The essence of this moment is your true self. We can simplify this by saying the now reflects you. Please understand that this doesn’t suggest that you should reflect the details of any given experience. Rather, you are ultimately the vessel that holds the totality within it. A person must truthfully observe this moment. Otherwise, you overlook the simplicity of living. We can incorporate the word straightforward into a daily mantra. Practice this affirmation in any situation. Say to yourself. I choose to observe this moment in a straightforward manner. Experiencing the now truthfully will reflect this energy out into the universe and back to you.
The now of life is constant and holds the totality within it. We become genuinely empathic to the world around us as we become more and more aware of conscious living. This allows universal consciousness and thus universal life intelligence to expand and pulsate intensively as the unmanifested becomes the manifested universe. We experience this, and when the level of our awareness becomes more awakened, we will continually release higher and higher levels of object consciousness back into the totality.