
25 posts


Look Within, Without, and Beyond

Do you wish to take a closer look at yourself? This is easier than you may think. Look at everything surrounding you. What do you see? Furthermore where you are and what you are doing is of no true importance. You are actually observing yourself. You and the self are in everything. This refers to you as a person. This is the mental, emotional and physical aspects of being. And this refers to the self that is universal. Ultimately both are one and the same.


We usually experience mind energy resulting from mental, physical or emotional aspects. Additionally there are behavioral factors. Assumptions, beliefs, judgments, fear, and ego are the result of mind conditioning. Thus the mind uses these as reasons for labeling and defining everything. This occurs because we only mentally see something. Continue reading

Appreciation of Life: It Is Your Responsibility

There are truly many forms of appreciation. A few examples would be sharing a smile, helping someone in need or giving someone a compliment. I wish to offer my appreciation to everyone and everything I have encountered throughout my existence. The interaction with my mind had once caused me difficulties and confusion. Not to mention, conflicts that arose with people and situations. It seems so long ago in hindsight.


These difficulties resulted from unobserved thoughts and emotions. Furthermore, this occurs in everyone as a consequence of a conditioned mind and ego. The ego has an insatiable appetite for power and control. Likewise, this behavior also deters awareness to the flowing rhythm of universal energy. These are the perils of human existence which we face on a daily basis. Still, it is possible to literally appreciate everything; irrespective of the labels. Continue reading

Loving to Live and Living to Love

There is something to consider about unconditional love from the level of human existence. It is important to differentiate between our species interpretations of it and its actual source. Loving unconditionally may be possible when we base our existence from within life consciousness and not species consciousness. However, there seems to be a need to use a belief, religion, and or deity to obtain true unconditional love. Must we really nurture mental illusions based on assumptions, beliefs and even science to experience it unconditional?


A key to experiencing unconditional love is in the total acceptance of it.  We should not expect that it conforms to our species demands and desires. An object-based love is usually conditional. It will remain this way until we are willing to step outside of the mind-imposed boundaries. We have always attempted to instill these existence boundaries on life. This could explain why we have mostly remained in a state of conflict throughout our existence; both personally and collectively. The conflict is only within us. Conflict does not come from the universe or life. We and only we are responsible for this conflict. We often take loving and living for granted. Continue reading

Answers but What if There Are None?

We constantly switch back and forth between asking questions and expecting answers. Furthermore, it is in our natural to be curious. This is what we do and have always done. We ask questions and we search for answers. People, this is to say, the personal and collective mind are there to tell us stories and illusions.


Therefore, we usually seek answers based on our experiences. However, many are based solely on assumptions, thoughts and beliefs. Consequently, these cause conditioned behavior to develop. Hence, questions and answers are often fabrications that transpire throughout the tapestry of our experiences. These are the result of traits such as creativity, thoughts, emotions and ego. Furthermore, these traits; among others, are contributing factors in our relentless need to ask questions and expect a reaction. However, this usually originates in the mind and has nothing to do with living in a state of presence. Continue reading

Expectations: What Do You Want?

Expectations are based on thoughts and emotions. These are, in other words, products of the mind. This determines how we react to a situation. However, an expectation depends on clock time to exist. It can only thrive when you are not aware of living in presence. The acknowledgement of this moment will render an expectation obsolete. Nevertheless, it is still possible to desire something and even focus on its manifestation without the expectations. This probably sounds somewhat confusing. Please allow me to continue.


The mind is occupied with memories, assumptions and beliefs associated with a non-existent past or an equally non existent future. Therefore, we seem to remain separate from this moment. It is a means to an end in our attempt to reach the next moment. Expectations or fear usually cause this type of conditioned behavior. Continue reading