
Fearful Stories Told by Unaware People

Some level of confusion and anxiety overshadows most of our daily activities. However, an impending, immediate or tangible danger is not responsible for this behavior. Nevertheless, the mind conjures countless details that manifest as thoughts and feelings about the life you live. Thus, we remain in a vicious cycle of mind-inflected behavior patterns due to our unaware presence. And, this generally, causes us to be fearful. Hence, most of humanity is busy denying the actuality of presence and life itself. Most people use every possible explanation to avoid the presence (beingness) of living.


This behavior illustrates how detrimental unaware attachment to existential details discourage us from discovering balance and harmony in life. And, yet, we assume that the mind (creative intelligence) is useful in explaining how to live a simplistic existence. But, obviously, the manifestation of mind details in an unaware person only confuse and distract us from conscious enlightenment. Our putative superior intelligence assures arrogance in many of our experiences, especially existential issues.

I would like to quote a provision excerpt from the American Declaration of Independence to express our dilemma.

“…all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.”

This explanation is significant to illustrate the overall unawareness in our behavior of the life we live. Furthermore, this represents our tendency to avoid presence and change. Instead, we unknowingly live as unconscious puppets dancing to whims of the mind.

Living Life Should not be a Fearful Experience

Therefore, confusion and anxiety often dominate our activities. Strangely, we are fearful of both living and dying. This is because we base everything on temporary superficiality and details. Thus, we label conscious enlightenment and aware presence as something to attempt and experience only after strenuous effort. An unaware person views conscious presence as a destination that is difficult to reach, even unreachable. So, most people visualize balance and harmony as a fantasy or paradise. Furthermore, the majority of people think or belief that we can only reach aware conscious enlightenment through mind details. And, still very prevalent is the thought or belief that materialistic things will give us happiness and peace. Again, it is beneficial to understand that the behavior pattern of most people manifests confusion, anxiety and fear. Perhaps the worst of these three is the fear of openly and directly living life, regardless of any shortcomings.

Therefore, always observe the mind and your state of presence. Accept the beingness of your person as a presence that manifests and flows without attachment to mind details. Always use presence and the isness of conscious being as a point of reference. You, the presence within being, is not your mind. Thus, never take thoughts or feelings too seriously. These will pass, and presence always remains.


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