Do you know the term hot-wired? This expression is helpful to illustrate mind behavior that restricts conscious presence. The mind hot-wires most of your experiences. But, conscious awareness has the potential to stop the mind’s intrusion into your state of active presence. Indeed, active awareness is a catalyst for conscious energy expansion into your beingness.
Hot-wiring is to start the engine of a motor vehicle by short-circuiting the ignition. Aware presence nurtures conscious living. However, the mind usually short-circuits your conscious awareness. Therefore, the mind steals your sense of presence. Thus, the mind distracts you with thoughts, emotions and conditioned behavior. And, an unaware person accepts and believes that they are these thoughts and feelings. But, usually, most thoughts have nothing to do with the present moment. Furthermore, these are strictly mind illusions that distract a person from conscious presence.
Hot-wired Behavior Prevents Conscious Living
The mind cleverly hot-wires the isness of your being. And, this causes a short-circuit in your behaviorism and conscious awareness. The minds short-circuit signals interfere with your focus on the flow of aware presence. This hot-wiring effect repeats itself again and again in an unaware person. Therefore, you intermediately live between conscious presence and conditioned mind behavior without realizing that you can choose one or the other.
A life experience within conscious presence is possible when you live in non-attachment to the details of the mind. Actively observe your thoughts and feelings without worry or fear. Your thoughts and emotions cannot hurt you. Nor can the mind convince you to be something you are not. Acknowledge that your presence, your conscious beingness, is not dependent on the mind.
Please reflect on this last sentence above. Everything is energy and this realization can be very beneficial during the process of conscious awakening. This flow is constant. However, how you observe the presence of your being determines how you live. Aware presence nurtures conscious enlightenment. On the other hand, your attachment and dependency to mind details distract and restrict conscious presence. Thus, the manifestation of life unfolds in accordance with how you observe the isness of your being.