consciousness quotes

127 posts


Unconscious Living with a Dominate Mind

But what if this happens or what if that happens? Should I do this or shouldn’t I do that? Such thought behavior patterns are prevalent in daily activities. And, the eventual mind-reaction to most situations. The mind induces this conditioned reaction mechanism into our experiences. Whereas, an unconscious person has no influence over the mind. So, an unaware person accepts thoughts and feelings as reality. This happens even if the thought or feeling is harmful to the person’s state of being. Let’s consider the following questions. How do thoughts affect an unconscious person’s body and state of being? Likewise, do thoughts influence the vibrating energy of everything. On the other hand, does the energy output of a consciously aware person also stimulate how and what manifests?  


I can share a personal experience with you to clarify and illustrate these questions. A recent situation offered me clarity as I consciously observed my state of being. This allowed me to experience, first hand, the difference between thought influence or presence awareness. Cleaning is meditation for me. Hence, I enjoy it very much. The other day a moment of blissful freedom overcame me during the cleaning. (This blissfulness is always available for us. And, we can become more and more attuned to this energy vibration.) I share this with you as a call to action. Focus on such a moment when you are aware and let the feeling of presence engulf you. Continue reading


Mortality and the Mind Quest for Eternity

This one eternal moment appears to structure a framework of hours, days, months and years. This is, however, an illusion. We can only experience anything now. And, this moment is not to give or take.  Being is. Thus, presence is being the isness of now. And, how you experience presence is your choice. You decide. Nevertheless, mind-created concepts such as mortality invokes fear. Why? Because the mind bases everything on concepts of time, matter, and space. And, the mind attempts to entrap us within these thoughts, definitions, and labels.


The mind conjures up many scenarios about our existence. Whereas, the mind depicts impermanence as bad. But, what if it were possible to go beyond mind-generated thoughts of mortality? Instead, let’s envision the eternity within this moment. Our conscious awareness of presence is the gateway to this vibrating realm of energy. 

Yes, of course, there are ailments of the body. And, any life-form is also susceptible to injury or death. Nevertheless, this is the unfolding of a nature occurrence. This is what it means to be an object of life. However, being is the simple act of being. Nothing more and nothing less. Being is not being happy, healthy, sad, or sick. But, the mind insists that to be means you have to be something. So, our practice is to focus on conscious presence. Instead of mind intervention. To be is enough. Everything else will fall into its nature order. Continue reading

Time Is a Foolish Game So Stop Playing

Time reflects your specific interpretation. Is this not evident in all aspects? How you view the inner universe decides everything. This allows us to reach for feats of grandeur. But, on the other hand, this phenomenon can restrict conscious awareness evolution. What is the deciding factor? Naturally, it is you. Your observation of the mind and inner universe determines what manifests. Likewise, a conscious understanding of what and why something manifests offers clarity and serenity. Acceptance is the key. The superimposed rules of time, for example, mean nothing. We create such things and we can just as easily do away with such manipulations and restricts. Of course, these guidelines have practical and relative use for us. But, do not benefit a conscious state of being.


Everyone is probably familiar with sayings such as time flies when you’re having fun or beat the clock. But, let’s consider something. Why does time fly or how do we beat the clock? So, we are solely responsible for creating these personal and collective illusions. And, the mind is indirectly responsible for this behavior. I use indirectly to suggest that the brain is simply doing what it does. However, each individual is responsible for becoming conscious of the minds demands and conditioned behavior. Continue reading


Live Aware Within the Frequency of Life

Many people may believe that consciousness is not possible without the mind. What do you think about this idea? (Yes, that was a trick question.) It would be more accurate to ask: What does the mind think of this idea? The brain is a biological organ. This is, in many ways, an entity in itself. Then there is consciousness. Consciousness at some level has perhaps always had a frequency of presence about it. Consciousness is a source of perpetual possibilities for any life-form that has become aware of it. Therefore, let’s focus on consciousness. Why we always associate object consciousness with the mind is not important for our discussion.


The significance lies in the knowledge that there is the brain and there is also consciousness. The mind exists and consciousness equally exists, whether in a more self-consciously developed life-form or not. Both the mind and consciousness are there even without one knowing about the other. The two are, however, intertwined. This is true whether a life-form is aware of consciousness or not. Although a butterfly is not actually mentally aware of consciousness, it swims in a frequency of energy within a field of object and universal consciousness. This holds true for everything, doesn’t it? We can conclude that although the two appear to be separate as two entities, they are actually one. Continue reading

Complicated Mind Lost Within the Simplicity of Life

It’s complicated! How often have you either used this expression or heard it said? These complications seem to appear in not only relationships but in all aspects of our daily activities. However, is our existence, the universe, and life really that intricate?

