Steve Leasock quotes

72 posts

Day after day details of our existence distract us from the aware presence of our being.

Details and More Details of Our Existence

It is true that any individual cannot truly change the behavior of another person or the details of a situation. However, it is possible for each person to change his or her perspective in each moment. It is very difficult for the mind to accept any given moment at face value. Nevertheless, conscious enlightenment shines through when a person acknowledges the simply act of being in this moment. Your state of being is as it is and not as the mind tells us.

Life is more than the details of our existence.

The mind tells us stories and details constructed from memory, interpretation and expectation. But, usually nothing is as the mind tells us. Thus, the mind establishes a storybook of our existence. And, the pages of this book compile daily through unawareness to this mind behavior. A person that unconsciously lives carries a heavy burden. We carry personal and collective demands, expectancy and countless insignificant existence specifics that are completely insignificant. But, actually being and accepting our existence within the flow of life is different than what the mind tells us. Do you often feel fatigue, frustration and anxiety? This dooming darkness of calamity results from not consciously observing our relationship and partnership with the mind.  Thus, personal and collective baggage fills the minds colossal storybook. Continue reading


Devices of the Mind and How You Live

We convince ourselves that there must be a reason for living. And, there are many devices that the mind uses in attempts to justify life and living. Thus, our mental development uses, among other attributes, the power of beliefs to facilitate its needs. The awakening of our self-consciousness started a chain of events that complicate our existence due to these mind devices. Nevertheless, self-consciousness, when observed and applied correctly, is a portal to living in a state of enlightened beingness. There is an evolutionary process, of mind, body and consciousness that is an ongoing development. Strangely, the mind insists on dominating our evolution through behavior tendency. Therefore, both the physical body and conscious presence wither in the mind’s shadows. And, these mind interventions contaminate the flow and manifestation of universal energy.


Additionally, mind clutter such as thoughts and feelings cause confusion and fear. The details of our existence add static to the flowing vibrations of the universe. This clouds conscious clarity and restricts our awareness to living in the presence of our beingness. Continue reading

A Roller Coaster Ride Called Life

We call love and life a roller coaster ride, but why? Why do we expect difficulties when we love? This behavior is synonymous with other reactions to basically any experience in life. It would seem that we want everything to be intricate. And, this upside-down relationship with the mind has developed during our evolution. However, don’t let this servitude behavior hold you captive. Robin Sharma wrote the following in his book The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari: A Fable About Fulfilling Your Dreams & Reaching Your Destiny. Robin Sharma suggests that the mind is a wonderful servant but a terrible master.


Let’s reflect on probable implications of this insight. A person in balance with the mind, body and and inner self will experience a harmonious relationship with life. Thus, loving and living can be a blissful roller coaster ride. And, contrary to Robin Sharma’s suggestion. Our affiliation with the mind does not necessarily prescribe one as the master and the other as a servant. Please remember that the oneness of life that we communicate through written and spoken gestures is not just a word. It is the totality in a flow of unmanifested and manifested energy. Naturally, this includes the frequency generated as love.

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A Controversial Look into How You Live

Firstly, I wish to apologize to anyone that has read my second book Simplicity of Life. There is bad editing such as text flow and grammar mistakes within the book. I am perhaps naïve. I realize that it is years since the publication. But, the editor told me that the editing and grammar were fine. I accepted the editor’s assuring statement as correct. But, the bad editing and lack of sentence flow are the result of my oversight and my trusting nature.  I only recently took a critical look at the book’s text flow and grammar. Thus, I made many text changes and grammar corrections within the chapters. I feel that the revised text offers you an easier to read inquiry into controversial topics. Therefore, I wish to offer you this revised version of the book, as a free downloadable PDF document.


Yes, the reading material is difficult due to the nature of the topics. However, I feel strongly that we all desire harmony and bliss on the path of life. Nevertheless, reading about such controversial topics unleash conditional mind behavior patterns that developed over thousands upon thousands of years. We innately know the truth at the depth of our being. However, all structures of our development have taught us to question, deny and fear something that is actually fundamental. Ultimately, the nature of our beingness has nothing to do with the mind. Equally, the essence of our being (isness) is simplistic when we go beyond mind interference and restrictions. Therefore, the next step on the path of life is hopefully our awakening to a conscious evolution. Continue reading


Autonomy as a Stepping Stone in Life

Typically, we dissect our experiences in attempts to categorize something as good, bad, right or wrong. However, let’s stretch our horizon to engulf the unconditional totality of living. Yes, a million and more years of evolution overshadow any given experience. And, our species interaction with life is mostly a redundant series of mind-induced behavior repetitions. Nevertheless, we have the potential to experience life in a conscious state of autonomy. This word recently fascinated me. The word itself in reference to psychology is useful as a further stepping stone on our inner journey of self-discovery.


