
67 posts

This is the Wellness category for www.steveleasock.com that considers topics about body, mind and spirit.


Allow Life to Flow and Just Let Go

Count the number of situations for one day that you don’t like. The total number might surprise you. Your boss gives you a task that you do not like. There is a traffic jam on the highway that angers you. You must wait in a line to pay for your groceries. It seems impossible to simply allow and accept. So, the list of things you don’t like goes on and on. Still, from time to time, there is a moment when everything is just right. Then, at least for this brief interval, you are happy. Or, at least this is what the mind tells you.

But, true happiness and satisfaction never really come. Thus, dissatisfaction comes again one minute later. Why? Mainly because you attach yourself to any, and everything. And, you expect and demand. Instead of accept and appreciate. The majority of people do this daily at some level. On the other hand, how would any experience change when you just allow and receive whatever the situation holds?


Allow and acknowledge the isness of this moment. Trust me when I share with you that this is the simplest act of living life. All discomforts, barriers and suffering fade away. Hence, you discover a calm spaciousness during any thought, feeling or situation. Likewise, spaciousness and stillness are possible in any situation, regardless of the details. This is the feeling of coming home. This dimension is where the true self resides. Let’s reflect on this insight during the remainder of the article. Continue reading


A Peaceful Easy Feeling Is Your Choice

What is at the top of your list of wishes? Not all, but most people will say that they desire peace and blissfulness every day. Nevertheless, these same individuals then say that a peaceful easy feeling is an impossible dream. Really? Why is harmony and balance difficult to experience? You are the only obstacle that prevents happiness and calmness. I realize that it is difficult to take responsibility for your unhappiness and suffering. It is much easier to point the finger at someone or something. Nevertheless, such unconscious behavior is fuel for a conditioned mind. And, your choice during any situation determines how you live life. 


What daily practice can you use to become the active observer of your life experience? Firstly, accept everything. Sound impossible? Okay, the mind has taught you to deny and question almost everything you experience. But, must you behave in such a manner simply because the mind tells you? No, definitely not. Furthermore, acceptance is the easiest step to reaching a peaceful easy feeling in any situation. Trust me, there was a time when I also could not accept many situations. This contaminated my experience of life. Oh my, yes, it was so easy to avoid the responsibility for my state of presence. Everyone and everything were responsible for my uneasiness and anxiety. It seems very surreal in hindsight. Continue reading

Reach Out and Consciously Touch Someone

Does this statement sound impossible? The mind will tell you yes. But, please don’t believe everything the mind tells you. And, never take the mind too seriously. So, can you consciously reach out to someone and unite? Yes, you can. Furthermore, this happens every moment. And, yes consciousness connects you with everything. So, it is obvious that consciousness is not something that is here and then fades away. This reference suggests that consciousness is not similar to a temporary thought or emotion that comes and goes.  Instead, consciousness manifests through your state of active awareness to it. Energy is the basis of this flowing process. This energy is ongoing. And, vibrates beyond the limitations of mind, space and time.


Therefore, you always share a conscious bond with everything. Similarly, this vibrating dimension is always there, whether you are aware of it or not. Furthermore, your level of aware presence can influence the flow of this energy.  Unite with this energy. And, just let it continue to flow. Acknowledge this flow and the result is an exponential expansion of pure awareness. Thus, you literally reach out and unite with the part of you that is within everything. Continue reading


Do You Embrace Life or Push It Away?

The word embrace offers a signpost to conscious awareness. Do you wish to live in balance and harmony? If yes, then welcome life with open arms. This gateway can offer a clearer understanding of life and living. This is a practical stepping stone in moving beyond mind limitations.  Nevertheless, the majority of people are anxious and fearful in daily activities. We cover-up anxiety with superficial and temporary distractions. Therefore, mind and body are always nervous with little or no genuine inner stillness.


But, mind-generated energy seeks a way out. Thus, this energy flow affects your interactions, whether personal or collective. And, the point of focus determines your life experience. So, please practice using the word as a signpost to the space that is beyond the mind. Your center of conscious attention is the gateway. I personally practice using the word embrace during various activities. Years ago, I came to realize that I almost always practice this in my experiences. An example of this would be my philosophy on weather conditions. I always embrace any weather condition, regardless if this is rain, snow, hot or cold. I literally consciously hug the heat or cold that I experience. Again, and again it is fascinating to observe how my state of conscious awareness benefits from this exercise. Continue reading

Are You Too Serious About Everything?

Everything seems so serious. True, any given moment might involve a situation that needs attention. All of which seem so real and often very serious. Likewise, we use rigid values as guidelines in all we do. William Shakespeare summarized our behavior well in his play Much Ado about Nothing. People fanatically complain, overreact and cause commotion over insignificant details.  Occasionally, such behavior might have a practical purpose that is, at best, temporary.  Furthermore, this can restrict our conscious awareness. Thus, limits our life experience.


So, often we view life as a collection of events that are quite serious. Nevertheless, let’s reflectively consider if everything is as earnest as we think.  Our level of conscious awareness decides everything. Therefore, an unaware person is quick to agree with any thoughts and beliefs. On the other hand, a consciously aware person is likely to objectively observe everything with non-attachment. So, it is feasible to suggest the following. The seriousness of any given situation doesn’t result from the details within the moment. Instead, we attach complexity to everything due to our interpretation. The interpretation derives from mental reactions that initiate due to conditioning factors.  This imposes a sense of significance onto situations that are actually insignificant. But, everything is as it is in any moment. This is true, regardless how we interpret something. Continue reading


Slow Down and Just Take It Easy

Do you remember a moment that went on and on forever? This is a moment when everything is just right. It doesn’t happen often for most people. We think of it as a chance occurrence. Furthermore, we assume that such a moment has no significance. Nevertheless, aware presence offers a perspective without mind, body and time restrictions. So, indeed, a moment of conscious awareness is very significant. You don’t believe what I just wrote? Great, because consciously living life isn’t about believing or thinking. Presence is about being in this moment. And, everything will seem to slow down. Do you realize the power you yield through your awakening to conscious living? Concepts, definitions and labels lose significance as you tap into a conscious state of living.

