Daily Archives: May 19, 2023

1 post

The Gateway to Your Home

Your deepest and purest wish is to return home. Isn’t it? Home, in reference to our conversation, illustrates self-discovery and self-being. You are looking for what makes you, you. A hundred things happen every day. And, usually, you react to each experience in a certain way. However, you usually don’t know why. But, your wish is to know. Thus, you search and search more for answers about yourself. However, through my own personal experience, I assure you the gateway to all answers reveals itself from within. The focus of your presence here and now offers stepping stones in self-reflection and self-realization.


So, let’s view the process of conscious awakening as hiking on a trail of your choice.  The path is the way in life that you choose. Yes, you read this correctly.  Please recognize that you are choosing the way, whether you are consciously aware or not. And, your ultimate wish is to return home to the true self of your being. The conscious experience of the true self explains the who, what and why without the need to search for anything. Everything is already within you. Nevertheless, daily experiences often confuse and frighten you. Thus, distractions of the mind obscure the gateway to the inner self. Continue reading