No, contrary to the title I am not opening a restaurant that offers a soup of the day 😊. Instead, I do wish to share an experience to serve as a signpost on the path of your conscious awakening. Why does the mind always want more even when there is no need for more? Here I am referring to more of anything. I learned a beneficial lesson in conscious living though the simple act of preparing soup.
It began many years ago. I participated in bodybuilding, marathon running and mountain climbing. My diet always varied slightly and offered needed supplements and food groups for these activities. I experimented with low-fat recipes and discovered a soup mixture that gave me the needed carbohydrates each day. I often prepared noodles with herbs and cheese. And, it always tasted different depending on the type of herbs and cheese. This is always a delicious meal.
However, there came a day when I started to add more ingredients to the soup. I can now say that, in hindsight, it is clear to me why I added new ingredients to the soup. I was not present. And, I was not aware of my beingness within the moment. Thus, I was not aware of the mind’s insistence to get more. This may sound too easy when expressed this way. But, life is simple and easy. This is equally true for the experiences we have in life. Our existence would readily harmonize with life if we were more aware of living within presence.
Eat Soup, Drink Water and Always Experience Life Now
The soup with noodles, herbs and cheese tasted great and gave me all that I needed for my active lifestyle. However, I became unaware. Thus, thoughts and corresponding reactions confused me, again and again. This resulted in me adding more ingredients. And, I always had an unsettling demand for more. Does this sound like something that you experience from time to time?
I remained unaware of my behavior until one day. Then I observed myself wanting to add more to the soup than I could possibly eat. It suddenly felt as if I stood at an open window that offered fresh air and freedom. I became very aware.
It was obvious that I was automatically adding more and more ingredients, simple because I could. This happens to us each day in various experiences. The mind causes a state of conditioned reactions and behavior. We become automated and don’t realize that awareness to conscious presence would change everything.
I wish you happiness and good health each day.
P.S. The link from Psychology Today shares insight into experiencing happiness through experiencing less instead of more.
The One Thing You Need to Do to Find Real Happiness