
67 posts

This is the Wellness category for www.steveleasock.com that considers topics about body, mind and spirit.


Try Your Best or Maybe Not

It is important to understand that achieving all that the universe has to offer us means exactly what it implies. You are not here to determine what is best for yourself and what is not. Although, everyone tells you to try your best. And, the mind assures you that what you want is what you should get. However, this is not exactly true. Yes, many ideas and wishes can and will come true. That’s because these are co-creations that originate in a state of aware presence and not from illusions of the mind.


We may believe that the fulfillment of certain goals come from hard work, determination, or even luck. But, this also is not completely true. Of course, these endeavors may contribute to the achievement of existence activities. But, they are not actually the deciding factors in fulfillment and inner peace. Continue reading

Day after day details of our existence distract us from the aware presence of our being.

Details and More Details of Our Existence

It is true that any individual cannot truly change the behavior of another person or the details of a situation. However, it is possible for each person to change his or her perspective in each moment. It is very difficult for the mind to accept any given moment at face value. Nevertheless, conscious enlightenment shines through when a person acknowledges the simply act of being in this moment. Your state of being is as it is and not as the mind tells us.

Life is more than the details of our existence.

The mind tells us stories and details constructed from memory, interpretation and expectation. But, usually nothing is as the mind tells us. Thus, the mind establishes a storybook of our existence. And, the pages of this book compile daily through unawareness to this mind behavior. A person that unconsciously lives carries a heavy burden. We carry personal and collective demands, expectancy and countless insignificant existence specifics that are completely insignificant. But, actually being and accepting our existence within the flow of life is different than what the mind tells us. Do you often feel fatigue, frustration and anxiety? This dooming darkness of calamity results from not consciously observing our relationship and partnership with the mind.  Thus, personal and collective baggage fills the minds colossal storybook. Continue reading

Symbolizing Life Restricts Actually Living Life

It is true that any individual cannot truly change the behavior of a person or the details of a situation. However, it is possible for each person to change his or her perspective in each moment. It is very difficult for the mind to accept what happens in any given moment. The key is to realize that each person determines the outcome of his or her life experience. This unfolds simply through the observe of living. I cannot write or say the following often enough. Your relationship with the mind is capable of changing everything. Not the mind itself, but simply through your aware relationship with it. This determines how you interact with the mind. And, how you observe the mind, yourself and any situation regulates the consequence (flow) of any thought, feeling or manifestation.


On the other hand, symbolizing details of your experiences, other than for basic practical use, restricts aware presence. Thus, the manifestation of presence flows in parallel with our energy output that is either conscious or unconscious. Likewise, we use symbolization to create illusions of living and loving. Wiktionary.org offers us the following in reference to symbolic representation. Symbolization is the unconscious mental representation of one thing by another. Therefore, use of a symbol is also an attempt to resolve assumptions, questions and interpretations of how we live. Symbolizing structures our life experience so that it is more familiar and recognizable in accordance with a thought or feeling. Continue reading


You Owe It to Yourself

Have you heard this statement before? Let’s look at the following idioms from a spiritual perspective. Many people insist that someone or something owes them. He or she owes me. Life owes me. Or, even commonly said. The universe owes me. Let’s look closer at this last phrase. What does the universe own you? The majority of the populace expects a reward or a type of payback. But, for what? Furthermore, and Likewise, isn’t it you and I that owes the universe for our existence? Nevertheless, the universe and life don’t expect any reimbursement. Still, the bottom line is that the universe and life owe us nothing.


However, do you owe yourself? If yes, then what? Acknowledge the beingness of your person. Correspondingly, realize the depth and significance of your essence as a universal being. It is beneficial to know that you don’t need to do anything, other than to be yourself. This suggests not trying to be someone or something different. Consequently, you don’t need to try to do this or that. It is enough to just be. Your isness, without attachments, offer an unbiased acceptance of being, regardless of any temporary details within the act of living. Continue reading

A Lesson in Conscious Awakening

Conscious awareness anchors you in active presence. And, everything offers you a lesson as you walk the inner path of self-discovery. Thus, the benefits of conscious presence become obvious as you awaken more and more during everyday interactions. Conscious awakening and shifting from thought-based living to conscious living often seems overwhelming, even impossible. However, this only seems difficult until you are able and ready to release yourself from the mind. Please understand, the mind needs you. But, you do not need the mind. That is to say, your conscious beingness is an extension of universal energy without thought or emotion.


I share two personal examples below as examples of universal energy manifestation resulting from my influence on this flow. You, I and everyone either consciously or unconsciously observe the manifestation of universal energy. Likewise, I assure you that you have constant influence over your life experience. You will know everything differently once you shift to consciously observing your interaction with life. Conscious awakening is a lesson in unconditional living. Therefore, the acknowledgement and active observation of how you live offers you spiritual enlightenment. Continue reading

The Insignificance of Our Thoughts

Terms such as self, human, or being are actually irrelevant. They ultimately mean nothing. These are only definitions and labels that our creative mind fabricates to categorize what we insist on interpreting. This is part of the evolutionary course of our mental development. We live from the mind. And, this is what we do. This does not mean that it is good, bad, right, or wrong. I am spelling this out with the hope of awakening an awareness in you that is beyond the mind. Acknowledge that there is an insignificance within your mind activities. This does not necessarily mean that we should not do what we do. We are human beings; what we do is part of existing as this person now.


