Steve Leasock quotes

72 posts


Fulfillment Is Not a Goal to Reach

We may believe that fulfillment of life and certain goals come from hard work, determination, or even luck. But, this belief is not accurately correct. Our endeavors may contribute to the achievement of existence activities. Nevertheless, these are not actually the deciding factors in the experience of fulfillment.


We can verify this insight through the example of people who try their best. And, still nothing seems to go right. This is also why a person who seems good and deserving doesn’t receive anything. Consequently, this good person may actually experience hardships, sickness, and even premature death. Why do we consider this to be unfair? The reason is because our expectations and desires are almost always from the level of thoughts, ego, and emotions. However, the things a person wants, but doesn’t get, were never his or hers to receive. This is where the conditioned path and mind behavior can cause great disorder in our interactions with life.

Everything comes from a flow of unmanifested energy, no matter what we might otherwise wish to believe. Nonetheless, the mind dominates and insists it knows what is best for us. Mind manipulation is apparent in our behavior, especially in unaware people. However, decisions based on the mind are only from the level of our existence. We plan and work to reach goals. Yes, relatively speaking, this is typical for our species. Nonetheless, our endeavors are entirely irrelevant in terms of conscious living. Therefore, as a conscious individual, you acknowledge human aspects. But, you remain anchored in a state of being that is conscious of itself. I am here and now! Interrupt thoughts and emotions constantly with this simple realization. I am. Still, ego and a conditioning mind demand that we place importance on thoughts and emotions. Nevertheless, this is just an illusion. Continue reading


Self-dissatisfaction Is Only About You

Everyone is familiar with how dissatisfaction feels. But, what causes this dissatisfaction? Self-dissatisfaction causes annoying behavior such as frustration, sadness and anxiety. Is there actually a difference between one type of dissatisfaction or the other? Perhaps, the mind attempts to exactly label and define these behavior characteristics. Nevertheless, there is ultimately no differentiation.


Let’s view self-dissatisfaction has a core imbalance within you. This dissatisfaction smothers like hot underground lava building up pressure before an eruption. This is the outcome of any discontentment that might surface during thoughts, emotions and experiences. Each person, and not external influences, are either the cause or cure for any annoyance. You probably don’t want to consider this as a possible truth. Nevertheless, it all comes down to you and your observation of living life.

A fire of self-dissatisfaction consumes an unaware person. This dilemma is due to a lack of conscious awareness to the universality of being.  Forget religion, beliefs, science and superstitions. There is nothing religious, magical, mystical or scientific about being and the oneness of life. Yes, the mind conjures thousands of possibilities in an attempt to explain your existence and living. Nonetheless, why do you insist on defining or clarifying the act of being? Isn’t it enough to simply be alive? Continue reading


Sensitivity and the Experience of Life

Are you a sensitive person? Do others label you as too sensitive? If yes, please stand up and take a bow because sensitivity is not necessarily a bad thing. Furthermore, conscious awareness through sensitivity is possible. Alas, mind details still distract the majority of people. Thus, unconscious living causes chaos in many activities. There are so many wants, demands and details. Therefore, often the mind and body are ill. It is all too much. At least, this is what the mind tells us. Stop the world and let me get off. These are typical reactions to our daily interactions.


Many people are sensitive, often overly sensitive. And, there are distinguishing characteristics among these individuals. Sensitive people often experience depression and mental trauma.  Often these ailments are due to biological and conditional behavior disorders that can escalate if a person is overly sensitive. Hence, over-sensitivity can actually cause the development of a mental disorder in a person that unconsciously lives life. Please understand the significance of the keyword unconsciously in this last statement. Your thoughts, thus your feelings, can sicken the mind and body when you are not actively conscious and equally oversensitive.

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Realize Consciousness and Know the Mind

How do you regard the title of this article? Firstly, please recognize that the words are only and always just words. I often refer to words, symbols, thoughts and emotions as signposts or stepping stones to our inner universe. So, attempt to visualize the title statement as a stepping stone. And, with practice, you acknowledge the insignificance of the words or detail, other than as stepping stones. This is a step-by-step pathway. Thus, our state of presence shifts more and more to conscious awareness with each step. Likewise, every situation or moment offers the potential to realize the endless depth of our inner journey. This is the path of self-discovery beyond mind limitation.


Therefore, to know something is to perceive or understand what you experience now. We can illustrate this in the following insight. Be aware of awareness and know you are aware. Hence, you realize consciousness in its essence. Additionally, conscious realization benefits the relationship between you and the mind. Suddenly you observe the mind work efficiently without any interference to your aware state of being. Consequently, you will experience thoughts and emotions for what they are and nothing more. Henceforth, the spaciousness of conscious presence becomes your permanent home. You will still experience everything. But, conscious living allows clarity, balance and harmony to thrive. Continue reading


Words Are Best Used and Then Forgotten

Words are only symbols. We use them as sticky tags. Thus, they seem to take on a meaning according to a thought or feeling. So, here is poem that offers a portal to the spaciousness beyond the labels and meanings.