Autonomous derives from the Greek word autonomos where auto means self and nomos means to govern (Wikipedia). Therefore, let’s use the word autonomy as a portal to a life of active, conscious presence. How do most people behave in reaction to daily activities, especially in difficult or stressful situations? Everyone wants to go off the grid and live on an island. Likewise, what is the predominant dream of people around the world? Everybody wishes for prosperity and freedom to live according to their desire. But, this desire is usually in accordance with a given societies image of success and happiness. However, there is a deep-rooted flaw within such attempts to find peace and salvation. What is this painted image of illusion that makes us dependent on the mind in the hope of finding happiness? Continue reading

The Dreams of a Woman

A recent conversation inspired me to write the following poem. It was heartwarming for me to hear the woman speak of her experiences in nature. She discovered the significance of our life experience as a young child. Thus, she lives with a willingness to just be in this moment. Nature is a gateway. And, she returns home, again and again, to her essence through the spaciousness beyond. Thus, she openly lives and she loves without a reason for either. She dreams the dream of life each moment as it carries her along.


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Think About Thoughts! Why should I?

I don’t want to think about it. You are probably familiar with this statement. However, saying or thinking these words will not stop the mind from thinking. Thoughts constantly bombard any given moment. Thus, thoughts pull an unaware person into a thinking process loop. And, the brain continues to think, regardless of what you do or want. Therefore, let’s use the sentence at the beginning of this paragraph as a gateway to conscious awakening.


Thoughts come and go. Consequently, you must not attach yourself to any thought or emotion. Consciously observe your relationship with the mind and thought repetitions. Otherwise, you will think that you are a thought. Awaken to the presence of being. Thus, you remain in a place that is beyond thoughts. Beingness becomes the focus of your observation. The portal to active conscious awareness opens more easily for you when thoughts become insignificant. Instead, you bask in a light of enlightenment that results from your non-attachment to the details of living. Mind conditioning and repetitious behavior patterns fade away as the conscious observer awakens more often in daily situations. Continue reading


Perfect Life and Path to Absolution

Here is a spoiler alert. There are three words that accurately express the ideas and insight that I share in this article. You are perfectly absolute! Furthermore, don’t doubt or reject anything you experience. Everything is perfect.  And no, I am not a dreamer nor am I attempting to see the world through rose-tainted glasses.


Nevertheless, conscious living is a necessary stepping stone to your life experience. Moreover, this inner path is an exercise in non-attachment.  The natural enlightenment of your essence blossoms when you let go of life and just live. Therefore, practice this mantra. I am perfect. Every situation is faultless. And, any given person is blameless.

Does this sound absurd? The mind surely thinks that life without attachments and dependency is impossible. However, mind assumptions and definitions are conditional reactions to living life. The mind literally disregards that the act of being, in itself, is perfect.  This is true, regardless of what the mind thinks, what you feel or what another person suggests. It seems difficult to accept life when everything fails your wants and expectancy.  However, don’t even try to change life. However, a shift in your perception of life offers clarity. An alteration in perception reveals that you are the essence of all your experiences. Life is not happening to you. You are happening to life. Continue reading


Simplify Life and Don’t Resist Living

Conscious living offers us a clear perspective regarding our daily activities and understanding of how everything unfolds. Does a feather fight against the wind or define the wind as being its fate? Both are unlikely. Thus, the feather simply experiences the natural flow of the wind. It does this without interpretation or definition. The feather is one with the now of this moment because it allows life to flow through it and the wind to move it. The stillness within nothingness manifests everything. Therefore, simplify and live within this flow.



Simplify and you will surely fly.
Let life be simple and never wonder why.
After all, life has a natural flow
Thereby it carries you along.

The highest plateau is always within reach.
This is more than gliding or carelessly flying.
Now is not the time to wait, don’t ever hesitate.

The mind will often cause you to contemplate.
It tells you to be careful and wants you to debate.
There is so much you must think and do.
Do not listen, do not ponder.
Otherwise, the mind will cause you to wander.
How do you feel? Always observe what you think.
Be afraid, don’t look beyond my thoughts.
This is what the mind whispers.
Nevertheless, simplify and discover that you can fly.
It is possible now without delay.
However, the mind will warn you to stay away.
But, heed not what it says, do not worry…
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Box of Thoughts and a Life Beyond

Let’s consider a practical exercise that can eliminate excessive mind chatter. We use terms such as boxed in and living in a box to express anxiety and frustration. Instead, let’s use these expressions as stepping stones to conscious living.


A box, of your own making, surrounds you each day. Thoughts and even emotions confine you within the box’s walls. You might think that the exercise I mention implies restricting thoughts and emotions. However, and foremost, you can’t stop the mind from thinking. Therefore, your practice is to do exactly the opposite. Acknowledge deeply that the majority of thoughts and emotions don’t honestly reflect the actuality of this moment.  Additionally, the act of simply being is a priority for consciously living regardless of the content within the mind’s box. Therefore, let’s focus on how to practice thinking in the box. But, experience the isness of life and your beingness outside of the box. Continue reading