Dissatisfaction dominates most people’s behavior at some level. Discontentment thrives within our experiences. And, this tendency causes unnecessary confusion and stress in our activities each day. Furthermore, the structures of our society always prompt us to need and want more. Therefore, many people feel unhappy and anxious. And, this mind behavior pattern is toxic to the awakening of consciousness within presence.
What might be the root of all this evil? Well, let’s not search 🙂 for a reason. However, specifically, we can say that mind adaptation and evolutionary development cause us to unconsciously interact with life. Let’s use a classical story to illustrate. The biblical drama of Adam and Eve. Of course, everyone has a thought, opinion or belief about this story. Therefore, you might think that the fruit in the story was a test of faith and obedience. Other individuals will insists that Adam and Eve were to learn the difference between good and evil.
Dissatisfaction Restricts Conscious Awareness
I personally, sense that the story depicts choice, either unconsciously or consciously, about how to live. Living in unaware or aware presence was a choice then, just as it is today. Therefore, let’s consider that they were not consciously aware. Thus, did they decide to eat the forbidden fruit due to unconscious temptation or dissatisfaction? After all, this one fruit was the only thing that was out of their reach in this heavenly paradise. But, why wasn’t living in paradise enough, even without the fruit? And, isn’t this still our dilemma each day? It is possible to live in conscious aware presence now. Nevertheless, we overlook conscious enlightenment due to the mind details of our existence in a world gone mad.
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