Time and the Dancing Puppet

We define aspects of our existence such as life and even death as expressions of time.  And, most people think or believe that time is a universal truth. The sun rises and sets and it often seems that we are a puppet dancing to the strings of time. I do not wish to agree or disagree with your ideas, opinions or insight. However, time is nothing but a mind game and you are probably unconsciously playing this game.


I hear many people say in passing haste that they have no time. I delight in hearing this statement. And, my delight is without animus intention. Ultimately, no one has any timeline because this label only exists in our mind. Therefore, acknowledging that there is no time is beneficial in consciously moving  beyond the conceptional label. I understand that even in spirituality topics people use terms relating to a moment or now. However, these are also only constructions of the mind that, at best, can be useful stepping stones to inner self-discovery.

Is Time Your Master?

There are subjective and psychological factors that cause the illusion of time. Therefore, it is beneficial to acknowledge that subjective and psychological factors are only mind concepts. These factors result from conceptual thinking and behavior conditioning

But, do you recall experiences that defy the concepts of time? Maybe this was during school when a class seemed to last forever. Or, perhaps a given weekend of fun that was much too short. And, many people become frustrated when the work day seems to never end. There are twenty-four time zones in the world. Most of the world turns the clock forward and backward in the spring and winter. These examples verify that time is only a mind game to structure the details of our existence. Thus, and obviously, there can be no truth to time, other than for conceptional usage

But, mind complexity does not occur from the interpretations used to measure our existence. The anxiety and fear people experience are due to our unconscious use of these conditional interpretations. And, these thoughts patterns and conditional behavior cause interference in the universal vibration of energy. We can call this intervention static resistance in the flow of existential beingness. Hence, people mentally project themselves either forward, backward or even stagnant within the frame of their being and isness. And, this causes people to experience phases of happiness, sadness, stress, relieve or acceptance and non-acceptance. But, none of these factors are real or even significant to the actuality of a person’s state of presence. And, this causes a person to misinterpret the natural unfolding of being and living. Therefore, time is an illusion that only seems relative to the unaware observer.


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