Monthly Archives: August 2022

4 posts

Box of Thoughts and a Life Beyond

Let’s consider a practical exercise that can eliminate excessive mind chatter. We use terms such as boxed in and living in a box to express anxiety and frustration. Instead, let’s use these expressions as stepping stones to conscious living.


A box, of your own making, surrounds you each day. Thoughts and even emotions confine you within the box’s walls. You might think that the exercise I mention implies restricting thoughts and emotions. However, and foremost, you can’t stop the mind from thinking. Therefore, your practice is to do exactly the opposite. Acknowledge deeply that the majority of thoughts and emotions don’t honestly reflect the actuality of this moment.  Additionally, the act of simply being is a priority for consciously living regardless of the content within the mind’s box. Therefore, let’s focus on how to practice thinking in the box. But, experience the isness of life and your beingness outside of the box. Continue reading


Complexities and Our Sense of Being

Life is a mystery. At least, this is what the mind tells us. Therefore, this unknown mystery is one of the mind’s many complexities. And this is ongoing, since the dawn of our self-consciousness. Furthermore, the mind’s frantic attempts to rationalize hold us as a slave to its devices (behavior). Nevertheless, the practice of conscious awareness can elevate us far above the mind. There is one particular area relating to the age of conscious awakening that recently plagued me.

This use of the word plague indicates that I began to question my deep inner insight about the word being. This word signifies something that is. But, generally it is not possible to express beingness in words. Nevertheless, the other day, I began to question living and being. However, I didn’t so much question my existence as much as questioning my awareness to the explicit act of being. After all, being is an absolute.   


Our understanding of the word being is similar to other behavioral aspects in our existence. We concentrate more on the word or meaning of being instead of its actuality…simply and profoundly being. Humankind’s complexities result from a misinterpretation of living. This is a loss of inner acknowledgment and acceptance to the flow of life energy. Continue reading


Fulfillment Is Not a Goal to Reach

We may believe that fulfillment of life and certain goals come from hard work, determination, or even luck. But, this belief is not accurately correct. Our endeavors may contribute to the achievement of existence activities. Nevertheless, these are not actually the deciding factors in the experience of fulfillment.


We can verify this insight through the example of people who try their best. And, still nothing seems to go right. This is also why a person who seems good and deserving doesn’t receive anything. Consequently, this good person may actually experience hardships, sickness, and even premature death. Why do we consider this to be unfair? The reason is because our expectations and desires are almost always from the level of thoughts, ego, and emotions. However, the things a person wants, but doesn’t get, were never his or hers to receive. This is where the conditioned path and mind behavior can cause great disorder in our interactions with life.

Everything comes from a flow of unmanifested energy, no matter what we might otherwise wish to believe. Nonetheless, the mind dominates and insists it knows what is best for us. Mind manipulation is apparent in our behavior, especially in unaware people. However, decisions based on the mind are only from the level of our existence. We plan and work to reach goals. Yes, relatively speaking, this is typical for our species. Nonetheless, our endeavors are entirely irrelevant in terms of conscious living. Therefore, as a conscious individual, you acknowledge human aspects. But, you remain anchored in a state of being that is conscious of itself. I am here and now! Interrupt thoughts and emotions constantly with this simple realization. I am. Still, ego and a conditioning mind demand that we place importance on thoughts and emotions. Nevertheless, this is just an illusion. Continue reading


Self-dissatisfaction Is Only About You

Everyone is familiar with how dissatisfaction feels. But, what causes this dissatisfaction? Self-dissatisfaction causes annoying behavior such as frustration, sadness and anxiety. Is there actually a difference between one type of dissatisfaction or the other? Perhaps, the mind attempts to exactly label and define these behavior characteristics. Nevertheless, there is ultimately no differentiation.


Let’s view self-dissatisfaction has a core imbalance within you. This dissatisfaction smothers like hot underground lava building up pressure before an eruption. This is the outcome of any discontentment that might surface during thoughts, emotions and experiences. Each person, and not external influences, are either the cause or cure for any annoyance. You probably don’t want to consider this as a possible truth. Nevertheless, it all comes down to you and your observation of living life.

A fire of self-dissatisfaction consumes an unaware person. This dilemma is due to a lack of conscious awareness to the universality of being.  Forget religion, beliefs, science and superstitions. There is nothing religious, magical, mystical or scientific about being and the oneness of life. Yes, the mind conjures thousands of possibilities in an attempt to explain your existence and living. Nonetheless, why do you insist on defining or clarifying the act of being? Isn’t it enough to simply be alive? Continue reading