Words are only expressions
And yes, these terms take on meaning.
But, these tags, in reference to living, can cause confusion.
So, what is right or wrong?
Everyone wants to know.
But, no one can really say.
And, such assertions only conceal the true way.
A word or phrase always demands attention. Continue reading

Make the Decision to Love and to Live

How often do you experience love? There is no actual research to verify how often this occurs. But, it is probably more than we realize. However, there is an interesting aspect to this question. Let’s consider loving and living relating to active conscious awareness. How we love and live is a decision. This choice is either unconscious or conscious. So, let’s reword the question. How often do you decide to love? How often do you choose to fully live?


Any decision influences our state of being. Once applied, this choice is the focus point of our brain’s output activity. This energy transfers through thoughts and emotions. These impulses directly influence our life experience. Thus, how you experience loving and living is dependent on either a conscious or unconscious act of being (Way of life). Also, unconditional love and absolute life should never be just a mental or emotional experience.  Observe love and life from within the flow of presence. Choose conscious awareness as a way of being. Continue reading

Everyone Wants to Be a Superstar

Conditioning causes us to strive for more, and therefore we demand and expect many things. This is the downside of an imperialistic system that eventually became a democracy in most parts of the world. Thus, personal and social ramifications started early in our evolution. Therefore, there is a demand to do more, have more, and be more as a result of our development factors. Everyone wants to be a superstar.

There is only you, the one presence in this universe. And, it is you that is either consciously aware of this isness and oneness or not.


It is not necessary for us to consider social systems, politics, or even evolution. Still, reflecting on our evolution regarding the mind and object consciousness is a helpful spiritual stepping stone. The need to achieve more is evident in most industrial and heavily populated countries. Strive and do more is a way of life for most people. Continue reading

Manifestation of Life Energy: You Are It!

“Our true essence originates in the manifestation of life. I am who I am (ongoing) holds true for us in each moment. Therefore, it is essential that our species awakens to the potential within this statement. We determine the content of our existence through active awareness.”


The content structures of our existence, whether of mind or body, are helpful in our daily activities. Nevertheless, these can also be very manipulative and restrictive concerning conscious awakening. Thoughts and emotions can be excellent students of life. However, they cannot and should never be the teacher or master of this mystery.

Experience life through active awareness to the realm and vibrating frequency of pure consciousness. This universal intelligence is beyond the mind, body, and soul but still a part of everything. This mysterious energy flows through you, and you flow through it. It is your true essence. Continue reading


Pain! No, Thank You! I Have My Own

Pain has many faces. Physical discomfort, mental conditioning and behavior are examples of this suffering. So, let’s consider the discomfort that originates from these mindset traits. The pain body, as Eckhart Tolle describes it, is a menacing entity. And, is always lurking in the mental shadows of the mind during our interactions.


So, this mind affliction accompanies the majority of people each day. Similarly, what happens to this mind torment when two or more people meet?  Almost every person has some level of mind discomfort. Likewise, a few people are aware of this torture, most are not. This suffering is a personal and collective accumulation of experiences, conditioned behavior, and reactions.

Ask yourself this question? Is my conscious awakening deeply rooted in daily experiences? The majority of people are still not consciously awake. This gives any type of mental activity a chance to overtake a person’s conscious state of being. Therefore, two consciously unaware people add even more suffering to a given experience.  And so, on and so forth.

I recall many such encounters when I was younger. In hindsight, I realize that my lack of present moment awareness caused ongoing agony.  Myself and any given person often experienced unneeded suffering due to the lack of aware presence. Thus, we literally absorbed each other’s mental energy. This, in turn, acted as a catalyst for the inner pain body energy. Continue reading


Story-writer Tell Me Another Story

A story-writer stares you back each day when you look in the mirror. This person has the mental capacity to write story after story, moment to moment and day by day.  However, please understand that the mind writes these stories. There are mental bookcases upon bookcases within the mind. The Library of Congress currently has 170 million books. But, compare this to the vast stories within the mind and it is like a water drop in a bucket.

And, please note that firstly these stories and mental books belong exclusively to you. At least, this is what the mind tells you. There are many characters, both good and bad in your stories. Additionally, there are vast selections of story genres; drama, adventure, and horror, to name a few. And the mind, as the story-writer, has an exclusive copyright. This enormous collection of personal and collective stories belongs to you. Wow, that is marvelous. Or is it?


The brain is an incredible body organ that can process huge amounts of information simultaneously. This is fine, when considering it strictly from the level of brain data processing. But what about beyond our mental and physical field of existence? Simply said. What about our conscious state of being? What happens to our conscious awareness during the mind’s storytelling? Well, mental energy blocks out the spaciousness of consciously living. The mind constantly reviews, redefines, and retells these mental stories. On the other hand, conscious universal life energy is always available. So, why don’t we live life consciously? Mostly, because the countless drama and never-ending mind stories overshadow our life experience. Continue reading