Monthly Archives: June 2020

6 posts


You Exist but Are You Truly Living?

Everything is happening as it should happen. Moreover, we are experiencing everything according to our specific vibrations. We exist.  But often we are not aware of being alive. This may sound very silly. But, please stop listening to the mind clattering away and tune into the vibrations of life.


Our behavior is still mostly repetitive and unconscious. Yes, it is correct to say that we laugh, we cry, and often we are afraid. But are we actually experiencing life? Everyone will have a slightly different answer. So, how alive are we? This will depend on the level of our conscious awareness. The mind is always analyzing. Still, we cannot interpret or define the act of living or being conscious. Nor, should we try. Therefore, the mind distracts us. Thus, it seems that we strive to obtain the knowledge of life. But, in actuality, this mind-game keeps us catching our own tail without knowing why. There is a down-side to this phenomenon. The mind manipulates us with details. Thus, we cannot truly experience life. Continue reading


Mystery of Life: Experience It Without Labels

The mystery of life has held us in awe since the awakening of self-consciousness. The year was one million B.C. A silhouette appeared on a hilltop overlooking a valley. It was a primitive human being that stood there looking to the stars. A second member of the tribe appear, then a third, and a fourth. The first person pointed to the shiny points of light in the sky. He did this repeatedly for several minutes. And, this is how it began. We started to ask why? This was the dawn of self-consciousness.


Welcome to the mystery of life. Since then we have been labeling this mystery. The assumptions and labels are many. We first said that Gods gave us life. Eventually, this assumption changed to one God. Strangely, there is supposedly one God. But, many cultures and belief structures have a different God that is the only ‘one’ God.  Additionally, we use words and symbols to define what this God can do. Moreover, we assume to know what this God wishes and plans.

But why do we assume, interpret, and define this secret called life? We do this for the same reason(s) as the primitive tribe on the hillside. Because, the mind is always asking “why?” Continue reading


You Are Blissful Conscious Enlightenment

Many people wish to reach spiritual enlightenment because we interpret this as something that will give us peace. We assume this will make us happy. However. must we feel good or must everything be blissful before we can experience enlightenment? This is unlikely because a universe of objects is not permanent. There will always be changes occurring that can cause confusion and discomfort.


Enlightenment does not necessarily become obvious only when we are happy and healthy. Conscious awareness is possible through the relationship with the self, the mind, and the universe. This determines how we experience everything. We either acknowledge and accept enlightenment or not. 

Therefore, it is wise to experience any situation as a human being. But understand that true enlightenment is beyond superficial details and limitations. Our behavior and perception are usually based on a conditioned mind. Thus, the mind can actually limit us from experiencing life first-hand. Similarly, the mind paints a picture that illustrates blissfulness as a portal to enlightenment. But, it is the other way around. We accept our state of enlightened being and bliss blossoms. Continue reading


Magical Forest on the Journey Home

This is a one of the many poems in my latest book Love Will Show you the Way. I am hopeful that the book will be helpful to others on their inner journey of self-discovery and conscious living. Have you ever entered a forest and felt the mystery of life?


There is a place of magic and mystery that awaits you each day. It is calling to you. Therefore, it would be best for you to go. There is so much to remember. Mother Nature nurtures and cares. But she can be unmerciful. Always remember that you are her guest; be wise and respectful. Many people have childhood memories of woodlands where they could go to escape into this fantasy world. Here life is pure and simple. It was easy to unite with everything as one. There we would play, sing, and forget the day. This place was an experience without thoughts that distract.

This seems so long ago. Do you think everything has changed? You may say that it seems we have grown older. However, the youthfulness of life lives on forever. Continue reading


Living Life is the Experience of Self

We are life. Living simply means to experience life. But, the mind overwhelms us with details. Nevertheless, life does not dictate concept, definition, or purpose; neither individual nor universal. Only our mind differentiates among one and many assumptions about living. Why do I live? What is my purpose? These are typical questions the mind asks. Also, science loves to baffle us with hypotheses, theories, and theorems. Religion entertains itself and the populace with conjectures and moral principles designed to guide our existence.


What does this tell us about life or universal consciousness? Frankly, these inquires tell us nothing substantial about living. Thinking about living is not the same as living. We usually experience thoughts without being consciously aware.

Experience Isness

Living unfolds without consciously conceiving that you are life. (You are you, but you should know…you are life.) Nevertheless, conceiving can corporate hand in hand with the manifestation of life. (Our manifestation.) We can co-operate with this manifestation process. However, we must first awaken. We must relearn the isness side of life before we can once again use the potential found in conceiving life (our being). We are, as yet, not truly aware enough to grasp the significance of our “being”. Experiencing the essence of our being will fulfill us. Thus, we will stop confusing life (our being) with mind-generated thoughts about living. Continue reading


Intentional demands or Conscious Living

Does living consciously suggest that experiencing consciousness must be intentional? Furthermore, must awareness be intentional before it is possible to consciously awaken and to be conscious? Let’s ask one additional question. Does the intention to live more consciously originate in the mind, from the realm of consciousness, or both?


Let’s first start with a clear understanding of intentional. The internet Dictionary describes it as something done on purpose and being deliberate. Many life-forms experience consciousness at a given level. Therefore, does a bird or plant have the intention to be conscious? No, this is unlikely. You would probably agree that it is also unlikely that other known objects in the universe contemplate being conscious. And yet, a rock, tree, or bee exists and is one with the universe and life without any intent. Continue reading