consciousness quotes

128 posts

Lucky Penny: This Is Not Enlightenment

The quest to reach enlightenment is similar to a 16th century quote. Oh! What a tangled web we weave. (Marmion: A Tale of Flodden Field, Walter Scott) And indeed there is still a lot of confusion about living in a state of conscious awareness. Mind conditioning has mostly dominated our existence. Thus, people often consider the search for enlightenment to be a quest. Still more prevalent is our behavior regarding this illumination. Many people compare conscious awakening to finding a shiny lucky penny.


So what happens when you find a penny? Mind conditioning tells you that it will bring luck. This is a fantastic discovery because the worth of a penny is nothing compared to the luck within it. At least this is what the mind thinks. Thus you hold the penny tight for fear of losing it. And you dream about the wonderful things that are going to happen. People proclaim that everything will be different (better) because of the shiny piece of metal. Continue reading


Thoughts about Thinking Can Hurt You

You think too much. It seems that you are always thinking. Meanwhile the process of conscious awakening as begun. But you still can’t stop thinking. Friends, books, and spiritual teachers tell you to stop thinking. And still the thoughts rattle around in your head. You try to meditate. Enlightenment is your wish. However, trying to stop thinking only causes you to think more. Oh, the misery! These excessive thoughts are dreadful.


What can you do? How do you stop thinking? The first two conscious steps correlate directly to these questions. First step. Practice “doing” less. Thus, you will automatically do more and be more. Second step. Realize deeply that you can’t stop thinking. No one can stop thoughts. They are the result of a thinking process. The brain is a biological organ. Sadhguru once said that trying to stop thinking is like telling you liver or pancreas to stop working (paraphrase). This is something we can’t and don’t wish to stop. Continue reading


Choppy Water: You Can Alleviate the Turbulence

My youth was very turbulent. At least, this is what the mind had convinced me. Still, I am very thankful for all situations. Everything was and is as it should be. Additionally, all experiences are beneficial to the conscious awakening process. I recall sensing something at a very young age. The essence of life, of being, were calling for me to awaken. But, I didn’t grasp the significance of this until I was much older. There were years and years when I choose to suffer instead of accept the calling from deep within. I had chosen to make choppy water by resisting the flow of life.


There is a lake that I had often visited in my youth. Reflecting on such experiences is beneficial as an analogy during the conscious awakening process. Likewise, we can use this experience for our discussion topic. High Point Lake is one of many places that I visited as a boy. And, in hindsight, I know that it was these experiences that nurtured the connection I (we) have with life. The analogy that we will use is between choppy water and our thoughts. Continue reading

Doubt Nothing and Be Everything

How often does doubt influence your experience of life? But, isn’t living enough? Granted, this is a philosophical question. But, uneasiness caused by mind details contaminate the simple act of being. Doubt is (a feeling of uncertainty or lack of conviction and to fear and be afraid) as defined by the internet dictionary.  The mind tells us that living is very difficult and complex. Whereas, it is as easy as being and living. More importantly, it is helpful to acknowledge and accept life. Let’s say it this way. Either you are or you are not. Hence, this simplifies everything. You are and you know it through the awakening of object consciousness.



Nonetheless, a few mind-generated details do have a relative purpose. Still, the majority of thoughts, even emotions, are insignificant. We don’t need them to experience life; ultimately speaking. But, they are there and that is okay. Living in an awakened state does not mean to ignore or resist our thoughts. Instead, we can and should accept these mind activities. But, not over-dramatize and not become attached to them. This practice would be consciously beneficial to living in harmony with life. Continue reading

Awareness Nurtures Conscious Living

It is each and every person’s choice to change or not. Are you ready? You only need to let go. Acceptance is the key. It may be very beneficial for us to focus on the flow of life. This, in turn, would open the portal to presence. What is holding us back? Generally, most people believe that deeper consciousness is only reachable through hard work and sacrifice. Still, there are others that think it is unreachable. It is an individual and collective mindset that cause these assumptions. A deeper level of consciousness often instills images of magical powers and or lengthy meditation practices. It is the over-active story-teller within the mind that conjures up these illusions. Whereas, it will gladly portray a universe of illusion and impossibilities. Realistically there are two stepping stones that can initiation deeper awareness.


The first is not really a step. It is the awakening to the limitless simplicity of consciousness. Thus, we will experience true presence. This awakening process often involves different levels. Every person will experience various stages at different intervals. There is no right or wrong in the process. But, it is beneficial to acknowledge that the process has begun. What follows the initial awakening? This is usually based on a shift in how a person observes his or her thinking. A change in perception/focus will develop as a person actively remains within the awakening process. Continue reading


Law of Attraction: Around and Around It Goes

Almost everyone has heard of the law of attraction. But, is it only a spirituality cliché or does it hold true merit?

“The law of attraction is the name given to the maxim “like attracts like” which in New Thought philosophy is used to sum up the idea that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts a person brings positive or negative experiences into their life. This belief is based upon the idea that people and their thoughts are both made from “pure energy”, and the belief that like energy attracts like energy.” – Wikipedia


Hence, the law of attraction is an interesting phenomenon that very likely occurs in any and every moment. You attract what you focus on.  Whether you know it or not. The energy you release is what will return to you. We and all living organism are the catalysts. Still, a life-form with a higher level of object consciousness will influence universal energy more than a life form with less. Likewise, there is a further benefit relating to higher object consciousness.  It offers the possibility to actively observe how this energy influences this dimension. The very fact that we can be aware of consciousness allows us to experience the results of the law of attraction. Continue reading

Raining Cats and Other Illusions

You may be familiar with the adage It’s raining cats and dogs. This describes an intense rain storm. Likewise, we can use this to illustrate the heavy shower of our thoughts. This mind-made downpour can saturate and literally drown object consciousness.


How do we deal with this turbulent storm of raining thoughts? We usually sit in a rescue boat constructed of similar thoughts. However, the mind tells us that you will escape the rain by clinging to a particular thought. Nevertheless, these toss us back and forth like waves on the water. So, what do we do? The raining storm continues. A shower of thoughts is soaking us. We sought shelter in a boat made of them. Oh no! It looks like we are going down with the ship. Continue reading


Leaf in the Wind: Gliding with Life

Have you ever watched a leaf gliding through the air? The changing of the seasons, especially autumn is experienced in many parts of the world. Leaves, for example, will fall from the trees during the transition from autumn to winter. Furthermore, there will be leaves to rake and this is when many people are especially vulnerable to specific mind games. A few of which are why must summer be over? or why do the neighbors tree leaves fly onto my lawn? etc. The conditioned mind is especially active.


Nevertheless, we have a deep innate bond with nature. However, this relationship is put to the test, especially during this time of year. This is because one leaf after the other is flying through the air. Therefore, as a result, people start to complain. It is as if nature is suddenly our worst enemy. The mind does not what to accept the change in season. It generally has problems with any change that occurs. Continue reading