Monthly Archives: December 2020

5 posts


Does Anger Dominate Your Experiences?

Does frustration, confusion, and even anger overshadow your experience of life? What are you upset about? Is it the traffic jam? Or the neighbor’s dog barking? What you experience is the result of your state of awareness. How do you experience something? The answer reflects your inner universe. It is always about you. Your state of being decides how you experience living.


“There will be moments when everything seems overwhelming. But, you are essentially a universal part of the totality. Therefore, only you can change how you see yourself in all things. See yourself as the oneness within the totality and everything you observe and experience will change.”  Continue reading


Friendship Is Being True-Blue!

Do you have many friends? We use the word friend too often. Thus, it has no real significance or depth. Furthermore, this mannerism is a conditioned behavior. Thus, we have expectations and there are attachments. Wikipedia defines friendship as “A relationship of mutual affection between two people.”


Also, this affection can include relationships between more than two people. We base friendship, even love, on thoughts, emotions, and experiences. Likewise, and more often, we establish friendship through mutually conceived ideas, desires, and needs. This behavior causes attachment. Attachments and expectancy cause imbalance in the simple act of being. Being suggests simply living to live. Therefore, base an unconditional alliance, whether friend, family or partner on simply being. Continue reading


The Universe Vibrates in Synchronization

You and I are so much more than we think. The face in the mirror masks the true self. We are ultimately universal energy. It is everywhere. This is a priceless treasure. Life vibrates within this energy flow. It is within us and far beyond. We can love. So be aware. Share love and care. We are life. Therefore, and enthusiastically, we should be in love with life. This is my wish to you. I hope that you are joyfully alive. I offer you love. Indeed, you inspire me. And you teach me. All things, objects and experiences, offer a portal to conscious awareness. The mind will say that there is good and bad. But always observe the spaciousness beyond mind details.


You are a gateway to I as one. We can acknowledge universal essence as home. Therefore, let it flow. Living can be so wonderful. Awaken and experience life as it is now. We can consciously share, care, and forgive. Loving life is to unconditionally love living. Thus, practice loving life and love living. Know deeply that you are the creator of your experiences. Accordingly, you will forget mind-generated details. This is a human-made world. And, it has gone rotten. But, you are not and can never be only of this world. You are ultimately responsible for how universal energy vibrates. All objects, whether consciously aware or not, are influencing this universal flow. Continue reading

Body, Mind, and Your Belief in Believing

Body and mind seem to be one, and they relate to each other on levels that few people are able to comprehend. We have been shown so much from the moment we are born. We have been told and taught by example what is right and wrong. This has caused the body to accept what the mind has told it. Is this really how life should be?


Do you often experience confusion, anxiety, and fear? Please realize that you are much more than what the mind has conditioned you to think or believe. Having a belief or believing in something has no substantial significance in life. But it seems to take on significance and meaning in our existence. This, though, does not validate it as being necessary. Life does not need to believe in something. Life is entirely indifferent to believing or not believing. Traditional thinking tells us that you must first believe in something, and then you must have faith in it. Otherwise, something will not happen nor will you get something unless you believe. However, believing in a belief does not validate its authenticity.

Furthermore, we are to accept this type of behavior as the one and only path to use when wishing for something to manifest. It does seem that we can associate better with the term believing, but only, when used strictly in human context. Conditioning causes us to accept that a belief (believing) is necessary before we can receive something. Continue reading


Bees and Butterflies: Pain or Pleasure?

Bees and butterflies fly around your head. Are you afraid. Or do you feel delight? Does the buzz of a bee cause you frustration? The flight of a butterfly probably gives you delight. But why? Well, our reaction to the bee or the butterfly illustrate conditioned behavior. Both bee and butterfly are symbolic and insignificant. Does this surprise you? Let this statement sink in for a moment before we continue. Experiences are temporary in reference to the details of a situation. But, the moment is real in reference to the spaciousness within the experience.  


Bees fly from flower to flower. Butterflies fly from place to place. Why do we differentiate between the two? The bee causes fear. Not because the bee is fearful. But, because we think that it is dreadful. So, we make the experience personal. The bee wants to sting us. Or, at least, this is what we think. But, the thought is an illusion. Thus, insignificant to the present experience. However, lets be fair to the bee by given an example of the butterfly. A butterfly glides around our head. We think of joy. But, this joy is also temporary, also an illusion. Continue reading