consciousness quotes

132 posts


Malicious Mental behavior and You

Do many thoughts or situations cause you frustration or anxiety? If yes, why? Ask yourself. What causes the confusion and disappointment? How do you feel in such a moment? Recall any recent situation that disturbed you.

I’ll assist you by offering a situation from my own experiences. I stood in the kitchen to take medication. The medicine consisted of two pills. One pill fell from my hand as I put the cap back on the bottle. I didn’t hear the pill hit the floor. And, I did not hear it fall on the kitchen counter. I thought that it might have fallen on the carpet. Thus, I crawled on my hands and knees searching the floor. I felt frustration. Where had the pill fallen? Nothing on the floor. Then, I rechecked the counter top. Malicious thoughts bounced around my head. Where was the pill. Why can’t I find it? How is this possible?


I searched everywhere but found nothing. I felt frustration due to the thoughts, confusion and increasing anger. My head told me that I must find the pill. Nevertheless, I was aware enough to accept the situation. Thus, I reached for a cup of tea. I had put the cup of hot tea on a beverage coaster. And, there, next to the cup was the missing pill. It was as if some unseen force was saying that everything is as it should be. The tablet was there next to the tea and all I needed to do was take it. I laughed the moment I saw the pill. There it was all this time, just waiting for me to take it. Continue reading


Should I Listen to the Voice in My Head?

Doesn’t it seem as if there is always someone talking to you from inside your head? It feels as if there is someone, other than yourself, or something within you that interacts with life and living. People call this phenomenon intuition, a gut feeling, sixth sense or an inspiration, to name a few. Is this a type of mind feedback? Or, does this sensation originate from beyond mind and body? This voice is a vibrational energy presence that manifests through the brain. Therefore, are these occurrences of the mind? Indeed, the majority of people think and believe that these are strictly mind reactions. 


Most certainly the mind interferes, thus can influence the voice within you. Nevertheless, know that how you interact and respond to this mind feedback decides how you live. Likewise, do you sense something that is beyond mind interaction or manipulation? Yes, the mind diverts your focus to a thought or feeling. However, the presence of your being acknowledges something more in the background of your life experiences. Your practice is to awaken to the depth of your person within a conscious presence of being. This is the evolution of consciousness that is individual and equally universal, both are one. Continue reading

Bugs and Insects Everywhere

I observed a bird hopping through the grass searching for something to eat a few days ago. The bird does what we do each day in an evolutionary and fundamental manner.  Survival is instinctive… as is true for all animals, plants and people. Thus, a bird eats bugs, worms and basically anything that is digestible. Of course, species evolution differs between birds and humans in various aspects. And yet, the two, as well as all species, are more alike than is apparent at first glance.


Are you self-conscious? And, if yes, do you think that self-consciousness provides you with advantages? Well, on the contrary, self-consciousness is a psychological side-affect that adversely influences living within unconditional presence. Let’s use the bird to illustrate this idea. Bugs and other insects are everywhere. And, yet, from time to time a bird will attempt to catch something to eat and miss. What does the bird do after it fails to catch a bug? It continues hopping in the grass without any self-contemplation or self-doubt until the next insect appears. On the other hand, what do you often experience when you miss the bus or can’t complete a task? Self-consciousness, overthinking and conditional behavior overwhelm you with confusion, self-doubt and fear. Thus, evolutionary development of cerebral functions such as self-consciousness and classical conditioning inhibit our aware presence.
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The Matrix of Life Is Your Wish and Your Design

Many people enjoy watching the Matrix trilogy. The Matrix story portraits a world of illusion. And, the movies suggest that life is a type of mental hypnosis and computers control our existence. Nevertheless, let’s consider an underlining message that is not immediately obvious. We actually experience a life of mental illusions due to our unaware observation of living. And, yes, there is a matrix within the universe and life. Accordingly, universal energy is within the flow of life. This energy vibration manifest through and around all objects. It connects everything. However, most people disregard the vibrating frequencies within the universal and the manifestation of life. Thus, most people are not willing or able to acknowledge their role in the flow of universal energy and life.


The Matrix of Living Life Weaves What You Create

You design and influence a matrix in each second of your existence. This is true for all objects within the vibration of universal energy at some given level. Furthermore, whether you experience living from a mentally hypnotic or fully conscious state of being is your choice. Realizing that you have a choice is a fundamental step in acknowledging that you are the co-creator of your experiences. Continue reading


Bucket, Water and the Life that Flows

The bucket I use for house cleaning recently became the focus of my awareness. Hence, conscious presence flowed through me as water in a stream. Likewise, conscious presence becomes obvious to everyone on occasion. This happens when we are in the moment beyond boundaries of mind and body. Yes, an object, such as the bucket I use, will offer a portal to presence. However, any thought, feeling, person or thing is only the jumping off point to active awareness. Thus, practice the acknowledgment of unity and tranquility that flows from you as the source of your beingness. Nothing in your mind or surroundings can give you conscious enlightenment. Presence is a state of being. And, our beingness should flow without biasness, attachment or dependency.


