
30 posts


Change How We See Ourselves

A change in how we live is unfolding worldwide. Living life consciously was not always obvious. A deafness has muffled the constant roar of life. Moreover, we often misunderstand how to live after the awakening of consciousness. This is because the mind experiences no satisfaction in being consciously aware. Thus, the mind keeps us looking. But, we will never find something that we already are in essence. Therefore, we use words as an attempt to explain the unexplainable. Spiritual sounds great. Spirituality even better. Enlightenment is at the top of the list.


But, let’s consciously and impartially reflect on what this implies. We consciously awaken. Great! But usually we then begin to think that we are spiritual. This type of thinking gives us temporary experiences of contentment and happiness. But, then the next thing happens and we become frustrated and unhappy. Furthermore, the mind then says that we have failed and are not yet spiritual. The mind will encourage you to continue reaching for enlightenment.

So, we go back to the spiritual drawing board in the hope of finding the cause for our failure. We think of what to do to be spiritual. There is always an expectancy that accompanies thoughts about what enlightenment means. I can let you in on a secret that is not really a secret. We will never know enlightenment by using the mind as a springboard to experience it. But, the mind is relentless. It is always very helpful in reviewing a game plan to reach spirituality. Continue reading


Focusing on Life: Are You Ready?

More awareness to life allows consciousness to thrive. Take a deep breath for a moment before the mind takes over. Focusing on life has nothing to do with daily details; mind or otherwise. Instead we are referring to object consciousness guiding our interactions with being alive. You have probably read/heard the following insight. Become conscious of consciousness. Consciousness will work hand in hand with the mind once the awakening process starts. Thus, the mind no longer dominates the experience of living. Yes, the mind will still function. And, the mind does this better than ever before because it has accepted the role of co-pilot.


Hence, the mind, can and will relearn and gradually trust this field of universal intelligence. The conditioned mind misinterprets life and manipulates or restricts conscious awareness. We never really overcame the shock initiated by the knowledge of our human self in perspective to the universe (self-awareness).

This is probably why the mind established its dominance over our state of being alive. We literally fell back into a deep sleep (consciously speaking) instead of self-awareness blossoming. The beginning of our evolution was an explosive array of human characteristic development.  This literally overwhelmed our newly blossomed consciousness. So, the mind overpowered consciousness and has dominated it since. But, more and more people are experiencing a change. Clarity, spaciousness, and creativity are blossoming as we experience true presence. Still, it is frightening for many people to let go and live beyond thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. However, the desire to be free of mind conditioning is reconnecting us with something deep within. Fear fades and we don’t take thoughts too seriously. Continue reading


Non-attachment Gives Us Universal Freedom

The world is changing. You, me, everyone, and everything are changing. It often seems too much. We spin in circles but don’t seem to move. Likewise, silence and equilibrium seem to remain just out of reach. Oh, there are brief seconds of tranquility. And, we experience a moment of blissful harmony on occasion. Still, our desire is to live enlightened in life. Well, guess what? Living in harmony and balance is possible through the practice of non-attachment.


Does tiredness, anxiety, and even fear plague you each day? Does it seem that everything is too much? Stop being the puppet and reclaim your birthright as a being of universal proportion. Practice embracing the pulse of life that flows through you. Yes, life energy manifests through you. However, this does not mean that you will not encounter difficulties. There will be health problems and other issues. After all, the body is impermanent. Furthermore, these situations are details of living but are not life. You can be the bliss that you seek. Just let go and be. Continue reading


Stillness Prevails When You Are Ready

We believe enlightenment needs stillness. Therefore, consciously awakened individuals desire silence. But, this search causes a paradox.  It is a pursuit that often causes expectancies and demands.  This is because of our need to place labels on everything. Obtaining enlightenment through stillness is one such label. So, we expect and demand tranquility as a prelude to the experience of enlightenment. Hence, this behavior causes a thirst that we usually cannot quench. But, silence is always prevailing. Being still is perhaps the most natural act of being. There is a slight whisper of stillness in the background of every person, every situation and every moment. Nevertheless, we must first learn how to experience it, unite with it, and essentially become it.


A movie scene depicts a massive tidal wave approaching the shoreline. The clock is ticking and danger is everywhere. The hero stands together with the woman that he loves. The camera zips between the tidal wave and the two people. The hero must jump over a gaping crevice, fight the bad guys, and jump in an airplane. He must do all this while carrying the woman that he loves. There is only a moment before the huge wave crashes into the shoreline. The water will completely devastate the land and destroy everything in its path. Continue reading


Free Floating Beyond the Mind Using Your S.O.S.