Nevertheless, have you ever heard the statement: Being in the world but not of it? The Bible and many other writings dating back thousands of years share this wise insight. This is basically saying that we are now human beings in this world. It is okay to accept this form, but we do not need to be only this form with all its behaviors and tendencies. It is possible, through the level of our species’ consciousness, to witness the mind development (dilemma) that we impose onto the true conscious self. Continue reading


Autonomy as a Stepping Stone in Life

Typically, we dissect our experiences in attempts to categorize something as good, bad, right or wrong. However, let’s stretch our horizon to engulf the unconditional totality of living. Yes, a million and more years of evolution overshadow any given experience. And, our species interaction with life is mostly a redundant series of mind-induced behavior repetitions. Nevertheless, we have the potential to experience life in a conscious state of autonomy. This word recently fascinated me. The word itself in reference to psychology is useful as a further stepping stone on our inner journey of self-discovery.


Autonomous derives from the Greek word autonomos where auto means self and nomos means to govern (Wikipedia). Therefore, let’s use the word autonomy as a portal to a life of active, conscious presence. How do most people behave in reaction to daily activities, especially in difficult or stressful situations? Everyone wants to go off the grid and live on an island. Likewise, what is the predominant dream of people around the world? Everybody wishes for prosperity and freedom to live according to their desire. But, this desire is usually in accordance with a given societies image of success and happiness. However, there is a deep-rooted flaw within such attempts to find peace and salvation. What is this painted image of illusion that makes us dependent on the mind in the hope of finding happiness? Continue reading


Patience on the Path of Life

Let go and just allow. This sounds so easy. However, to simply flow with life and to just live is difficult for most people. And, this resistance is the result of a million plus years of mental and emotional barriers that suppress conscious awakening. Thus, most of our behavior is repetitious with slight detail alterations. Our unawareness to these mental processes keeps us in an endless loop of uncertainty, frustration and often fear. We can express this conditioned state of being as follows. We do not really know how to do what we do any other way then how we do it. Just for fun, repeat the last sentence three times really fast. 😊


Let’s determine a common ground. Letting go is not truly difficult when you practice active patience. However, a given level of conscious awareness is beneficial. Additionally, the experience of serenity is an inner experience and not an outer activity. We can illustrate the unity of conscious awareness with any experience through the following examples.

Firstly, focus on being and not wanting, having or doing. Primarily because the isness of your being is everything. You place your hand in cool water. How does this feel? A consciously aware person becomes the water in that moment through the act of unconditional being.  Another example is walking through a field. You smell wild flowers and reach out to caress the nearest flower. The conscious beingness within you knows that essentially you are this flower. Ultimately, the act of being and knowing encompasses the moment without needing to think about the experience. Therefore, any thought or emotion within here and now is unnecessary baggage that the mind attaches to the experience. Continue reading


Depression and Mind Repression

The world suffers from a state of global depression. I reflected on depression after a recent email correspondence. There are the medical aspects of depression. A person can experience unhappiness and anxiety due to biological factors that are genetic and chronic. Nevertheless, the majority of people experience self-inflected misery. This behavior irregularity undermines a person’s state of being. The assumption is that situations and people cause us despair and sadness. And, there is a tad of truth to this statement strictly from a practical viewpoint. Thus, most people are likely to believe themselves to be the thoughts in their head. A person will literally lose his or her true identity due to influences of the mind. 


Hence, depression results due to unconscious reactions in daily experiences. A disoriented person misinterprets thoughts and emotions as something that defines them. However, another person, a thing, a thought or situation cannot truly express your state of beingness. The expression of life that manifests through you is your responsibility.

Let’s use the following example to illustrate. There is an accident. You experience bodily harm. The ailment or injury is real. There is pain. Are you the pain that is felt in that moment? No, of course not. The pain is strictly of the body. Therefore, whether you have anxiety, frustration or suffer is your choice. Continue reading


Mirror, Mirror on the Wall Who Am I?

The mirror from the story Snow White is well-known to most people. The evil queen wanted recognition as the fairest person of them all. And, this behavior suggests that the queen had gone mad due to what she saw in the mirror. But, the evil queen did not see her true self. Neither, with or without a mirror. Furthermore, what she saw in the mirror was strictly of the mind. These mind interpretations obscured the innate presence, stillness and beauty within the queen. The queen’s dilemma happens to us each day because we look but do not truly see.


Okay, let’s expand on this topic. What happens when you stand in front of a mirror? What do you see? You probably answer this question with the obvious answer that you see yourself. This is what the mind has taught you to see, think and believe. Nevertheless, I ask that you look beyond what the mind’s interpretation of your reflection. Therefore, look deep within yourself. Likewise, use the reflection of yourself strictly as a passage to the inner self. Now, ask yourself again. What do you see? Realize that there is a depth to your beingness that is not obvious at first glance. Continue reading