“True Power is within, and it is available now.” – Eckhart Tolle


Still, the mind screams out. It tells you that a conscious state of being is useless. This statement is legitimate when seen strictly from a mind restricted perspective.  Things happen ongoing. And, here also, the mind screams to you in non-acceptance of a situation, person or even its own thoughts. But, the mind fails to realize living life doesn’t depend on any fabricated details. The details of the moment are of mind. But, the moment itself, also known as presence, is, regardless of the details. Acknowledge this deeply. And, you will always live outside of the mind-made box of concepts and limitations. Continue reading

The Grey Zone We Call Life

Active awareness is available to us. However, let’s be honest with ourselves. We basically live neither here nor there. The following article illustrates our tendency to stay within a grey zone. So, please sit in silence. Become aware of the background clutter within this moment. But, don’t attach yourself to these distractions. It seems difficult. Nevertheless, try. Surprisingly, you might discover that insignificant details congest 99 percent of your now experience. What does this mean? This suggests that what the mind deems as real is only conceptional and unrelated to the essence of this moment.


A state of conscious being has nothing to do with the content of this moment. This may sound confusing. Nevertheless, confusion and fear arise easily in this grey zone. It is a place that seldom offers long-term satisfaction and fulfillment. And, it often holds us captive in a limbo state of existence. What does this featureless area mean in relation to consciousness?

Firstly, a conditioned mind causes a lack of conscious awareness to the mind’s activities. You might insist that you are very aware of the mind activities. But, actually, thoughts and emotions congest awareness. Thus, it might appear that you are aware. But, you are only aware of the manipulative details of a given moment. Awareness to the moment itself, is different than the distractions that come and go. The grey zone is an existential structure resulting from a lack of depth and focus in our conscious awareness. Furthermore, this pattern of living has become the standard in our daily experiences. So, do you wish to change how you live life? Then, ask yourself the following question. Continue reading


Touch Yourself and Feel the Miracle

Firstly, this article is not about sex. 😊 The following shared insight is also not actually about miracles. So then, what do I wish to share with you? Do you realize the significance of being you? Please do not allow the mind to convince you this question is about temporary details of your existence. You are not special because you have a specific career, an expensive house, or an enormous ego. And, you are no less a person because you don’t have these things. Instead, your profound greatness is the simple experience of being you. Accordingly, I ask you to touch yourself on the cheek or arm. Acknowledge the true essence of this experience. You are. The realization of yourself is the gateway to the totality of being. Thus, touching your hand to cheek is not merely a physical phenomenon. You are, straightforwardly, aligning yourself with the universe.


The act of conscious awareness is the doorway to a self-realization that is beyond all details of this existence. Here also, I wish to assure you that this is not nonsense/ philosophical gibberish that I share. But, we often become confused about our true nature. The mind induces this misinterpretation. Nevertheless, you are not your mind. Rather, it is you. And, now is the time to remind the mind who’s boss. So, again, please consciously touch your hand to cheek. Awaken to the sensation of absolute beingness. Consider this awareness to be a state of being alive, if the last sentence is too philosophical for you. Continue reading


Caring Is a Double-edged Sword

The message that I would like to share is about human beings and our knack for caring. The fact is that so often we do care even when we think or say I don’t care. Unfortunately, we submit to a strange behavioral ritual when confronted with situations involving what we define as caring. These reactions are largely due to ego, emotions, and even intelligence.


I don’t care! Do you recall how many times you have used or heard this sentence? We don’t realize it, but we use it quite often. I remember pondering on these three words when I was a teenager. It has always been a sentence that sticks in my throat. Still, these three words offer us much. A willingness to openly and consciously go beyond the mind to experience living offers conscious enlightenment.

When I write this, I am referring to the true intent behind the words. Words are only words. Still, it is interesting to know how we feel and observe what is beyond the words. What are we really feeling in such a moment? It is logical to surmise that from time to time we really do or don’t care about a particular situation that is unfolding. This is not what I wish to examine. I wish to suggest it is possible that when we say I don’t care what we really mean is I do care. Continue reading


Anxieties Crawling Near and I Am Afraid

Thoughts and emotions overwhelm you. You are tense and fearful. But, strangely, you are sitting under a tree in the sunshine at that moment. Therefore, your anxiety is about something that might happen, could happen, or should happen. So, this fear is a mind illusion. Not real. But, it seems so real. Memories and thought patterns attempt to invoke a non-real scenario onto this moment. Everything was wonderful. But, somehow crawling anxieties of the mind manipulate your sense of being.


This reaction is similar to seeing a huge threatening spider crawling toward you. You are unaware of anything else except this supposed threat. This unawareness of the mind causes you to react instead of respond to a situation. Realize that there is a difference between react or respond.

Can you recall such an experience? It, referring back to something ominous crawling toward you, can interrupt your state of presence. This manipulates and can even restrict a person from experiencing the spaciousness within presence.  Mind behavior generally initiates a sequence of reactions within an unconscious person. And, an unaware person is oblivious to mind activities. Continue reading