this is fine. It is part of the human experience. On the other hand, this and other factors have kept us in a repetitive cycle. The mind (ego, conditioning) thrive in these surroundings. However, to the contrary, awareness to and expansion of object consciousness withers. Thus, the mind dominates. It reminds of us of previous situations when we experienced suffering. Continue reading

Articles too Lengthy, too Short or Just Right

I wish to thank everyone for the messages and emails that I receive. I smile from time to time because occasionally someone asks why my articles are so lengthy. But, I don’t smile because I am making fun of this person. The smile results from the sensation of object consciousness as it expands and flows through him or her and me.


It is a process that we each experience. Furthermore, it is unavoidable during the transition from mind to conscious awareness. Whether you consider my articles to be short, lengthy or just right mostly depends on the answer to the following question. Do you read the articles from the mind or consciousness? Continue reading

Bird Song and the Mockery of Time

Worldwide there are 10,000 bird species. Similarly, there are an estimated 100 to 400 billion on the Earth. It is astonishing. Now imagine all of them singing in the same moment. That would surely produce quite a sound.


Still, let’s consider one single bird. It happily sings its song. This opportunity presented itself to me last week. I was reflecting on a few text changes in my third book manuscript. It was around dusk. I could hear one bird in particular singing its song. Then there was a pause. Followed by a random sequence of chirping. Once again, there was a pause. Then it would sing its song once again. The experience was very pleasurable. It was quite soothing. I then felt myself uniting with the moment that was unfolding. We can call this a conscious assimilation between objects. It is a wonderful experience. The portal to consciousness opens and invites you to enter. Continue reading

Afraid? But Why? Moreover, Why Now?

People and animals do indeed experience fear. The Species-Specific Defense Reactions (S.S.D.R.) is perhaps at the root of this reaction. Could the consciousness level of a life-form alter this behavior? Most of us are probably be more interested in eliminating the clouds of fear that darken our daily activities. Would a shift in our awareness alleviate the need to be afraid?


Our conscious development obviously has an influence on fear. Mind conditioning causes us to dread almost everything at some level.  Please don’t misunderstand this statement. Fear was, is and will always be a part of our species; at least from a biological standpoint. Still, what about the psychological ramifications? Continue reading

Appreciation of Life: It Is Your Responsibility

There are truly many forms of appreciation. A few examples would be sharing a smile, helping someone in need or giving someone a compliment. I wish to offer my appreciation to everyone and everything I have encountered throughout my existence. The interaction with my mind had once caused me difficulties and confusion. Not to mention, conflicts that arose with people and situations. It seems so long ago in hindsight.


These difficulties resulted from unobserved thoughts and emotions. Furthermore, this occurs in everyone as a consequence of a conditioned mind and ego. The ego has an insatiable appetite for power and control. Likewise, this behavior also deters awareness to the flowing rhythm of universal energy. These are the perils of human existence which we face on a daily basis. Still, it is possible to literally appreciate everything; irrespective of the labels. Continue reading


Evolution of Consciousness: It Is Blossoming

What is evolution? Everything evolves in some manner. Doesn’t it? offers several definitions for evolution.

  1. Any process of formation or growth; development
  2. A product of such development; something evolved
  3. A motion incomplete in itself, but combining with coordinated motions to produce a single action, as in a machine.
  4. Biology. Change in the gene pool of a population from generation to generation by such processes as mutation, natural selection, and genetic drift.

These are but a few of the definitions used for evolution. How has consciousness evolved? Likewise, how can it change our experience of life? Could we go so far as to say that universal consciousness is the catalyst for evolution? 


I, as I am sure you, continue to awaken and become more aware of consciousness. Thus, this too must be a form of evolution.  The universe is 99.9 percent nothingness. This is amazing to consider. But, it is even more incredible to simply experience how nothingness manifests into somethingness. There are more and more scientists / physicists who are basically saying that consciousness creates reality. Continue reading


Law of Attraction: Around and Around It Goes

Almost everyone has heard of the law of attraction. But, is it only a spirituality cliché or does it hold true merit?

“The law of attraction is the name given to the maxim “like attracts like” which in New Thought philosophy is used to sum up the idea that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts a person brings positive or negative experiences into their life. This belief is based upon the idea that people and their thoughts are both made from “pure energy”, and the belief that like energy attracts like energy.” – Wikipedia


Hence, the law of attraction is an interesting phenomenon that very likely occurs in any and every moment. You attract what you focus on.  Whether you know it or not. The energy you release is what will return to you. We and all living organism are the catalysts. Still, a life-form with a higher level of object consciousness will influence universal energy more than a life form with less. Likewise, there is a further benefit relating to higher object consciousness.  It offers the possibility to actively observe how this energy influences this dimension. The very fact that we can be aware of consciousness allows us to experience the results of the law of attraction. Continue reading