Conscious living is not something we do. Rather, we are the beingness of being. It is beneficial to deeply realize that conscious awareness flows from you. Or, it doesn’t. Here also, your state of beingness determines the energy that flows. Therefore, influences how you live life. No other person or thing can give you conscious presence. Continue reading


Life! Now Is the Time to Be You

Unawareness usually hides the beauty of life from us. Typically, we assume to be conscious throughout most of our activities. At least, this is what the mind tells us with countless thoughts and emotions. Thus, the mind uses a type of deception to convince us that we are conscious of living. This is not the actual truth. Our consciousness is a mind-made consciousness. And, this false sense of being restricts us. This is not the true consciousness of being alive.


Consciousness is awareness in a state of presence without attachment. Each person’s length and level of awareness varies. Still, the majority of people never really experience unconditional aware presence. And yet, these same individuals stand in the doorway of consciousness. But, they don’t acknowledge the significance of consciously living. Thus, most people cannot identify with the dimension of conscious beingness. Still, we often experience moments of aware presence.  Furthermore, instinctively we feel that an inner release (peaceful presence) is within our grasp. Then the world comes crashing down on us. Just as we were on the verge of letting go and jumping into the bliss of unconditionally living. Nevertheless, it is possible to realize the true essence of your beingness within aware presence. Continue reading


Try Your Best or Maybe Not

It is important to understand that achieving all that the universe has to offer us means exactly what it implies. You are not here to determine what is best for yourself and what is not. Although, everyone tells you to try your best. And, the mind assures you that what you want is what you should get. However, this is not exactly true. Yes, many ideas and wishes can and will come true. That’s because these are co-creations that originate in a state of aware presence and not from illusions of the mind.


We may believe that the fulfillment of certain goals come from hard work, determination, or even luck. But, this also is not completely true. Of course, these endeavors may contribute to the achievement of existence activities. But, they are not actually the deciding factors in fulfillment and inner peace. Continue reading


Veil of Fear that Confuses You

It seems forever since I observed a tree leaf sailing so gracefully to a stream below.
The summer had been so warm, the days so long.
How long has it been since that moment in time?
Was it one year, ten years, or was it just yesterday?
The mind casts a veil of fear that is so confusing.
Time can be so misleading, ever so fragile.
Not real, and yet, seems so tangible.
And, yet, life as a boy seemed so simple back then… or was it?


No, not really.
Life truly understood… is neither nor.
Life just is.
However, I sat next to a stream in the forest each day.
Somehow, lost between here and there.
The water flowing just as life flows.
Life and the stream seem everlasting.
And, so I often sat just watching the water flow by.
Life bubbling from the water.
Curiosity occasionally caused me to toss a stone in the water.
The mind always asking why.
But, more often than not I just sat.
I was oblivious as life flowed by. Continue reading


Soup of the Day and the Life You Live

No, contrary to the title I am not opening a restaurant that offers a soup of the day 😊. Instead, I do wish to share an experience to serve as a signpost on the path of your conscious awakening. Why does the mind always want more even when there is no need for more? Here I am referring to more of anything. I learned a beneficial lesson in conscious living though the simple act of preparing soup.


It began many years ago. I participated in bodybuilding, marathon running and mountain climbing. My diet always varied slightly and offered needed supplements and food groups for these activities. I experimented with low-fat recipes and discovered a soup mixture that gave me the needed carbohydrates each day. I often prepared noodles with herbs and cheese. And, it always tasted different depending on the type of herbs and cheese. This is always a delicious meal.

However, there came a day when I started to add more ingredients to the soup. I can now say that, in hindsight, it is clear to me why I added new ingredients to the soup. I was not present. And, I was not aware of my beingness within the moment. Thus, I was not aware of the mind’s insistence to get more. This may sound too easy when expressed this way. But, life is simple and easy. This is equally true for the experiences we have in life. Our existence would readily harmonize with life if we were more aware of living within presence. Continue reading

Calculate, Delegate and Consolidate Beyond the Mind

Are we dependent on the mind? And, does the mind have the ability to truly calculate the depth of our conscious interaction with life? Did you answer these questions with a yes? That’s fine if you did.  After all, the mind calculates. That is what it does. Therefore, the mind analyses and, in its own interest, tells you to say yes. However, let’s attempt to consciously step beyond the mind.  And, in the same moment also be aware that the mind is still there. It sounds confusing but don’t let thoughts manipulate your state of conscious being. Acknowledge that the conditional mind is like a box. Therefore, let’s use the cliché go outside the box. To illustrate conscious presence.


Indeed! How would it be to live beyond the limitations of the mind. Recognize that it is possible to consciously live and still use the mind. Imagine how it would be to fully live without the mind interfering. Continue reading