Are you familiar with the term Yin yang (Yinyang)? The origin of this word is obscure. But, there are inscriptions dating to Chinese divination practices in the 14th century that use this symbolization. The representation of this symbol invokes ideas of duality in most contemporary people. And, essentially, this is accurate. However, a strictly dualistic understanding and interpretation of this word is inadequate. Conditional behaviorism (law of effect) restricts our conscious perceptivity of the oneness within that, what we deem as opposites.
I tend to dive deep into existential and philosophical ideas. Thus, some people view my articles as tedious. Therefore, here is a short-form synopsis of our discussion today before I continue. This is the focus point of the article. Through daily practice unlearn what you have learned, let go and expand the depth of conscious presence in all experiences. Firstly, the mind loves interpreting and judging almost everything as separate and opposite. Often, the mind will tell you something is wrong and must be different. This bias behavior results from unconscious conditional factors. Nevertheless and Henceforth, observe the whole instead of the pieces. The oneness within being is the depth and truth of Yinyang. Thus, focus on your conscious beingness within aware presence.
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