Monthly Archives: July 2020

6 posts

Salvation or Enlightenment! Why Do We Search?

We strive for a predetermined salvation. It is the mind that self-imposes behavior and thinking patterns onto our experience of life. Thus, we willingly and unwillingly play the role of a fool. We must not suffer. But the mind tells us that to reach redemption requires sacrifice and suffering. However, thoughts, beliefs, and suffering, are solely mind based misunderstandings of how to live life.


After all, we are the source of everything we seek. Correspondingly, we are and always have been a part of the totality. Still, we fear and hate in addition to many other conditioned factors. Thus, we search in the hope of finding redemption. Now, let’s focus on the word enlightenment. However, as we have often discussed, remember that words are only words. Therefore, let words, definitions, and beliefs only have a practical purpose for you. These signposts can be beneficial on your inner path. Nonetheless, they are only signpost and no more. Hence, salvation is a product of the mind. The experience of living and being conscious is beyond words. Continue reading


Stillness Prevails When You Are Ready

We believe enlightenment needs stillness. Therefore, consciously awakened individuals desire silence. But, this search causes a paradox.  It is a pursuit that often causes expectancies and demands.  This is because of our need to place labels on everything. Obtaining enlightenment through stillness is one such label. So, we expect and demand tranquility as a prelude to the experience of enlightenment. Hence, this behavior causes a thirst that we usually cannot quench. But, silence is always prevailing. Being still is perhaps the most natural act of being. There is a slight whisper of stillness in the background of every person, every situation and every moment. Nevertheless, we must first learn how to experience it, unite with it, and essentially become it.


A movie scene depicts a massive tidal wave approaching the shoreline. The clock is ticking and danger is everywhere. The hero stands together with the woman that he loves. The camera zips between the tidal wave and the two people. The hero must jump over a gaping crevice, fight the bad guys, and jump in an airplane. He must do all this while carrying the woman that he loves. There is only a moment before the huge wave crashes into the shoreline. The water will completely devastate the land and destroy everything in its path. Continue reading

Dream and Share It Together as One

This is a poem to hold within your heart, to cherish, and share. It is the experience of life. It is a dream that is real. You will remember when you let go and live beyond the mind. It will become clear when we meet there as one.



Childhood seems so far away.
The years, it would seem, have been many.
But the dream remains, tattered but never swayed.
A scene composed of orchards, fields of green, lakes and rivers. 
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Heart Flow: Life Is Eternal and so Are You

Heart flow is a way to express the union of human consciousness with universal consciousness. Nevertheless, acknowledging, accepting, and allowing are prerequisites for this unification. How long have you been alive? Primarily, as a manifestation of life, you are ageless. Secondarily, as this object manifestation called you that comes and goes.  You are outside walking in nature. Suddenly, the fragrance of blossoming flowers fills the air. Something shifts in your state of being. You experience something that is much more than just the smell of flowers. Is this just your memory? Or, has your conscious essence awakened to the eternity of being?


Factors, such as memory and even conditioning, play a role in how we experience living. Still, we innately know that there is more to living. It is the space beyond mind that unites us with life. So, what does our heart flow tell us in a moment of awakening? We acknowledge living through the observation of object consciousness. But, who is observing this awakened moment? Universal consciousness. This is the essence of our being. Continue reading


You Are a Butterfly Gliding in the Wind

The evolution of humankind marks a milestone in self-conscious development among objects in the known universe. We began this journey as babies looking to the sky. Moreover, we were, perhaps, the first known species to ask why? We have struggled and fought with this self-realization. However, to what end? It would seem that we continue to overlook what we have always known. The origin of life lies deep within us. Furthermore, we are a manifestation of this mystery. It is everywhere, all around us. The recognition and acceptance of this vibrating essence will release us from a self-inflicted suffering. You are consciously awakened and aware. Now it is time to spread your wings to fly as a new born butterfly.


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Free Floating Beyond the Mind Using Your S.O.S.

How can we be fully conscious and still have a partnership with our mind? We can illustrate the simplicity of free choice through the following insight. Let’s use the abbreviation S.O.S. as a point of presence. And no, s.o.s. does not mean Save Our Ship in this discussion. Rather, these letters are stepping stones to presence as we move beyond the mind. Therefore, in any situation, we should observe the relationship between our self and the experience. S.O.S. is your life preserver to aid in floating above turbulent mind-created waves of thoughts and feelings. This exercise is useful as we learn to calmly float through life without assistance.


It is a complicated world. My life is so complex. Do these comments sound familiar? We desire enlightenment but claim it is impossible to reach. We think and believe that we are literally, what we think and believe. Conditioned living causes these repetitious patterns. We are not in touch with our true essence. This is nothing more than a human evolution inflection. Furthermore, everyone and especially sensitive people are more susceptible to these behavior side effects. But, it is just a mind-game. Moreover, we can be free of this mental reaction pattern.  Actually, it is very simply.

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