
36 posts

Homeward Bound Is not a Journey

You innately know the essence of this moment. And, you instinctively sense the pulsation and flow of living in this moment. But, the mind distracts this state of awareness. Nevertheless, is it accurate to say that you are a conscious being living now. Thus, you are the isness of now. This acknowledgement and acceptance allow conscious awareness to flow. Let’s use an example to illustrate. What is your state of being when you take a bath or swim? You are in water. However, how often are you deeply aware that you are in the water? Presence is the stepping stone that unites you and the water. Furthermore, this is an undeniable state of being in relation to all experiences. This realization allows your homeward journey to unfold naturally.


Living from a state of isness to this moment releases you from the mind. Accordingly, your partnership with the mind will improve. Thus, you more efficiently use the mind to understand existential experiences. The mind’s domination over your life experience will lessen. Hence, you will focus on conscious awareness and the manifestation of this moment. There is no need for magic, science or religion to be presence and live in the isness of now. It is literally as easy as standing in front of a mirror and to deeply accept your beingness. This is a transcendence experience within the totality of presence. And, this is your true home. Continue reading

Flow with Life and Embrace the Way

Let’s start this article with a simple exercise. How does it feel to embrace something or someone? This experience is a helpful stepping stone as you awaken to consciousness. Is embracing something or someone strictly a physical experience? There is much more to this interaction. Everything transfers energy. Likewise, holding something or someone is the sensation of sharing at various levels. However, the essence of this unified energy is constant. Only the frequency alters, depending on an object’s acceptance or resistance to this flow. 


Now gently embrace yourself. Consciously go beyond the physical stimulation. Thus, you equally allow awareness to expand. Visualize the drift and manifestation of energy. And, don’t guide or influence this energy. Simply acknowledge the flow and let it drift along. Likewise, recognize that you are a vibrating part of this universal movement. Embracing your physical body enhances aware presence. Accordingly, the mind loses influence over your state of presence as you flow with this universal life stream. Continue reading


Realize Consciousness and Know the Mind

How do you regard the title of this article? Firstly, please recognize that the words are only and always just words. I often refer to words, symbols, thoughts and emotions as signposts or stepping stones to our inner universe. So, attempt to visualize the title statement as a stepping stone. And, with practice, you acknowledge the insignificance of the words or detail, other than as stepping stones. This is a step-by-step pathway. Thus, our state of presence shifts more and more to conscious awareness with each step. Likewise, every situation or moment offers the potential to realize the endless depth of our inner journey. This is the path of self-discovery beyond mind limitation.


Therefore, to know something is to perceive or understand what you experience now. We can illustrate this in the following insight. Be aware of awareness and know you are aware. Hence, you realize consciousness in its essence. Additionally, conscious realization benefits the relationship between you and the mind. Suddenly you observe the mind work efficiently without any interference to your aware state of being. Consequently, you will experience thoughts and emotions for what they are and nothing more. Henceforth, the spaciousness of conscious presence becomes your permanent home. You will still experience everything. But, conscious living allows clarity, balance and harmony to thrive. Continue reading


The Recognition of Your Beingness

Life is, we are and the universe is. Still, we tend to interpret everything, differently than what it is. But why? There is no need for interpretation, definition, or evaluation. Nor, is it actually possible to explain these mysteries.  So, won’t it be much easier to just experience life and love. Consider this. Focus on the nothingness beyond established details and structures of the mind. Life and love are on the other side of everywhere and nowhere.


So, practice living live in acceptance and appreciation without the need for thoughts, emotions or things to fulfill you. I assure you that these things will not give you everlasting balance, harmony or bliss. Nevertheless, too often we live strictly from the mind. Thus, the mind restricts consciousness. Self-consciousness overshadowed by the mind inhibits access to universal consciousness. Thus, conscious awareness is a process of recognition. Continue reading


Is Your Mind Astray?

More awareness to your presence in this moment allows consciousness to thrive. Let’s say it this way. Your awareness of awareness offers spaciousness in any situation. Universal consciousness then manifests through the mind and self-consciousness. Thus, the mind, with all our characteristics, can and will relearn and gradually trust this field of universal energy. Nevertheless, the mind still leads us astray.


Conditioning dominates our behavior. Therefore, the mind, through no fault of its own, continues to manipulate our conscious awareness. The mind overshadows self-consciousness. Yes, our self-consciousness awoke with the potential to unite with the universality of life. But, we quickly fell back into a deep sleep, consciously speaking. Continue reading


Harmony Is at the Foundation of Beingness

We all want peace. Don’t we? This desire lies deep down at the root of our essence. Harmony and unity are within the universal blueprint. The essence of stillness is Synchronicity. Let’s call this ground zero or simply a state of being. Therefore, an inquiry into the underlying nature of this universal vibration is consciously beneficial in our life experience. Still, this topic is perplexing to the mind. Thus, please use the following insight as an exercise in conscious awareness beyond the mind.


