Monthly Archives: February 2024

3 posts


Is Your Experience of Life Dull or Bright?

Thoughts and emotions place filters over aware presence making life seem so dull. Thus, this mind domination obscures conscious awareness. A person looks at the sky, a tree or a bird.  But, usually, what a person sees is a mind filter interpretation. Thus, a reaction or behavior within a person causes this type of stimulus to deceive and confuse. Therefore, this type of mind behavior prevents a person from realizing the true essence and actuality of any given experience. 


On the other hand, realizing your true potential as a conscious being is a useful stepping stone to enlightenment. Words, such as enlightenment and insignificant details mesmerize the mind. Hence, the mind attaches itself and your sense of being to everything you experience. But, please don’t let the mind dominate your sense of presence with insignificant details. Otherwise, these details overshadow the act of aware beingness.  This insight and our topic discussions, to illustrate, refer to conscious illumination and mind dependency liberation. You are the manifestation of one-self (presence) as an isness that has the potential to be universal through non-attachment. And, more obvious, you are the non-self (Buddhism: Anattā) of being, equally, through non-attachment. Continue reading


Patterns of Behavior and the Act of Being

Active awareness provides us with opportunities to consciously awaken. This transition is occurring in more and more people. And, letting go of strict patterns of behavior nurtures the manifestation of conscious energy. In other words, the universe is awakening to the potentials within itself through your conscious beingness. Likewise, living in conscious presence offers you harmony and fulfillment. You will see yourself, others and the world as new and brilliantly alive with opportunities. Thus, the benefit of an aware state of being becomes more and more prevalent during any given experience. Therefore, awaken to your influence on the energy within this space of is-ness, of beingness. 


Nevertheless, a conditioned mind thrives on repetition.  The mind’s behavior easily imprisons a person that lives in an unaware state of being. And, these mind patterns falsely impose duality into our experience of life. Please, just pause for a moment and consider the absurdity of the mind and its misinterpretations of living. Being is universal. Life, is a flowing energy vibration within the act of being.

Therefore, awaken to the literal power of creation that is available within your beingness. We often use home to express the essence of this universal energy. However, the birth of each person signifies a false journey that supposedly will return us home. Instead, let’s express our existence as the acknowledgement of being without significance on a beginning or end. Still, the mind’s illusions of a specific path or purpose in life overshadow how we live. This manipulates and restricts the unification between our being, the flow of life and conscious expansion. Continue reading


Try Your Best or Maybe Not

It is important to understand that achieving all that the universe has to offer us means exactly what it implies. You are not here to determine what is best for yourself and what is not. Although, everyone tells you to try your best. And, the mind assures you that what you want is what you should get. However, this is not exactly true. Yes, many ideas and wishes can and will come true. That’s because these are co-creations that originate in a state of aware presence and not from illusions of the mind.


We may believe that the fulfillment of certain goals come from hard work, determination, or even luck. But, this also is not completely true. Of course, these endeavors may contribute to the achievement of existence activities. But, they are not actually the deciding factors in fulfillment and inner peace. Continue reading