Did you answer with yes? Okay, but let’s reflect on this topic before we so eagerly assume that everything is unbearably difficult. This type of mind conditioning usually causes us to view the universe as a place of countless complexities.


But, is life, love, or any detail of our existence really that complex? There are situations that warrant our attention. This is unavoidable for a life-form living in a universe with other objects. However, it is the mind that infests the moment with random thoughts and emotions. The mind is usually the master that dominates, and conscious awareness is the servant. Whereas, it should be the other way around.

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Peace Is not a Place to Find

You can’t travel to a place called peace. Please, don’t even try. And, you won’t find it by looking, wishing or hoping. Peacefulness is, just like presence is presence. Likewise, enlightenment is enlightenment. These are one and the same. And, your state of being is not something you have, either you are it or you are not. (This last sentence is a useful stepping stone to conscious awakening.) So, what happens when you walk into a forest on a spring day? Strangely enough, 😊 you often relax and feel peaceful in the forest. But, why? Ask yourself these questions in such a moment. Am I being peaceful? Or, do I just think I am peaceful? There is a profound difference between thinking and being. Active awareness to the latter allows you to simply be peaceful and live in enlightenment.



Additionally, ask yourself these questions. Do I always think/feel happy when I walk in the forest? Furthermore, and importantly, must I first walk into the forest before I can relax? Foremost, how you answer the second question will reveal your overall state of being. Furthermore, ask this question. Am I always thinking and dreaming about how to be peaceful? Continue reading

Blossom Just Like a Flower in the Spring

The unfolding of any person’s conscious awakening process may first involve illness or hardships. But a person free of sickness or financial burden may also become enlightened. Either is fine but not a prerequisite to experiencing conscious enlightenment. Life does not take sides or evaluate an object due to existential merits. It will happen when you are ready, or it will not; you decide. It is as simple as falling off a log; life is there to blossom through you.


Do you wish to join in its celebration?

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Separation: Why Do We Feel so Alone?

Evolution in terms of society and technology contribute greatly to our separation from each other. Furthermore, humankind has grown deaf to the voice of unity. This separation illusion is ongoing. We, mostly unknowingly, separate ourselves from the universe. Equally, we generally disregard the flow of life energy.  We think and believe, that there is something greater out there waiting for us. We actually think that salvation is something we must reach. But, don’t let the mind fool you. enlightenment can only be here and now. Please consider letting go of worn-out dogmas that tell you otherwise.

“Nonetheless, our species has developed into a conforming conglomerate. We believe the path to salvation or enlightenment will always be difficult and involve many sacrifices.”


Where and when did this misconception begin?  We pass this behavior down from generation to generation. So, what about object consciousness? Well, the mind mostly dominates our human consciousness. This humanizing process starts from birth and usually increases as we get older.  A stagnation develops that stops the flow of universal conscious energy. Thus, we degenerate from a pure universal conscious being to a mind conditioned human. Continue reading


Life is not a Goal to Obtain

Do you think life is a goal to accomplish? Well, life is life. It sets no merits, guidelines or predetermined plans for us. Furthermore, universal intelligence has no divine plan.  Life most certainly does not want us to follow a certain path. Therefore, live life and keep it simple. Likewise, there are no prearranged stepping-stones on the path of life.


Being human offers no certainties. There are none. Nevertheless, we insist that there is a purpose for each of us. This is naive. Life does not have a purpose for us or anything.  However, all objects have a purpose; universally speaking. The universe experiences itself through the conscious awakening of any object. Hence, the search for a purpose is strictly human behavior. Being human mean having a purpose. Or does it?

A goal is a normal aspect of being human. But, this is only relevant for practical factors.  Life, on the other hand, has no such intentions. It simply is. Likewise, let’s consider the following suggestion. It is wise to flow with life energy consciousness and not against it. So, should we still make chooses? Yes, but practice making conscious chooses. Also, often it is best not to choose. Instead, just be aware and allow. Continue reading


Unification Through Conscious Awakening

It is possible to reestablish a harmonious relationship with life. We are co-creating in a unified field of oneness. We use the word Unification in many areas of our daily experiences, including spirituality. But what is the essence of this word? Stop now, before you start listening to your mind thinking about unity. This is not something to think about, assume, or even define. Let’s attempt the Star Wars Jedi Knight approach. This suggests feeling the life energy in you and in everything that is around you.


Live truly consciously in the moment and experience the unification that is already within and surrounds you. This is the way as taught by Lao Tzu and other sages. The body experiences energy impulses. It does not need to interpret what is there, nor does the body need to consider what it does. It simply does it. Life and universal energy manifest through the being that you are in this moment. A cooperative conscious aware state of being opens a direct portal. Hence, life-forms such as you and I freely communicate with universal energy. This is to say, when we are aware, acknowledge, and allow.  Thus, we become all things in a moment of true unity. Continue reading