It is unlikely that life or consciousness implores universal objects to find peacefulness. However, a simple state being automatically generates a universal blissful rhythm. Then along comes countless objects forms that also produce vibrations at different levels. I can understand if you choose to debate this insight. After all, conditioning causes the mind to resist simplicity. Of course, there are many viewpoints and perspectives that reflect a person’s mind-made code of conduct. But, let’s focus on that magical something beyond mind details. Non-manifested stillness is at the core of your being. This is inner peace.

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Live Aware Within the Frequency of Life

Many people may believe that consciousness is not possible without the mind. What do you think about this idea? (Yes, that was a trick question.) It would be more accurate to ask: What does the mind think of this idea? The brain is a biological organ. This is, in many ways, an entity in itself. Then there is consciousness. Consciousness at some level has perhaps always had a frequency of presence about it. Consciousness is a source of perpetual possibilities for any life-form that has become aware of it. Therefore, let’s focus on consciousness. Why we always associate object consciousness with the mind is not important for our discussion.


The significance lies in the knowledge that there is the brain and there is also consciousness. The mind exists and consciousness equally exists, whether in a more self-consciously developed life-form or not. Both the mind and consciousness are there even without one knowing about the other. The two are, however, intertwined. This is true whether a life-form is aware of consciousness or not. Although a butterfly is not actually mentally aware of consciousness, it swims in a frequency of energy within a field of object and universal consciousness. This holds true for everything, doesn’t it? We can conclude that although the two appear to be separate as two entities, they are actually one. Continue reading

Labeling Love Causes Us to Forget Loving

We started to define our experiences after reaching a given level of self-consciousness. Labeling life and love became a necessity based solely on unconscious conditioned behavior. Love, among other characteristics, became an obsession. It captured our desires and fantasies. Most likely we then became confused, anxious, and fearful of it. However, stubbornly we continually interpret it, define it, and then at some point redefine it. This clearly indicates that the detail content of love overwhelms us. Thus, we have difficulty in doing the obvious. To love unconditionally and to receive love unconditionally.


This is in reference to the mind’s relentless insistence on complicating life and love. Both are simplistic in their essence. However, we insist on labeling both with countless interpretations. We build intricate assumptions and belief structures to validate our existence. Nevertheless, our deep desire is to openly love and care and to receive love and care. But often doubt and fear overwhelm us. So we depend on the mind to tell us about life and love. Do we wish to continue this mind servitude? Or are we willing to let go and live and love in harmony with ourselves, others, and the universe? Continue reading


Non-attachment Gives Us Universal Freedom

The world is changing. You, me, everyone, and everything are changing. It often seems too much. We spin in circles but don’t seem to move. Likewise, silence and equilibrium seem to remain just out of reach. Oh, there are brief seconds of tranquility. And, we experience a moment of blissful harmony on occasion. Still, our desire is to live enlightened in life. Well, guess what? Living in harmony and balance is possible through the practice of non-attachment.


Does tiredness, anxiety, and even fear plague you each day? Does it seem that everything is too much? Stop being the puppet and reclaim your birthright as a being of universal proportion. Practice embracing the pulse of life that flows through you. Yes, life energy manifests through you. However, this does not mean that you will not encounter difficulties. There will be health problems and other issues. After all, the body is impermanent. Furthermore, these situations are details of living but are not life. You can be the bliss that you seek. Just let go and be. Continue reading


Acceptance Is the Way to Harmony and Balance

Acceptance is difficult for most people. Furthermore, it seems we receive or achieve something that we had wanted and then we don’t want it anymore. Mind madness is perhaps the best way to describe our actions. This is the mind and the complex behavior that is mostly a result of conditioning. This conditioning keeps us from allowing life energy, in whatever form, to manifest. Oh, everything will unfold. It happens. But, we express resistance to countless thoughts and things each day. But, life manifestation has nothing to do with personal or collective gain or loss. It is about harmony and balance in our being.


Moreover, you have the potential to rise above the cloud of mind confusions and illusions. There is a space of uncontaminated, fundamental energy always available. The mind is a marvelous human attribute and basically only needs a reset. This is because it has become entangled in its own web of thoughts, feelings and ego. Acceptance is an acquired state of being. Still, allowing and letting go will change everything. It will be incredible to observe that the only thing that really changes is how you observe yourself. Continue reading