How can we be fully conscious and still have a partnership with our mind? We can illustrate the simplicity of free choice through the following insight. Let’s use the abbreviation S.O.S. as a point of presence. And no, s.o.s. does not mean Save Our Ship in this discussion. Rather, these letters are stepping stones to presence as we move beyond the mind. Therefore, in any situation, we should observe the relationship between our self and the experience. S.O.S. is your life preserver to aid in floating above turbulent mind-created waves of thoughts and feelings. This exercise is useful as we learn to calmly float through life without assistance.


It is a complicated world. My life is so complex. Do these comments sound familiar? We desire enlightenment but claim it is impossible to reach. We think and believe that we are literally, what we think and believe. Conditioned living causes these repetitious patterns. We are not in touch with our true essence. This is nothing more than a human evolution inflection. Furthermore, everyone and especially sensitive people are more susceptible to these behavior side effects. But, it is just a mind-game. Moreover, we can be free of this mental reaction pattern.  Actually, it is very simply.

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Is Life Obligated to You? Does Life Owe You?

Do these questions seem odd to ask? Still, we expect life to give us something every day. Whether we are aware of it or not. We demand that life be fair. We assume living means getting what we want. Yes, indeed! Life is obligated to do our bidding. You may say that I am generalizing and the majority of people don’t think this way. However, we all do, at some given level. It is, so to say, in our blood. Life owes us. But, life is not here to fulfill our desires. Or, is it?  


We must first burst this illusion bubble before we can truthfully answer this question. The origin and implication of this conditioned thinking started long ago (clock-time). But, when these expectations started is irrelevant. We attach ourselves to thinking patterns and belief systems. These dictate that everyone should live in paradise. Hence, Life has an obligation to give us the ideal circumstances to obtain nirvana. Thus, we are apprehensive about living. This causes us to await something from life. This is actually a self-inflected dependence. Continue reading


Seeking Life Is not the Same as Living It

Living life is to consciously be alive. The object through which life manifests is always changing. You cannot live if you are always looking for life. Seeking something can prevent you from actually experiencing it. Looking for happiness can result in you never truly being happy. This is true of living, loving, or conscious awareness.


This may be helpful insight for people seeking enlightenment. How is it possible to live in balance if we are always searching for something? Harmony is not possible when we keep playing a new song. Ultimately, there is one universal song of life. Therefore, experience it and dance regardless of the lyrics. The melody will change as you awaken. Continue reading


Thoughts about Thinking Can Hurt You

You think too much. It seems that you are always thinking. Meanwhile the process of conscious awakening as begun. But you still can’t stop thinking. Friends, books, and spiritual teachers tell you to stop thinking. And still the thoughts rattle around in your head. You try to meditate. Enlightenment is your wish. However, trying to stop thinking only causes you to think more. Oh, the misery! These excessive thoughts are dreadful.


What can you do? How do you stop thinking? The first two conscious steps correlate directly to these questions. First step. Practice “doing” less. Thus, you will automatically do more and be more. Second step. Realize deeply that you can’t stop thinking. No one can stop thoughts. They are the result of a thinking process. The brain is a biological organ. Sadhguru once said that trying to stop thinking is like telling you liver or pancreas to stop working (paraphrase). This is something we can’t and don’t wish to stop. Continue reading


Cry, Laugh and Always Share

We are 7.9 billion worldwide. You would think that it would be possible to learn how to come together as one race. Yet, this is not true. We are becoming more isolated because of this large number. This trend is increasing. Yes, there are caring and loving people. But, these individuals often choose to remain reclusive. Still, we do mingle. Moreover, we sometimes laugh and cry when we are together. But, sharing often remains on a superficial level. Especially, upon first meeting someone.


There are always the formalities. We are usually willing to tell someone our name, how old we are, where we work, etc. Naturally, this is fine. It is part of the human experience. On the other hand, this and other factors have kept us in a repetitive cycle. The mind (ego, conditioning) thrive in these surroundings. However, to the contrary, awareness to and expansion of object consciousness withers. Thus, the mind dominates. It reminds of us of previous situations when we experienced suffering. Continue reading

Dissolved Away and Became Nothing

What would it be like if mental and physical attributes suddenly dissolved away? Likewise, what would remain if you suddenly realized that you are not your thoughts or even your body? What are you if there is no longer any attachment to mind or body?


I recently observed universal enlightenment. This was after an experience whereby the mind had been dominating any conscious awareness to the present moment. I had difficulty remaining consciously aware due to repetitive thoughts about a situation that had happened on the previous day. Everything that had seemed to dominate the now literally dissolved away. Furthermore, I once again became aware of the simple act of being present in the now.

It was amazing to feel the spaciousness that seemed to flow in and around me. It felt like a waterfall of energy cascading and engulfing the present moment. The so-called problems that the mind had insisted were threatening dissolved away as I spontaneously became aware of nothing. Continue reading